
Chapter 191

Why is Li Huairen here?

The fourth master frowned. Did something happen on the farm?

His heart sank. The anger he had just felt because of Wu Ya's words turned into worry. "But is there any difficulty on the farm?"

Li Huairen pondered over the message his apprentice had just revealed. However, the time was too short. He had not figured out what was going on with Wu Ya. He could only stare at the ground and answer politely, "Master Geng is fine, and the young masters are fine too. There is no difficulty."

The fourth master habitually touched his wrist, but found nothing. He then remembered that he had just thrown away the Buddhist beads. He could only sit behind the desk and tap the table with his knuckles, "Then why are you here?"

Li Huairen was about to speak when he noticed a breeze blowing from the door. He also caught a glimpse of a pair of shoes decorated with off-white pearls and jade beads.

He recognized this pair of lake-colored satin embroidered lotus pattern inlaid with pearls and ingots. The embroiderer in the mansion spent three months to get such a pair.

The rice beads and jade on it were good things he found from the master's storehouse by himself-the large piece of bean green jade was originally used as jewelry and was also very good, but it was made into beads and inlaid on the shoes.

The person who came was Geng Qingning.

She walked around the yard for a whole circle, but she didn't find Ning Chuge, nor did she find any of the people who accompanied Er Gege every day.

She had no choice but to go back and forth to look for Si Ye, but she felt guilty after all. After all, she came here on impulse and didn't get his permission.

Therefore, when she saw him, she only dared to stand by the door and stick her head out to greet him, "Hi~?!"

This hi was very guilty at first, but then it became a tone.

Si Ye was always neat and tidy, with his buttons always tied to the top, and his clothes were not allowed to have a wrinkle. It was common for him to change three sets of clothes a day.

But at this moment, the person sitting behind the desk was half covered with a robe, with fine cotton cloth tied on his chest and arms, and it was still bright red.

Geng Qingning didn't care about her guilty conscience. She held the swaddling clothes in front of her chest with one hand and the hem of her cheongsam with the other. She hurried into the house and asked without even catching her breath, "What happened to you? How did you get hurt? How is Ning Chuge?"

The fourth master was extremely surprised. His eyes flickered and dimmed, and finally focused on the strange-looking swaddling clothes wrapped in her arms.

He didn't care about answering her series of questions, and just stretched his head to look at the swaddling clothes.

As expected, he saw a little face sleeping soundly inside.

It was Xiaowu.

What a courage!

The chair behind him was knocked over by the huge force, making a loud noise. The fourth master stood up, and the injured arm was even shaking slightly because of anger.

"Nonsense", his face was completely dark, and he didn't know whether he was worried or scared, "Geng, you are really too nonsense."

He rarely called her like this, and it was obvious that he was really angry.

If it was normal, Geng Qingning would definitely be scared, but at this moment, seeing the blood-stained bandage, she didn't care about her guilt and fear. She supported his trembling arm with one hand and went to untie his clothes with the other hand.

In broad daylight, the door was not closed.

Su Peisheng on the side was dumbfounded, and hurriedly dragged the person who was still kneeling on the ground out, and did not forget to close the door of the study.

Through the crack in the door, he saw that the teacup on the table was accidentally knocked over, and the lid of the teacup turned twice and lay on the desk, making a crisp buzzing sound, and the two figures behind the desk gradually merged into one.

Okay, I'll just guard the door.

The fourth master was still angry and grabbed her hand, "Geng Qingning!"

He was extremely angry, and his voice was very angry. Su Peisheng and Li Huairen outside shrank their shoulders unconsciously.

The two looked at each other, one worried and the other scared.

But Geng Qingning seemed not to hear it. In just a short while, she had already ripped off his clothes.

There was a purple patch on his chest, and even a patch in the middle that was purple to the point of being black, shiny black, and even swollen to the point of reflecting light.

She pursed her lips for a long time without saying anything, but finally sniffed and asked, "Why don't you wear the cloak I made for you?"

The cloaks made for him and Ning Chuge all had a secret inside. Fine copper wire mesh was embedded in the fur sewing area. Although it was not invulnerable to knives and guns, it could at least have some blocking effect.

Hearing her hoarse voice, the fourth master pursed his lips and relaxed his grip a little, "I'm asking you a question, how dare you sneak out?!"

Geng Qingning didn't stop, but reached out and poked the purple on his chest, tears welled up in his eyes, and he asked, "Why don't you wear a cloak?"

Her almond eyes, which always had a smile on them, were wide open, her eyes were red, and her eyeballs were hanging on her lower eyelashes, but her voice was octaves higher than his, "I'm asking you a question! Are you hoarse?"

She looked even angrier than him.

The fourth master was stunned for a moment, and saw a string of crystal tears rolling down her cheeks, leaving a faint gray mark on her face.

The road was dusty, and I was in a hurry to find him before I had time to wash.

A few tears rolled down my cheeks, burning his hands and trembling slightly.

