Queen Megaera

Name: Megaera Lynn Schreave

Nickname(s) (if any):

Age: never ask for a woman's age!

Personality: a kindly woman who always sees the best in people, she is always optimistic and believes in people, she is a good person to talk to and is very wise, she radiates kindness and has a calming effect on people

Likes: her husband, her children

Dislikes: the thought of something bad happening to her husband or children

Strengths: she is optimistic and chooses to see the good in people, she radiates kindness and happiness, only wants the best for her children and for Illéa

Weaknesses: she can be gullible and susceptible to lies and deception, she can be blinded by love and not see how bad some people really are

Dreams/Hopes/Desires: for her children to find love and happiness the way she did, and for Illéa to have a great and prosperous future

Thoughts on the Selection: she thinks it is a wonderful idea since it helped her and Nicolas find love

Looks/FC: blonde hair, brown eyes; Gwyneth Paltrow

Favorite Place in the Palace: by the fountain in the courtyard where Nicolas proposed to her

Other: Megaera was a three and a teacher before joining the selection. She is from the province Fennley. She originally had her eyes on Nicolas's brother, Erik, but after Nicolas saved her from rebels, she fell for him

Played by: me!
