

I am a demigod. That means that I am a child of both a god and a mortal. And trust me you do not want to be in my shoes. We're constantly put in life-or-death situations, and we have a short average lifespan due to all the monsters that like to kill us. If you think that you may be a demigod please close this tab and forget about it. If you read about Percy Jackson as a kid and are just reading this for fun, I am glad that you have the ability. This is all a video recording typed out for your enjoyment. I really hope my mic is on.

I lay in my dark bunk here in the barracks for the First Cohort, my messy hair falls in front of the camera and I whisper, "My name is Autumn, and this is the beginning of a story that I share with all of my friends at Camp Jupiter. We wanted to tell you all about our own experiences as a demigod and I'm up first. Well, here I go."