For some reason, it seemed that a hole was burned in my heart by these tears, and the anger dissipated unconsciously, leaving only small bubbles wrapped in frosting rising.

He pursed his lips and tried to say in a cold voice, "I'm wearing it."

Fortunately, I was wearing the cloak given by Ningning that day, and although the arrow was powerful, it did not penetrate my skin and flesh, and I only suffered some internal injuries.

When he thought of this, his heart softened like a pool of water. His hand unconsciously held hers, and his voice softened by three points, "It's just scary to look at, but it's not serious."

"No serious harm?" Geng Qingning rolled his eyes and wiped away the tears that blurred his vision with the back of his hand, "Does it mean that a hole in the middle of a person is considered an injury?"

If that's the case, let alone in the Qing Dynasty, even in modern society with developed medical conditions, it would be difficult for gods to save him.

Not only did the original reprimands of the Fourth Master unconsciously mute his anger, but he suddenly felt a little guilty, as if he had made a huge mistake if he didn't protect himself well.

Geng Qingning wiped her tears on his clothes and said angrily, "If anything happens to you, call Ning Chuge, Xiao Si, and Xiao Wu."

".........And me, what should I do!"

The fourth master was confused by her question. He cleared his throat, looked around, and then looked down at Xiaowu, "Be quiet, don't wake the child."

Geng Qingning paused, and saw Xiaowu in his arms rubbing his eyes, his little mouth moving, as if he was going to open his mouth and cry in the next moment.

He really woke the child up.

She was angry, and there were still many things to say in her heart, so she could only hold her breath and give him a blank look.

Wait, this matter is not over yet.

The fourth master touched his nose, he wanted to do something, after just now, at this moment he only felt that something in his heart wanted to burst out.

This feeling was new and wonderful, and I had never experienced it in my life. It was not bad, but I wanted to do something immediately to relieve my pounding heart.

He walked around the person coaxing the child with his hands behind his back. After thinking for a while, he reached out to take Xiaowu, but was poked by the white fingertips on the wound on his arm, so he had to give up.

The room was quiet, with only the sound of coaxing the child.

Gentle and peaceful, as lazy and comfortable as soaking in hot spring water in winter.

The fourth master stood still and leaned against her. The muscles that were tense in the past two days were all relaxed. The two of them snuggled together to watch Xiaowu.

The child had slept enough and was now looking around the room with his big eyes.

The fourth master's eyebrows were relaxed, with a smile on his lips. He whispered, "Xiaowu, it's Ama. Are you happy to see Ama?"

Xiaowu stared at Ama for a while and showed a big toothless smile.

As expected, everyone was very happy.

Except Su Peisheng.

He trotted out of the yard and ran to the palace manager to find a wet nurse.

However, the people in this palace were either eunuchs or unmarried girls. It would be strange to have a wet nurse. The manager was also worried like Su Peisheng.

At present, Prince Yong is a popular nobleman, and the steward also wants to do this job well. After thinking about it, he proposed an idea, "How about looking for one nearby?"

The maids in the palace are married, and they are also bondservants. If they can work for Prince Yong, it is a blessing for eight lifetimes.

Su Peisheng didn't think this was a good idea. Without checking, who knows whether her family is clean or not, and whether there are any sick people in the family. But the fifth prince is hungry, and he can't do anything but nod and agree.

After finally finding a woman who had just given birth, it was already dark, and Su Peisheng took people back to Chunhaoxuan again.

In the main room, the Fifth Prince was drinking goat milk in the Fourth Prince's arms, and the Hongzhao Prince was also holding a small bowl beside him, gulping down the milk.

Seeing him come back, the Fourth Prince glanced at him.

Su Peisheng's legs went soft. The master was complaining that he was too slow, but he had no choice but to stand aside and wait for service.

Geng Qingning didn't notice the eye-catching lawsuit. The Fifth Prince was nearly five months old, and he could use boiled goat milk and complementary food. Even if the wet nurse stayed up for two days, it wouldn't be a big deal.

The Fourth Prince sighed disapprovingly, "The children are really wronged."

Geng Qingning's mouth twitched. He had enough goat milk and cow milk, and the table was full of snacks and vegetables. He said he was wronged?

Haha, there is really no common language with this second-generation rich man.

She picked up the hot milk at hand and drank it in small sips. The rich and mellow milk fragrance filled her mouth. Not only was there no smell of mutton, but there was also a faint sweet taste.

Sure enough, people say that things from the place of production are the best.

"Where is Ning Chuge?" She put down the empty cups and cups. It was time for dinner. Why hasn't the lady come back yet?

Even if she was not injured, she couldn't stop playing in the paddock at this time.

Su Peisheng smiled and said, "The princess is accompanying the long-lived master."

As he spoke, he could not help but praise, "Our princess's favor is unique at the moment. In the entire camp, except for the guarding tent, our princess's tent is the largest."

Geng Qingning's eyes moved to Su Peisheng, and seeing the smile and flattery on his face, it was obvious that he was not lying.

