Chapter 2

It was already dark out. The cool night oceanic breeze blew across my rosy cheeks with a few occasional sprays of the salty water. The sound of waves splitting beneath the ship and creaking wood was like music to my ears. Walking around on the deck was eventful enough. Sailors lifting heavy cargo boxes effortlessly while ignoring the chilly sea breeze had me both amazed and confused. Luckily, Abby had packed a woollen shawl which would keep me warm. But the amount of effort it would take to get back to my quarters. There would be leaning back and forth, dodging moving cargo etc. Also trying to keep my balance on the ship. Just some exposure to the cold wouldn't hurt right? I'll just deal with it and look for my father.

Upon looking for my father, I heard something rather interesting coming from his quarters. Pressing my ear against the door to hear clearly, I made out the few words of 'pirates' and 'burning ships'. I leaned in a bit closer but was suddenly tapped on the shoulder by Abby. "(Y/N), it's late already and is very improper for a lady such as yourself to be snooping!" She scolded, putting her hands on both her hips. I quickly put my finger to my lips, flustered and hoping he didn't hear us outside. "Shhh! I was uh..just going to..look for you!" I said, hoping she would just let go of the situation. Thankfully she did but made it clear she was slightly annoyed. "Come on. We should be in our beds by now." I slowly nodded, disappointed I won't hear the rest of the 'pirate' ordeal but happy I would soon be in the warm comfort of my bed...well bunk.



It was only a few hours before I was awoken by the loudest noise outside and painfully straining my ears. Sitting up panicked, I got out of my bunk and Abby did too. She had the most terrified look in her eyes as she struggled to think of how to protect me and her. BOOM!!! --- There it was again, that deafening noise. Abby jumped a bit and made me duck down and lay under the bottom of my bunk to hide. "Stay here! I'll go see what's happening!" She yelled, voice wavering. I quickly grabbed her hands...trembling, just as much as her entire body." safe. Also, I won't forgive you if you leave me here." She only smiled in return, somehow sad as if she knew what was going to happen. She ran out the door.

One minute passed then two,three,four, five and then the screaming. It would haunt my dreams for years to come. It seemed to last hours before coming to a complete stop. Heavy stomps grew closer followed along by maniac laughter. And then...THUD!

I quickly grabbed my mouth to muffle my oncoming whimpers and hitched breathing. Abby laid there, cold and lifeless with tear filled eyes and mouth full of blood. I stared at her in shock and disbelief, still trying to silence my tears and process my situation. The pair of boots that dragged her in stood there expectantly, almost taunting me to come out. He sighed in disappointment and nudged her leg with his foot. "That all you got little bitch!? I expected more fight from you!" the stranger yelled like a bored child who seemed to have just got a pathetic gift. He let out yet another frustrated sigh and began to rummage through the drawers beside my bunk.

I looked away from the visible pair of boots back to Abby's battered body. It was getting harder to breathe with my hands covering my mouth. I wanted to take a breath and started to slowly remove my hands but Abby shook her head slowly, almost unnoticeable. On the verge of sobbing, realising my best friend and protector was barely alive. I wanted to pull her in for a hug, let her know she'll make it. Abby only smiled and tears spilled from her lids down onto her pale cheeks, leaving wet stain marks.

"Nothing in here! Shit!" The man in the room slammed the drawers shut and stomped out the room. I must have waited for about 10 seconds before shuffling out from under the bed and let my tears fall free. Quickly grabbing Abby, I put her in my arms and supported her to sit up. I started to rock her gently while sobbing, she placed her hands weakly on mine and smiled slightly. "I'm gl-ad you'" I interrupted her strained speech by shaking my head. "You idiot! Why didn't you take me with you!?" I complained, still trying to keep quiet. She didn't respond and with her other hand, placed a bloody compass in mine telling me to go west. "I'm not leaving y-." It was all I could say before she went limp and soullessly stared behind nothing.

