chapter seven

“Harry are you sure you already want to live alone? You’re just a boy.” Mrs. Weasley says. “yes I’m sure I want to live alone. I’m not just a boy. I’m a grown up man.” I say. “now try to say that sentence without lying.” Draco interrupts. “I’m going to live with Draco and he is going to take care for me. He is going to give me enough love and I’m going to visit you as much as possible.” I say. Draco chuckles. “okay. So where are you two going to live?” she asks. “we’re going to live in our own home in Hogsmeade. You can visit us as much as you want.” I say. “but not too much because most of the time we’ll be fucking each other.” Draco says. “shut up.” I say. “don’t you dare hurt him.” Molly says. “I would never, maybe his but will be a bit sore the morning after.” He says. “okay, you’ve said enough Draco go and pack our stuff.” I order him. he smirks and walks upstairs. “don’t believe a word of what he is saying.” I say. “I hope I don’t have to take care for a baby in the coming months?” she asks. “no, besides we can’t have babies.” I say. she chuckles. “I was joking.” She says. I smile. “I’m going to miss you.” She hugs me. I smile. “I’m going to miss you too.” I say. “you can visit me while the students are at hogsmead in the weekends or just when you want.” I say. she nods. “Harry come on we have to go!” Draco yells. “I’m saying goodbye!” I yell back. I look at the other Weasleys. “see you in hogsmead Gin.” I hug her and Draco grabs my hand and we apparate. “hey you bitch, I wasn’t ready yet.” I say. he chuckles and kisses my head. “I know but if I let you do we were tomorrow still there.” He says. I chuckle. we walk inside our house. “so I have a little surprise.” He says. “you didn’t have to do that.” I say. “I think I had to.” He says. “okay what is it?” I ask. “close your eyes.” He says. “okay, but first I’m going to sit on the couch.” I answer and sit on the couch. I close my eyes. What can he give me? I don’t need anything. I just need him. nothing more than Draco Lucius more. I hear some door opening and closing. “Draco is it going to take long? I’m going to fall asleep!” I yell. I hear some laughter from another room. “Harry you have to have some patience!” he yells back. I sigh and lie down still my eyes closed. I hear some more door opening. How many doors are in this house? I bought this. Why didn’t I notice the large amount of doors? Then I finally hear Draco his footsteps clearly in the same room as me. “okay Harry promise me to don’t get mad at me, it’s not a little surprise but a big. I think you’re going to find it fantastic.” He says. I nod. “okay open your eyes.” He says. I slowly open my eyes and I see Draco holding a baby. “did you adopt a baby?” I ask. “no, not without you. He is my nephew an his parents died in the war. His grandmother is my mother’s sister and they now live together, but they are going to travel a lot and a you can’t take a baby with you. So they asked me to take care for him. we’re already a year together and I thought it was time for a new step in our relationship.” He answers. I smile. “but who is he?” I ask. “Teddy Lupin.” He says. “do you know his godfather?” I ask. “no, I think he died too.” He answers. I smile. “I think you know him very well.” I say. “are you his godfather? You’re 19!” he says. “I know, I didn’t know you were his family. His mother is half-blood because his grandfather is muggle-born and I thought your whole family was pure-blood.” I say. “well my mother had two sister, Bellatrix who married a Lestrange and my mother married my father obviously, she had one sister who married a muggle-born she was immediately disowned by my grandparents. How are you his godfather?” he asks. “because he is Remus’s son.” I answer. “professor Lupin was just a professor. I know you were his favorite student but his making his son your godchild is strange;” he says. “well, he was a friend of my father and my godfather was Sirius Black. You know that one prisoner who escaped Azkaban.” I answer. “oh yes. I remember my mother telling about him and the real story.” He answers. I smile. “I don’t know. He was sleeping when I entered his bedroom.” He says. I nod. “can you now sit up? I want to use my couch too.” He says. I nod and do as he says. when he sits on the couch I lean against him. the doorbell rings. “fucking hell. Can’t I be just one minute alone?” Draco asks. I chuckle and walk towards the door. I see Neville. “hey Neville.” I say. he looks at me. “Harry, I’m sorry to be here. I just wanted to ask you; if you aw Luna lately. I went to her dad but he said he didn’t know where she was.” He says. “she is at the burrow with the Weasleys. Spending the holiday with Ginny. They’re dating.” I say. he looks in my eyes. “I thought she was dating me.” Neville says. “Luna never meant to break your heart.” I say. “Luna would never cheat on me.” He says. “are you sure you two were still dating,” I ask. he nods. “maybe she is scared to come out?” I ask. “I think she is. I don’t blame her. I hope she loves Ginny. I wanted to break up with her anyway. I found someone else.” He says. “oh tell me.” I say. “she is Hannah abbot. I really like her.” He says. I smile. “do you want to come in and have a cup of tea?” I ask. he nods, we walk inside. “what is Malfoy doing on your couch with a baby?” Neville asks. “oh didn’t we tell you? We’re dating.” I answer. He smiles. “I thought so at hogwarts you two were almost snogging in the corridors.” he says. “we weren’t together in hogwarts I think it was just our friendship.” I answer. He chuckles. “take a seat Neville.” I say. he smiles and sits in the armchair. “hey Longbottom.” Draco says. “you can say Neville, if you want to. You don’t have to. Really.” Neville says. “why so shy? I don’t bite. How are you?” Draco asks. I smile while they start their conversation I walk towards the kitchen and start making tea. When I enter the living room Draco is gone. Where the fuck is he? “where’s Draco?” I ask. “he put Teddy to bed and left the house.” He says. “okay. Here is some tea;” I say when I hand his the cup. He smiles. “Draco was a death eater right?” Neville asks. “yes.” I answer. “where is his dark mark?” he asks; “he removed it.” I answer. He smiles. “do you still live with your grandmother?” I ask. “yes, she takes good care for me.” He answers. I smile. “she takes care for me ever since my parents died.” He says. “you were left with good family.” I say. “well my uncle once threw me through the window.” He says. “well my uncle left me as a 3 year old alone for three weeks in a house.” I answer. “okay you win this one.” he says. I chuckle.