No, Ning Chuge has only been in Rehe for a few days, how did she become a princess?

After coming to the Qing Dynasty for many years, she still has some understanding of the system here. For example, the princess is the daughter of the emperor, the legitimate daughter is the Princess Gulun, and the concubine's daughter is the Princess Heshuo.

Only the legitimate daughters of the crown prince and the prince can be named princesses.

Even the eldest princess is about to get married, and she was just named a princess at the beginning of the year. Even so, it was the fourth master who asked the emperor for the dignity of the eldest princess when she got married.

Geng Qingning turned his suspicious eyes to the Fourth Master.

What is he hiding?

Chapter 192

After dinner, the fourth master did not write or read, perhaps because of the injury on his arm, it was not convenient for him to hold a pen or a book.

Geng Qingning did not take her usual walk after dinner, because she had ridden for too long in the past two days and was exhausted.

Su Peisheng, without being told, brought hot water early and kept all kinds of people away. In the yard, only the palace lanterns under the corridor and the bright moon in the sky were facing each other.

The fourth master was leaning against the head of the bed in a loose gauze. Geng Qingning, who was soaking her feet in hot water, took a look and felt that the style of his clothes was very familiar.

It was just a little old.

The fourth master didn't notice anything wrong with the old clothes on her body. He was used to this style and always felt that wearing something else was not good enough.

He leaned on the big pillow and watched her wipe her feet with a grin, and then slowly moved her legs onto the bed. She had been running like this for two days, and the tender flesh on the inside of her thighs must have been rubbed.

She was usually very coquettish, but when something happened, she would endure it without saying a word.

Perhaps he felt that her grinning expression was too frivolous, so the fourth master got up and took down an ebony box from the antique shelf next to him.

After opening it, there was a lot of sweet white porcelain inside. He smelled them one by one, and then chose one from the inside, pouring some powder into the palm of his hand.

The strong smell of medicine immediately filled the entire bed curtain.

Geng Qingning was not paying attention, and her white little feet were picked up in the palm of someone's hand. The hot big hand went up along her calf, bringing a slight tingling feeling.

She took a breath of cool air, and felt that the tender flesh near the center of her legs was getting more and more painful during the struggle. She couldn't help but groaned and kicked the tough arm with her other foot.

The white cotton cloth tied on the arm showed a few traces of blood again.

The fourth master didn't move, and slapped her with a third of his strength, "Don't move, I'm applying medicine to you."

? ? So it's applying medicine? ?

Geng Qingning laughed awkwardly, but she was embarrassed and obedient, letting the hot palm play with her at will. However, she tried her best to resist the feeling brought by the hand, but she only uttered a small whimper.

Under the dim candlelight, the fourth master's ears also climbed up a suspicious red color. He rubbed the reddened part with his fingertips, and his face was still serious, "Next time, you must not be so silly!"

Geng Qingning did not answer, and began to miss the convenience of modern society. She only felt that the ancient riding horses were really not the same level as high-speed trains and airplanes.

Just thinking about it, she noticed that the place without medicine was also gently rubbed, and she hurriedly retracted her injured leg.

That's not right. The last time I came to Rehe, my legs were much more serious than this time. She didn't remember it being so painful.

It was really strange.

The pain gradually faded, and she threw herself on the big pillow, "There has been no letter or news for six days. Do you think I can still sit still?"

In modern times, let alone six days without contact, even if three consecutive calls were not connected, people would be anxious.

And with the degree of obsessive-compulsive disorder of the fourth master, more than three days would be particularly serious.

How could she be at ease.

The fourth master sighed, not knowing whether to scold or comfort him. In the end, he could only wave his arms, hold him in his arms, and slowly talk about what happened in the past few days.

Geng Qingning turned over while listening, and quietly rubbed her face against his chest. After a while, she moved back a little. He had a chest injury, so he had to be careful.

He pressed the back of her head with his intact hand, letting the two of them get closer, "This time... Ning Chuge really made a great contribution."

If it weren't for Ning Chuge, the copper wire net would have been destroyed under the continuous attack of two arrows, and it would have been difficult for him to escape such a fast arrow.

Geng Qingning suddenly felt a sense of unreality. In her opinion, the famous historical event of the nine sons seizing the throne should have happened and disappeared silently like all history, leaving only the victors to write history books.

In other words, even if she turned around and saw Su Peisheng cheering and the fourth master ascending the throne in a dragon robe, she could accept it quickly and adapt well.

This is the direction of history.

However, she could not accept Ning Chuge appearing on the stage of history, even if it was just a supporting role that seemed to be there and not there.

The fourth master seemed to understand her worries and stroked her back again and again with his big hands.

The fully evolved human spine has an inexplicable connection with the pituitary gland deep in the brain. The posterior lobe of the pituitary gland releases hormones diligently, soothing the tense body and giving rise to some attachment.

Geng Qingning turned over again, propped up her arms and supported him, "Then the emperor means..."

Is it to appreciate Ning Chuge, or to build momentum for the Fourth Master?

