Chapter 1~Secret

He was daydreaming to the side, about something, as he was napping and yes, it was more important to him than school.

Applejack watched as, her classmate, her friend had his head down on his desk with eyes closed and a peaceful face. She playfully rolled her eyes as she saw him drool to the left corner of his mouth.

She studied the teacher as she realized, the teacher was assigning a project that should be done in pairs. She listened trying to hear her name.

"Applejack, you will be paired up with Blitz," The teacher said and Applejack didn't bother to listen after that.

She looked at Rainbow blitz and mentally facepalmed. The irony really. When was he gonna wake up? The bell rang and she had to head to her next class.

Applejack elevated herself of her seat and noticed Blitz woke up from his peaceful rest. She moved to him.

"You are my partner for the group project," Applejack Said a little coldly and Blitz could tell she was a little mad at him.

Blitz chuckled,"Sorry, I slept, Applejack."

Applejack sighed,"it's ok."

"Meet me at my place after school, ok?" Blitz asked.

"Of course. To work on the project," Applejack Stated.

"Get it done and over with," Blitz added, brightly.

"Then I can-" As they were both saying.

"Work." Applejack Said confidently.

"Nap."Blitz Said as he yawned.

They both shot looks to each other in silence, feeling the difference of their opinions ramble in their heads. Suddenly, the two both laughed for a brief moment, as they were breaking this small battle of glares. Applejack and Rainbow Blitz headed off to their next class, feeling delighted from the laugh they shared.

Rainbow blitz was strolling down the hallways listening to the harsh whispers as usual. He was rich and popular, why would the attention would not be on him? It was like he was a never ending trend.  And for the very least it was exhausting. He unlocked his locker to quickly get his stuff for his next class, suddenly his diary fell out.

Rainbow blitz suddenly freaked out and grabbed the book, and shoved it in his bag. He looked left. Then right. He let out a breath of relief as nobody saw this precious thing fall out. His most beloved secrets in here.

His diary

Blitz always thought him having a diary would be weird to others. He didn't exactly strike the type to write a diary.Anyway he headed to his next class.

~ Time skipped~

     Applejack had a pretty normal day. She felt a tap on her shoulders.

"Hey, Darling, I was wondering, if you want to hang out today with me," Rarity asked as she was playing with her hair.

"Uhh Sorry can't do. Got to work on a project with Blitz," Applejack declined.

"Wait! Blitz, the blitz, the rich popular kid!" Rarity gasped in complete awe.

"Yeah, I guess," Applejack looked at the ground having a quick thought come in her mind, then gazed back at Rarity,"what's with that look?"

Rarity shook her head, and smiled"you really are just you, Aj."

"Huh? " Applejack was grabbing her things from her locker.

"Nothing, sweetie," Rarity said in sarcasm, then sighed" You are too modest sometimes. He is "popular'"

Applejack felt oddly defensive,"we are friends who hang out," then she raised her eyebrow," Time to time. Should I be squealing whenever he is around? because I would be doing it a lot then. Do you know how weird our friendship would get?"

Rarity decided to change the topic, a little, "figures. I found it weird how you were going to his house for a project. I heard he doesn't really hang out with people after school. Even when he has projects."

"I'm sure I saw him hanging out with Duskshine," Applejack let her breath of relief out and wondered as she was tapping her forehead.

Rarity shrugged and smiled gaining at the new information,"Anyway, I better be going. Looks like he is waiting for you."

Applejack slimmed around and saw Blitz watching her. Applejack chuckled, and Blitz smiled.

"Let's head out," Blitz Said, and Applejack followed him.

    They were walking silently. Blitz had his hands in his pockets. Applejack had her hands wrapped around her bag, she looked dazed as if she was thinking about something really important.

"So, whats wrong?"Blitz asked out of curiosity, noticing her hard gaze.

"WELL. It's rumored that you don't hang out with people after school!" Applejack humored herself as she stopped walking, and her greens orbs directly hit his pink orbs.

"Nonsense, I'm hanging out with you after school right now," Blitz Said, and sighed," I only hang out with you after school. for good reasons."

"Ok," Applejacks said as she continued to walk with him,"I'm proud."

They arrived at his place apartment. Applejack walked in and took her shoes off. Blitz suddenly grabbed her bags and put it down on the sofa. Applejack honestly hated when he did something like that, she didn't want to depend on anyone.

"Ok, let's start,"Rainbow Blitz Said.

  They both got the research package and blankly stared at it. It was obvious that were not in the mood to this.

"I'm gonna go to the washroom, if you need to start. Get my notes out. It's in my bag," Rainbow Blitz Said as he wobbled his way to the washroom.

Applejack again focused blankly at the piece of paper. She then grabbed his bag, and was getting confused on where his notes were. Applejack turned the bag upside down and a bunch of things fell out.

"Holy cow that is not good," Applejack mumbles as she looked around for the notes.

  But something caught her attention. It was a book, that was opened to a random page. She grabbed the book, as she was still on the page. It had so many pages, it was thick, and looked expensive. Applejack soon felt like she should just leave it, but curiosity, made her eyes glued to the page.

