The Best Bf Ever

At The Man's Nest

Time:ย 4:30pm

Miles POV:

A/N: (Miles is on the left side of the Man Couch texting Carrie [aka Cave Kid as a normal human], Mika is on the right of the Man Couch on her phone watching cat memes, Bose and Ray are doing a push up war, Chapa is laying on Ray and Bose's backs while watching videos of criminal's mugshots, and Schwoz is hula hooping ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ”ซ)


Mika: *laughing* *stops laughing* "they're so cute!! Oop! That one fell!" *starts laughing again*

Ray: "I KNOW I'm going to beat you"

Bose: "not by a millisecond."

Ray: "I- what?"

Chapa: "my mugshot is better than his."

Ray and Bose: *they both stop push uping* "what?"

Chapa: "nothing. Uh.. keep push uping..!"

Ray: "I-"

Bose: "k!"

Schwoz: *hula hooping* "wooooo!!! Yahhhhh!!"

Mika: *looks over at Schwoz* "oh.. Kay.." *looks back at her phone* "AWHHHHH!!"

*giggles again*

Everyone except Miles: *stops what they're doing* "STOP GIGGLING MILES!"

ย *looks up* "sorry!! Jeez..!"

Everyone: *goes back to what they were doing*

Ray: *out of breath* "hey uh.. Bosey..?"

Bose: "yes?"

Ray: "can we.. stop now..?"

Bose: "sure.!"

Chapa: *gets up* "ugly mugshots.. heh.."

Ray: "okay.. on 3..2.. 1.." *he stops*

Bose: *does one more*

Ray: "BOSE!"

Bose: "what..???"


Bose: "oh.." *gets up* "I don't know.." *smirks*

Ray: "ughhhhh!! I thought I could trust you!!"

Bose: "you can!!"

Ray: "no. I can't."

Bose: "yes, you can..! I just did one thing! I promise this is my first and LAST time being untruthful.."

Ray: "you sure..?"

Bose: "yes..!"

Ray: "okay.. I'm sorry."

Bose: "I'm sorry too."

Ray: "I love you buddy.."

Bose: "I love you too Ray.."

Bose and Ray: *they hug*

Schwoz: "aww.."

Bose and Ray: *looks at Schwoz* *ends hug*

Bose: *sighs* "that was nice.."

Ray: "sure."

Bose: "where did Chapa go..?"

Schwoz: "right here!"

Chapa: *is hula hooping with Schwoz*ย 

Bose and Ray: *looks at Chapa*

Bose: "nice hip movement"

Chapa: "thank you..?!"

Bose: "you, are welcome!"

Chapa: *๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ”ซ*

ย *giggles again*

Chapa: *still hula hooping* "okay. That's it." *walks over to Miles while hula hooping still* "Miles.."

ย *looks up* "yes?"ย 

Chapa: "why do you keep giggling?"

ย "oh.. sorry.. I'm texting Carrie"

Chapa: "of course you are."

Mika: "why do you hate love??"

Chapa: *turns to Mika while hula hooping (still)* "if I hated love I wouldn't be with Bose. ALSO..! Me saying 'of course you are' doesn't mean I hate love."

Mika: "true.."

Chapa: *mocks Mika* "true.." *sucks teeth* *stops hula hooping*

Mika: "shut up."

Chapa: "no."

Miles: "anyway. We're going out tonight."

Ray: "oh ok"

Mika: "Aw! Nice!"

Bose: "sweet!"

Schwoz: "awhhh!!!"

Chapa: *๐Ÿ˜’*

Mika: "you jealous..?"

Chapa: "what. Why would I be jealous of Miles going out with Carrie..? I'm with Bose.."

Mika: "I know. You just don't seem happy for him."

Chapa: *...* "HE'S MILES!!!"

Mika: "AND???"


Miles: "wait. What?"

Chapa: *turns to Miles* "YOU HEARD ME!"

Bose: "sparky.." *walks behind Chapa*

Chapa: *turns head to Bose* "yes.."ย 

Ray: *walks behind Chapa as well* "that's a little mean.."

Chapa: *turns head to Ray* "well.. I don't care."

Ray and Bose: "oh gosh.."

Miles: "welp! I'm going to go get ready! Bye guys!"

Mika: "alright! Have fun!"

Ray: "don't do any weird.. stuff!!"

Miles: *walking to the tube* "you aren't my dad Ray.."

Ray: "STILL!"

Miles: *in the tube* "okay! Okay!! Down the tube!"ย 


At Six Poles's parking lot

(Miles car)

Time 6:00pm

Carrie's POV:

"This was fun..! Thank you Miles..!"

Miles: "you're welcome!"

"Uh.. this is not the way to my house.."

Miles: "I know..! You said you were hungry, so, why not stop by Nacho Ball"

"Oh ok! Thanks!"

Miles: "no problem lil lady!"



At Nacho Ball (the nice one)

Time: 6:15pm

Miles POV:

Carrie: "wow.. you could've taken me to the close Nacho Ball.. but you chose the nice one.. for me..?"

"yup!" ย 

Carrie: "you are really the best bf ever!!"

She called me "the best bf ever".. dang.. I've never have anyone say that to me before.. this is great!

"Aw, thank you..!"


At Carrie's House in Miles's car


Miles's POV:

Carrie: "thank you for tonight Miles.."

"No problem!"

Carrie: *is about to open the door*


Carrie: "yeah..?"

*gets out of the car, goes to the right side of the car, and opens the door for Carrie*

Carrie: "oh..! Thank you!"

"It's a classic, but you're welcome..!"

Carrie *gets out of the car* *stands there*

"So.. you gonna go in your house..?"

Carrie: "one thing.." *๐Ÿ’‹es Miles*

*๐Ÿ’‹es her back*

Carrie and Miles: *ends the ๐Ÿ’‹*ย 

Carrie: "goodnight Miles."

"Goodnight Carrie."

Carrie: *winks at Miles* *turns around and walks into her house*

She winked at me again.. I love it when she winks at me..ย 


Hey guys!! That's all for now!! Sorry I haven't updated in so long!! This took me like 2 or 3 hours lol (I was so distracted when I was writing this so that's why it took more time with less words) I will be updating more! And if you have ideas, please, PLEASE share with me! ๐Ÿ˜‚ Also, tell me if you want more of Miles and Carrie, Bose and Chapa or Mika and a new guy ๐Ÿคญ๐Ÿ’›๐ŸคŽ๐Ÿ’™โค๏ธ Anyway! Once again, that's all for now! Bye y'all!! ๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’—

Word Count: 763 (not including this)