She couldn't figure it out.

Under the candlelight, her hair hung beside her slightly wrinkled cheeks, the black became darker, the white became whiter, she stared at him, her sparkling eyes filled with his figure, as if he was the most important part of her.

Wu Ya's words suddenly rang in his ears.

The fourth master shook his head slightly, propped himself up with his arms, stood up and blocked her mouth, pecked her several times, and finally bit her lips as if punishing her, and panted slightly, "Ningning, always be in awe, so that you can stop at nothing."

This is the Rehe Palace, and their every move is under the emperor's eyes. Even when they are sleeping, there may be someone watching them from under the bed.

Never talk about political affairs lightly.

Geng Qingning's face flushed, her eyes were almost dripping with tears, her mind was like a ball of paste, she had forgotten what she had just said, she took two breaths and fell back into his arms, "Then, when will we return to Beijing?"

Once she returns to Beijing, Ning Chuge will naturally not have to accompany the emperor, away from the center of the dispute, she will fade out of other people's sight.

Besides, cowpox, potatoes, etc. are waiting for her on the farm, she has to watch them to feel at ease.

"Soon," he patted her back, "I have to go back to celebrate the Golden Reward Festival."

Besides, the prince...

The matter of the second dethronement of the prince needs to be discussed by the court officials, not the emperor alone.

The fourth master pondered. When the prince rushed into the camp, the guards must have been the first to be blamed. Longkodo led the people of the camp to rescue him, and he was bound to be in trouble.

As for the prince, in addition to those who followed him, the Minister of War and others would also be implicated.

Maybe the commander of the infantry will be replaced.

Longkodo, Longkodo...

The fourth master's eyes were frighteningly bright. No matter what position, the most important thing is for the supreme person to control the military force.

Just like this time, if the prince's military force was stronger than the emperor, perhaps everything would be very different.

He had a lot of thoughts in his mind, but he couldn't tell anyone a word of these words. He could only hide them in his heart and wait for the right time.

Seeing that he was lost in thought, Geng Qingning pinched his fingers and played with them. The Fourth Master was about 1.8 meters tall, so his hands were naturally not small. His palms were thick and fleshy, but his fingers were thin and long, and there were many knots.

Some knots were caused by writing, and others were probably caused by archery.

I have to say that the Fourth Master is really diligent, Geng Qingning thought silently.

Because Manchus are heavy riders, he wears a ring on his thumb all day long. It used to be a cow horn ring, but later, seeing that she liked to wear jade, he also changed it to the same jade ring-it was a pair with hers.

Going up, there was a string of Buddhist beads hanging on her wrist. She didn't like this. She always felt that once she put on the Buddhist beads, she would be full of Buddha nature, and her joy, anger, sorrow and happiness would be suppressed.

She pulled the Buddhist beads off and stuffed them under the pillow.

I can't throw it away. The beads are smooth and fragrant. They might be made of some precious wood. One can't go against money.

The fourth master was awakened by her action, and saw that the string of agarwood beads that Su Peisheng had just found was gone.

But Ningning was here, and he didn't need the beads.

He smiled slightly, "When you return to Beijing, you should go out more often."

Ning Chuge is now a princess personally appointed by Yukou. There should be no one of her age with a higher status than her. As Ningning's mother, she should naturally appear in everyone's sight.

Besides, there is Thirteen's house, Fucha's family, and Longkodo's concubine.

They are all relatives, so they should go out more often.

Geng Qingning knew he was talking about business, but she couldn't hear anything at the moment.

Her nose was filled with the faint woody scent of his body, like the cedar in the temple, and in front of her were a pair of smiling eyes that slanted at her, even the single eyelids looked very charming, making her heart itch.

She stared at him for a moment, and simply kissed him as she wished.

She also imitated him, pecking at his lips like a chicken pecking at rice, and then licking the tip of his lips. Seeing that he had the intention to get up, she reached out and held his shoulders, grinding his lips with her fangs.

The fourth master was stunned, and his thoughts on business were completely interrupted, and all the blood in his body went straight to an unspeakable place.

He closed his eyes, as if enduring something, but after a moment, he slightly pushed the mischievous person down and pressed him under him, his forehead against hers, "Be good, don't make trouble."

The tender flesh on the inside of her thigh was still injured, so it was not suitable for her to do anything.

His voice was low, and his tone was gentle and tender. Her body was covered by his all-encompassing cage. For a moment, Geng Qingning felt as if her whole body was electrified, and she felt a little itchy.

His palms around her waist were hot, causing her waist to soften a little, and she looked at him with tears in her eyes.

She really didn't mean to cause any harm, but she always felt empty in her heart after being terrified. Only by being close to him and absorbing his scent could she feel at ease.

She stretched out her arms, hugged his neck and brought the two of them closer, and then put her nose close to his neck and took a deep breath.

It was this familiar smell.

The fourth master noticed that there were intermittent breaths on his neck, and the heat spread between the two of them - the person under him was hot all over.

