Chapter I: Introductions

Connor's POV, Present Time

Hi. My name is Connor Cal. I'm currently 17 and I'm about to graduate. But I'm not here to tell you about that. I'm going to tell you about when I was in 6th grade. You see, I had a curse and I didn't know how to break it. I would say I was born with it, but that isn't the truth.

I always sounded sarcastic. When I tried to speak normal, I sounded sarcastic. When I tried to speak sarcastically, I sounded sarcastic. Whenever someone is sarcastic, the sarcastic word is in italics. Most of the time, my entire sentences were in italics. This made a lot of confusion and I had almost no friends. 

When I transferred schools when I turned 11, all the girls had a crush on me, but they never liked me once they got to know me. "He treats everything like a joke," I heard a girl say once. "Connor is so handsome with that hair and those eyes," a boy said, "But his personality is like a fork in a garbage disposal."

The only people who were my friends were my twin sister Connie, and my best friend, Caleb. We called ourselves "The C Squad" because we thought we sounded cool. We didn't. 

Anyways, instead of telling you about what happened, I'll just tell you the whole story.

Connor's POV, 2013

"I hate walking to school!" my sister, Connie, said beside me.

"I totally don't hate walking to school too. I absolutely enjoy the exercise," I responded.

"You know, you don't have to be so sarcastic all the time," Connie remarked, "You've been sarcastic as long as I can remember."

"But I'm not being sarcastic," I said, telling the truth. But of course, everyone heard me as sarcastic.

"Look, I know you're not being sarcastic, but everybody hears you as some sarcastic, annoying kid in our class. Only Caleb and I understand you, so try not to be sarcastic and maybe you'll make some friends. After all, it is the first day of school."

"You sound like Mom," I giggled. 

Whenever I laugh, I don't sound sarcastic, but laughing about everything is even worse than being sarcastic all the time.

Connie and I got to our school and we saw Caleb, who was being dropped off by his Mom. He said that his mom said that it was too dangerous on the first day of school. "Just walk to school without me," Caleb said over the phone yesterday, "I'll walk with you next week."

"Connor!" He shouted at me.

"Caleb!" I shouted back, laughing.

We ran at each other and did our secret handshake that only we knew. Caleb waved at Connie, his face as red as my backpack. I'm pretty sure he has a crush on my sister, but he keeps denying it.

We went to class, and luckily all three of us were in the same class.

"Hello everybody, I'm Mr. Ralph," Mr. Ralph said as he wrote his name on the board and underlined it, "I'll be your teacher for the year."

"I have assigned seats for you," Mr. Ralph announced, "I put name tags on each desk, so just look for the name tag with your name."

I look at the name tags and realize that the seating isn't in alphabetical order, but it's random. But not too random. It was random but well thought out. None of the boys are next to the boys and none of the girls are next to the girls. All of the people that were friends last year were next to each other, but the people that are too loud around their friends are separated.

Connie's POV, 2013

"I asked your fifth-grade teachers what your favorite color was," Mr. Ralph told us, "and that color is the color of your name tag."


I look at my name tag and see "Connie Cal" written in cursive. The name tag has a border that has the same color as cobalt or lapis lazuli. Connor's desk is to my left and Caleb's desk is to my right. Connor's name tag has his name written flatly in italics, no cursive. His border is purple, it looks like an amethyst. Caleb's name tag has his name written a tiny bit bigger than other people's names and the border is red like a ruby.

"You can unpack your things and put them in your desks," Mr. Ralph tells the class, "You can keep your backpacks by your desk, but make sure it doesn't get in the way. Donations can be put at that table over there."

He points to a table near the back.

Connor and I placed our donations at the table and put our pencils, erasers, and everything in our desks.

Well, time to start the new year.

Information About the Characters

Character: Connor Cal
Favorite Color: Amethyst (Purple)
Birthday: February 3, 2002
Relatives: Jared Cal (father), Veronica Cal (mother), Connie Cal (sister)
Likes: His family, his friends, Lucy, video games, irony, secret handshakes, writing
Dislikes: Amy, sarcasm, people who try to hurt his friends or family

Character: Connie Cal
Favorite Color: Cobalt Blue
Birthday: February 3, 2002
Relatives: Jared Cal (father), Veronica Cal (mother), Connor Cal (brother)
Likes: Her family, her friends, drawing, origami, skating
Dislikes: Amy, irony, stupidity, people who don't treat people equally

Character: Caleb   
Favorite Color: Ruby (Red)
Birthday: October 3, 2003
Relatives: ????? ????? (??????), ????? ????? (??????) (He has family, I just don't know their names yet)
Likes: His family, his friends, Connie, video games, secret handshakes, making videos
Dislikes: Fake friends, Amy, fighting, people blaming people for no reason