    Applejack saw hand written words. Realization struck her that this was a diary. She should definitely put it down. She told herself to but her eyes were glued. She placed the book down the floor, with her eyes following. As she was about to close it, she had a peak and saw her name.

     Applejack felt a wave of emotions come in as she saw three words, she had never expected,

I love Applejack.

   She immediately closed the book. Applejack felt herself grab the notes neatly and put it back in his bag. She grabbed the diary and stretched her arms to be further away from it.    Then she felt footsteps arise. She quickly put the bag back in the place that it was originally picked up from, and....... she... put the diary in her bag instead! She panicked, this was not good.

Rainbow blitz walked in and felt the weird atmosphere Applejack was giving off. He observe the scenery, then scanned at Applejacks expression.

"Hey, you are giving off a weird vibe," Rainbow Blitz Said as he was waving a hand in front of her face.

"Who you calling weird?! You are the one that's weirdo!!" Applejack Said, as she grabbed his hand yanking it away.

"Now you are definitely weird," Rainbow Blitz Said as he soon crawled to her.

"Huh? A-Are ya sure_," Applejack Said as Blitz placed his hands on her cheeks and leaned in, making her cheeks burn,"s-s-sugarcube?"

"Yeah, I am," Blitz Said as he smirked, then placed his fingers onto her lips.

   Applejack stumbled back being a little shocked on this feeling. 'Was he trying to kiss?I don't know how to feel? Calm down. I stole his diary, and I have to give it back.

   Rainbow blitz backed away from Applejack, seeing her blush made him want to smirk devilishly, it made him grin. The he decided to faze back to normal to not make her uncomfortable.

"Want to start working?" Rainbow Blitz asked.

"Y-yeah," Applejack Stuttered with a nod.

        As they start to work, Applejack totally forgot about the diary being in her bag. Blitz was keeping her focused for her to forget about what happened. They were working for some time, and they were finished the project.

    Applejack got up,"I'm tired. I gonna hit the hay once I get back home."

   She yawned and Blitz smiled, As he said,"goodnight."

"Good night, sugarcube," Applejack Said as she was about  to leave she felt arms wrap around body.

   She felt Blitz's face rest on her neck. Applejack blushed slightly. This was just hugging. She felt his hot breath sting on her neck and Applejack made a very small quiet squeak, as she couldn't help it. Blitz got off. Applejack walked off, then stared back as she saw Blitz watching her leave.

Rainbow blitz watched her leave to the distance until he could not see her anymore. He closed the door, and quickly got a pen, and went to his bag. Something felt off as he was rampaging through his bag.

His diary was sure to stand out, and isn't was not standing out. He threw the bag upside down, and saw no diary. Rainbow blitz thought about the places he might have forgotten it, and it must be school. Hopefully, he find the next day, hidden in his locker.

Without anywhere to put his feelings down, he didn't know he could control letting it out. All he wanted to do was to write about his day and honest thoughts. Applejack blushed today and that was adorable to him.

Rainbow blitz sighs.

It was night, and Applejack was in her room. She had her pyjamas on, and was wondering about Blitz today. Then she remembered, the diary! How could she forget? She forget to give it back to him!

Applejack went to her bag, and pulled the diary out. She hugged it as it was very big. She was thinking about the three letter words written in it. Maybe it's old, or he just thought, she tried to tell herself. Well, the only way to find out was to open it, and she didn't want to.

On second though.

Maybe, just maybe, she thought as she was playing with a pages. Applejack had to know. If a guy like blitz can have feelings for her, or why would he write those three letter words in his diary in the first place. Deep inside, Applejack just wanted to understand him better.

Applejack sat up her bed, having the blanket over her. The moonlight shined through the window. This night sky was indeed beautiful, and mysterious, as there was a full moon outside. Applejack grabbed the flashlight, as she opened it, and snuggled her pillow up to her, having the diary on her lap, above the blanket.

She took a deep breath, and opened it, as she saw The words Rainbow Blitz's diary, on it. She flipped the page. Yes, she was actually doing this. Applejack looked and saw his birthday on it. Then her eyes shimmered to the next page. The written part, that he wrote.

Dear diary: Today, is the first day of school, and I didn't really care for it much in the world. It was just school. I was gonna be nagged a lot by people. I hate people...

Wow, he sounds emo, Applejack thought.

I'm just a rich kid and I'm always gonna be used for that. This popularity kills me sometimes. I thought everyone knew me, but today I bumped into the most beautiful prettiest girl in the world, she had blonde hair, green eyes, and freckles, did I mention her cute accent? Plus she didn't really know me. Why does my true love not know me? Anyway, I found out by one of the girls that her name was Applejack.. how cute.

Applejack recalls hanging out with him somewhere in the middle of freshman year. Applejack made a sympathetic expression, knowing about how Blitz felt about being rich and having popularity. Not that she understood that but felt what he was feeling.

Applejack closed the book, and hid it under her bed. She laid down and felt her eyes drift off. Her heart racing from reading that, but soon she finds herself fall into deep slumber.