His arms made a decision faster than his brain, and he hugged the person closer, and the two of them were already tightly pressed together.

Geng Qingning still remembered that he was injured in her confused mind, so she turned the tables and pushed him down. She looked at him and asked with her eyes.

Is it okay?

The fourth master raised his eyebrows and easily pressed the proud man down again, blocking all her gasps and sobs.

Inside the tent, a figure was moving.

Outside the tent, the flame of the eternal lamp covered itself with the lampshade.

Oh, I am so embarrassed.

No words were spoken all night.

The next morning, Geng Qingning held her waist from the moment she got up. In fact, her waist was not necessarily painful. It was mainly because the muscles on her belly had been well trained last night.

If she trained like this a few more times, she might become a person with vest lines.

The fourth master looked refreshed, smiling as he watched the people around him busying about.

Ningning really cared about him so much that she even took this minor injury to heart. He sighed secretly, it was a pity that such feelings could not be appreciated by others.

He couldn't write a book to tell the world.

What kind of person would he be then?

Chapter 193

The children are fine, the fourth master is also safe, and it is the Mid-Autumn Festival. Geng Qingning feels relieved, but she also has some thoughts about celebrating the festival.

In modern society, she likes to do this. After solving a big order, she will take a few days off. Sometimes she goes out to travel and relax, and sometimes she doesn't go out for several days.

Until her mind and body are completely relaxed.

Looking at the eager person, the fourth master pondered for a moment, did not object, and just said, "Don't make too much noise."

Geng Qingning agreed, but she caught a glimpse of Hongxiu who was a little trembling beside her. Hongxiu was not like this before. Even in the epidemic, she was calm and capable.

What would scare her to death.

She immediately thought of what the Fourth Master mentioned last night, and understood the unspoken meaning in his words----The matter of the Crown Prince was still before her eyes, and the Emperor's mood would definitely not be very good. The Emperor was not interested, so the people below would not be blind enough to poke the Emperor's lungs and mention anything about the festival.

After all, this is the Mid-Autumn Festival when the whole family reunites. How can we talk about reunion without the Crown Prince?

Is it too late to regret now?

Perhaps her expression was too straightforward, the Fourth Master leaned on the pillow and laughed for a long time, then patted her hand and said, "Don't worry, we can still have some fun in the yard by ourselves."

The Crown Prince was imprisoned, and it was not good to be too lively.

Geng Qingning sighed. The boss's son failed to seize power, so the employees must stay quiet.

Jumping out at this moment is like a living punching bag.

Therefore, although she was comforted by the fourth master, she really didn't want to celebrate the festival at all.

Just eat something good.

Seeing her bored look, Hongxiu wanted to flatter her.

When she first served this master a few years ago, she was still a weak princess who was pushed out to take care of the sick. Although she is of the same status now, she already has two sons and a daughter, and lives with the prince. It can be seen that she is a very favored one.

If she had agreed to this master, she wouldn't have to worry about marriage now. There are countless guards around this courtyard. Even if she doesn't get married, seeing the attitude of the prince towards her, she will enjoy endless glory and wealth.

When she thought of this, her expression was particularly eager, "Master, do you want to burn incense? Or worship the moon?"

These are all very elegant pastimes. In the mist, Yingying bows to the moon, as if she will fly into the moon palace like Chang'e and become a goddess in the sky.

Geng Qingning imagined that scene, and she felt like a modern stage with dry ice effect. She shook her head. Instead of hoping to become an immortal, it is better to wish to travel back as soon as possible.

However, if she really returned to the modern times, wouldn't she become a single mother with three children? Even if she only had one child, she would have to work and raise her. She still didn't have the confidence to give the best conditions to her children, let alone three?

Hong Xiu didn't hear the reply, and secretly looked at the expression on Geng Qingning's face. Seeing that her master looked depressed, she changed the subject tactfully and said, "Or like ordinary women like me, stealing melons and picking vegetables from other people's vegetable gardens?"

"Stealing vegetables?"

Geng Qingning became interested. The game of stealing vegetables was popular in a certain space back then, and there were many people who set the alarm clock and got up in the middle of the night just to steal vegetables.

"It's not really about stealing," Hongxiu said with a smile, holding her hands, "It's all a joke among the country folks. Newly married women 'steal' some winter melons or pumpkins, whatever, and draw doll-like images on them, which means they will give birth to a son soon."

She also said, "If an unmarried girl picks onions and garlic from other people's vegetable gardens, she can find a good husband."

It really fits the current trend perfectly.

But Geng Qingning didn't like it very much. She waved her hand and said, "I'm married and have children, so I don't need these. Is there anything else fun?" Hongxiu pondered and really found an idea in the corner of her head, "I heard that women in Jiangnan will walk on the moon on the night of Mid-Autumn Festival. They will walk over at least three bridges. It is called "walking three bridges". Some even walk over more bridges and are not allowed to go back." If it were normal, Geng Qingning would definitely not choose this kind of activity that consumes both physical and mental energy. But compared with lighting lanterns to watch the sky and burning incense to worship the moon, this method is more low-key and more suitable for the current situation. It is also a pleasure to go boating on the lake with the fourth master and the children with lanterns. The fourth master did not stop her, but only asked her to bring more servants to play. He stayed on the couch without moving, with a book at hand and a chessboard on the kang table, looking like a standard recuperation.