My throat tightened as I tried to silence my self from screaming and crying. Eyes sore from draining the dry of tears. Abby's blood sticking to my hands and clothes. A sickening smell of that man clung to Abby, musky and sweaty. It dawned upon me that he must've done more that just hit Abby till on the verge of death. He had with her vulnerable state out 'there'. This was hell. Swallowing my sorrows, I clenched the compass and shakily stood up. Realising I would definitely run into trouble, I took the knife Abby hid under her pillow...and forgetting to take with her at that time. I held onto it like my life depended on it. Well actually, it did.

Making my way outside to the deck, fire was everywhere and bodies of dead sailors practically swimming in pools of their own blood. I quickly covered my mouth to prevent me from vomiting by the sight and putrid smell of burning bodies, smoke and blood. All that I could clearly run through my head was 'west', just to go west and never look back. Maybe if I made it back home, the Queen would support me, seeing as her and my father are on good terms with each other. I was on my way to the longboats on the other side of the ship until I saw my father further up the boat, surrounded by eight men. One of which I recognised by his boots and that was all I needed to get my brain in overdrive.

Anger and adrenaline kicked in, knife in my tight grasp as I ran full speed to the man and stabbed him in the back. He fell to the ground, screaming in pain as I quickly got on his back and stabbed him again and again and again. The remaining seven men stared in surprise, along with my father, until one of them picked me off the other and locked his arms in mine with my back to his torso, dropping the knife in the process. I kicked and flailed my legs as I tried to get out of his hold, only for him to laugh at the obvious massive gap in strength. "NO PLEASE! THAT'S MY DAUGHTER! LET HER GO!" Hearing my father beg for the first time in my life made me panic. How the hell could I forget that these guys are dangerous people and here I am attacking one without a single care. When I realised what I had just done and how bleak my near future was looking, I started to hyperventilate and sweat profusely. Trying to get out of the mans grip to my father was becoming more and more impossible by the second as my limbs were starting to go weak with fear. I have never felt more pathetic in my entire life until now.

One of the seven men started to speak. "After what you're little girl just did to one of our friends, you can't expect any mercy from us...can you?" he said. His voice deep and full of sin. Clearly he was the most 'active' amongst the others. Another just laughed at his comment and added, "An eye for an eye. Life for a life!" the laughing guy cackled menacingly, running his dagger softly against my jawline. I gulped and forced my tears back, daring them not to fall, although my effort was worthless. Another spoke, "Meh, didn't like the guy much anyways. He was a sick fuck. I thank you lassy." He seemed more relaxed than the others...too relaxed if you ask me. Considering the amount of fire and dead bodies slowly being burnt on the ship and the lack of care he was scary. They must be the pirates my father was warned about! "L-let me g-go!" I strained my voice out, trying to sound fierce and brave but in reality it only came out as a broken whimper. The guy only smirked and tightened his hold of me, almost dislocating my shoulders. All I can say is that it fucking hurt!

"Jungkook! That's no way to treat a lady!" A surprisingly handsome pirate yelled. However, upon closer inspection he was covered in blood. Fear built on my face and I squirmed under the man he called Jungkook's grip. "Sorry Jin." he said sarcastically, instantly letting me go. Due to the stress and fear, my legs were like jelly at this point so I fell nearly face first to the floor. I scurried over to my father and hugged him tightly, despite him also being covered in blood. "Aww! One happy family reunion!" The slightly smaller pirate squealed, once again sarcastically.

A taller pirate wearing a large brown hat, decorated with a red feather (presumably the captain), spoke up. "Silence." His coldness and blood thirsty voice sent chills down my spine. Everybody froze as he walked up to my father and me with a cool demeanour. Swinging his long sword to gently lie flat under my chin to force me to look up at him. He then said, "Names Captain Namjoon. Now...who may you be, Princess?"


A/N: And chapter 2 complete. Imma just change this to a Namjoon x reader instead of bts x reader. Also merry chirstmas.