Geng Qingning felt a little uncomfortable, and even put himself in the shoes of those carefree mothers in modern society who were surrounded by people and had nannies and children to go out happily.

Although it was really cool, there was still a little guilt.

The fourth master played chess with himself, "Master has injuries on his body. If it gets worse, you will still feel distressed."

Geng Qingning was embarrassed, and always felt that he had a hint of meaning, but seeing that he had found fun, he put aside the slight guilt in his heart.

She was packing up and preparing to go out when she saw the courtyard was brightly lit. Xiao Quanzi came over breathlessly to report that someone had come from the emperor's place.

Geng Qingning quickly retreated to the inner room. Through the screen, she saw Liang Jiugong personally holding a tray in his hands. The various treasures on it shone brightly under the candlelight, almost blinding her eyes.

Eunuch Liang did not come alone. He was followed by many people dressed as imperial doctors. Judging from the patches and hats they wore, they should be at the level of court cases and court judgments.

These people usually only accompanied the emperor and were responsible for the emperor's health. Even when the fourth master was suffering from such a serious epidemic last time, Geng Qingning had never seen these people. Now they are all here.

The fourth master struggled to get down from the couch. He was so moved that he burst into tears and kowtowed to the emperor. Liang Jiugong, whose eyes were red, stopped him and they both expressed their gratitude for the emperor's great grace.

Several imperial doctors felt the pulse one by one, and discussed for a long time before prescribing a prescription and handing it to the medicine boy to boil the medicine. Liang Jiugong also watched Su Peisheng change the blood circulation plaster on the wound of the fourth master before he told the purpose of this trip.

The general idea was that the emperor was grateful that he was old and not in good health, and he was hurt again this time. Now he only had the fourth master as a close person by his side. The fourth master had to get well quickly, and he was counting on you to support his father.

The Fourth Master was naturally moved to tears. He ignored his wounds and insisted on thanking En, saying that the Long Live Master was strong and energetic, and his spirit was better than that of a young man like him. He would definitely guide the Qing Dynasty for thousands of years.

He also said that as long as he could get up, he would always bow and do his best for the Emperor. Even if he couldn't get up now, he would pray for Han Ama every day and hope that Han Ama would live long and long.

Geng Qingning, who was hiding in the inner room, was embarrassed for others at this moment. He just felt that his toes could build another Rehe Palace.

But the two people outside were very moved, even Su Peisheng, the imperial physician and others beside them wiped their eyes with their sleeves - they looked like they were completely moved by the friendship between father and son and monarch and minister.

Well, I don't really understand these ancient people who express their emotions.

Geng Qingning thought that according to the character of the fourth master, the king of rolls, he would definitely get up and work with injuries, and maybe even faint at work, and then be selected by the emperor as an outstanding employee representative, and finally praised by the whole court and set up as an advanced model.

Unexpectedly, he really cultivated himself, poured bitter medicine into his stomach three times a day, and after lying down for three days, he got up with a cough and went to Mulan Paddock to thank the emperor in person.

But after that day, the Fourth Master became obviously busy and was almost invisible. Although the two of them lived in the same room, they rarely saw him. Occasionally, she felt the warmth around her in the middle of the night, and when she woke up, she found the bed empty again.

It was really a bit hard to get used to it.

Before she could find other fun things, Su Peisheng came back in a hurry to report that he was going back to the capital.

Grape and others had to start packing their gifts again. They had just arrived three days ago, and the master had a lot of things. It took them two days to pack them up, and today they had to pack them up again.

Everyone in the room was busy, and only Geng Qingning, the salted fish, sat aside and thought, how busy was the Fourth Master, and he didn't even have time to come back in person.

And Ning Chuge, after so many days, she hasn't even seen her daughter.

Is the emperor going to tie this father and daughter to him?

She sighed, feeling that she was not far from being an empty-nest old man. While she was sighing, she saw Grape coming in from outside, saying that Cui Xi, who was with Wuya Gege, wanted to see her.

Geng Qingning really didn't want to see it. Anyone who traveled hundreds of miles to find a long-distance love partner would not be too happy if he found that there was a young and beautiful girl with him.

She felt that she had been very restrained, but the fourth master still joked that she was getting more and more jealous and didn't know how to hide it.

However, did Wuya do something wrong? She used to love to jump around alone, why haven't we seen her out of the house for so many days?

"Let her in," Geng Qingning nodded. They were all colleagues, and they would meet each other sooner or later. Besides, she came here at this time, maybe there was something wrong.

Grape led a humble person in, it was Cuixi, her eyes were red, her face was pale, she knelt down as soon as she came in, and kowtowed several times, "Master Geng, please take our princess with you."

The whole yard was packing up, but no one notified the master and servant. Could it be that they were going to be abandoned in this palace?

The princess's voice was already broken, and she couldn't speak at the moment. She hadn't eaten anything for several days. If she was left here again, she might lose her life.

Geng Qingning pressed her forehead and worried. She was not Fu Jin, and she had to worry about the concubines below her. Moreover, Wu Ya was the cousin of the fourth master. No matter from which angle, it was not her turn to take the lead.

Besides, what is the principle of social animals? Do more and take more measures, do less and make fewer mistakes, and do nothing. Don't intervene in things that have nothing to do with you, or you might get involved.

"Please, our princess is really dying," Cui Xi cried, and two water stains appeared on the bluestone bricks in front of her, "The princess has not eaten anything for three days."

That day, the princess had her fill of cravings, and Su Peisheng personally gave her medicine that night. In the past two days, there was no one to deliver meals. If it weren't for the leftover snacks from the previous days, not only the princess, but also she would not be able to survive.

Today, everyone in the yard was busy. The eunuchs who were guarding them saw that the master and servant were like a mess, so they relaxed their vigilance and went to pack their luggage.

This was their last chance.

Cui Xi gritted her teeth and kowtowed desperately.

The room was very quiet, and the sound of the forehead hitting the bluestone bricks was particularly disturbing, and there was even an echo. Seeing Cui Xi almost having a concussion, Geng Qingning immediately remembered the scene of Grape and Yu Jinzhong kowtowing to Li Fujin.

It was not easy.

"I know," she sighed, "I will mention this to the prince, but I can't guarantee the result."

Cui Xi was already surprised and happy. The victim was willing to forgive the princess, so the prince must be able to spare her life. She wiped her tears and thanked sincerely, "Thank you for your kindness, Master Geng. The slave and the master will pray for you sooner or later."

Geng Qingning's mouth twitched. It's better to forget this way of thanking. It always feels weird.

Since she promised him, she couldn't break her promise. She wrote a letter and asked Li Huairen to deliver it. The fourth master should be very busy, so he just said "I know".

What does "I know" mean? Does it mean to agree or disagree?

The riddle teller is really annoying.

Geng Qingning was still struggling with this problem until the departure. Seeing that the mule carriage was almost ready, she simply closed her eyes and asked Li Huairen to prepare a carriage for Wuya Gege and her servant at the end.

She was not a person who struggled with things, but after doing this, she hesitated on the road for the next few days whether she should do this.

Is this the bad guy in the legend?

But since she had brought the person with her, she couldn't abuse him. She couldn't not give him food. As for the doctor she needed if she was sick, Doctor Chen was not here, and she was not qualified to invite a doctor. She just found a few bottles of medicine from the ebony box and sent them to him.

Life and death are determined by fate, and destiny is in the hands of God. Anyway, as long as she didn't play the farmer and the snake drama, she would be satisfied.

After setting out, Geng Qingning had no time to think about these things. The thing he was most looking forward to was to see when the emperor's procession in front would stop.

As soon as the front stopped, the others behind would also stop and set up camp, not only Geng Qingning and her group, but also all kinds of merchants behind them.

They didn't dare to get too close. About three or five miles away from the tent, all kinds of merchants spontaneously gathered into a market.

I don't know where these walking merchants brought crabs, pomegranates, pears, dates, chestnuts, grapes, and even oranges that had just come on the market. Some people even set up a small colorful building on the spot and hung a banner with the image of the "Drunken Immortal" at the door.

This means that there is new wine.

Geng Qingning had already drunk the newly brewed osmanthus wine, community wine, chrysanthemum wine, etc. Sometimes, if she went too late, the banners at the door would be torn down, which meant that the wine was sold out.

At this time, she could only watch other excitement, including the people playing the balancing drum, the monkey show, the land boat, the stage, etc.

She also asked someone to give her a silver peanut. Under the command of the master, the little monkey immediately bowed to her, which was very cute.

Hongzhao was also fascinated and couldn't take his eyes off. Every time he went to the market, he would buy a mask. Now his carriage was full of different masks.

The fourth master took time out of his busy schedule to bring Ning Chuge here. When he saw the masks in this car, he smiled. The dark blue under his eyes was blocked by the slight fine lines, which made it less conspicuous.

Geng Qingning couldn't help but feel distressed, and this distress reached its peak after seeing the thin Ning Chuge.

Being tightly held in her mother's arms and being touched from head to toe, Ning Chuge's face flushed. On the one hand, she felt that she was already a big child and shouldn't be like this, but on the other hand, she couldn't bear to leave her mother's warm embrace. In the end, she could only point at Hong Zhu's mask to divert attention, "Little Four, give me a little of your mask."

Hong Zhu obviously couldn't tell how much his sister meant by a little, and in the end he could only look at the half-empty carriage and pout.

Geng Qingning felt lucky that Hongzhu didn't inherit the obsessive-compulsive disorder of the Fourth Master and didn't always put up masks in a row. But on the other hand, she found that Hongzhu seemed to have a hobby of collecting stamps.

Just like some people in modern society will buy all kinds of sets of small cards, some girls will buy a full range of bags and jewelry, and some boys will buy a full range of shoes.

Hiss, it's really a hobby that burns money. Geng Qingning sighed and shook her head. Forget it, forget it. He is a rich man. Collecting a mask stamp shouldn't be a big deal.

Chapter 194

On this return trip, Geng Qingning finally experienced the beauty of public-funded travel.

Not only can she enjoy the scenery and local customs along the way every day, but she can also take a slow and in-depth tour, and even find a local to be her guide. Moreover, she can walk at a leisurely pace, and only walk 20 miles a day at most. If the weather is not good, 10 miles is also common.

It is only more than 100 kilometers from Rehe to the capital, which is only about an hour's drive in modern times, but it took two National Day holidays in the Qing Dynasty.

As a result, the carriage has not entered Beijing yet, and the days have flowed into September.

It was a clear and cool autumn outside, but Geng Qingning was in a dilemma again. Now she followed the large army. After entering Beijing, should she go back to the mansion or go back to the manor alone?

There are so many things on the farm that concern her, so naturally she is worried.

But how should she tell the Fourth Master? He won't be petty and angry...right?

Well, it's possible.

For a moment, Geng Qingning felt pain on her forehead. If the two were still angry and quarreling, she would not be afraid. It would not be a big deal to go back to the farm without saying hello, but now the two are obviously in a state of reconciliation, so it would be inappropriate to behave like this.

Whether it is modern times or the Qing Dynasty, when two people are together, no matter who is together, they should not be too stubborn, and should respect the opinions of the other half appropriately.

How about discussing it with him?

After all, you can see farther by standing on the shoulders of giants, and the Fourth Master has the ability and conditions to be a giant to support her.

Besides, cowpox, potatoes and other things are things that will benefit future generations, and can even be the achievements of the emperor written in history books.

The Fourth Master will not lose money.

Having made up her mind, Geng Qingning felt much more relaxed. She asked Grape to bring a brush and rice paper and put them on the small table. She no longer went to the market. She stayed in the carriage all day, either writing or painting in the tent.

She also learned the Fourth Master's method, listing the many affairs of the farm one by one on paper, and arranged them in order of importance and urgency - determined to write a perfect stage work report, striving to attract the Fourth Master, an angel investor.

Not to mention, salted fish is also quite powerful when it is rolled up occasionally.

At this time, Geng Qingning was deep in thought when she saw Grape open the curtain and come in. She said with difficulty, "Master, Wuya Gege is outside and said she wants to thank you."

The master and servant were very thick-skinned. She almost wore out her tongue, but they refused to leave and had to thank the master in person.

However, in her opinion, the prince was not here, so even if Wuya Gege had any evil thoughts, she could not harm the prince. She should be sincere.

Outside the tent, Wuya Gege and Cui Xi were both waiting anxiously, and they couldn't help showing some hesitation and panic on their faces.

It is difficult to ask someone to do something.

Cui Xi supported Wu Ya, who was about to fall. Since she had taken the medicine last time and was very hungry, her health had been bad. Now she couldn't even stand the autumn sun.

She suppressed her anxiety and tried to comfort her gently, "Don't worry, Princess. Since Master Geng saved you, he will definitely not abandon you."

Wu Ya shook her head without hope. She knew Geng a little bit. Although she looked favored, she was not a person who liked to stand out and didn't like to cause trouble. If this happened in the mansion, Geng would definitely stay away.

It was her luck. If anyone else in the mansion was here, she would probably be buried in this royal palace and become the wronged soul who died unjustly.

Thinking of this, Wuya Gege couldn't help but laugh bitterly at herself. She asked herself, if someone had provoked her and her useless husband in her previous life, she would have wished that person would die early and would not have helped him at all.

Moreover, this was the order from the prince. The moment Su Peisheng appeared, she knew that it was her cousin who wanted her life.

Cui Xi looked at her own Gege and felt extremely distressed. Not to mention that Gege's voice was broken, the prince was still so cruel. If she didn't find a big tree to shelter her from the wind and rain, she would probably die quietly in the backyard.

Of course, logically speaking, Fu Jin and the two side Fu Jins are of higher status than this Master Geng, but there is no benefit without early action. Who would protect a princess who has angered the prince?

It is very likely that the benefits will not come to them, but the prince will be angry first, and the gains will not be compensated.

As for the princess Niu Hulu who has always been on good terms with the princess, she can't even stand firmly in the mansion, let alone take care of others.

No matter how you look at it, it is more appropriate to choose Master Geng, after all, this person can save his life under the hands of the prince.

No matter what the master and servant outside think, Geng Qingning in the carriage can confirm that he is being entangled.

In broad daylight, she couldn't let Wu Ya, who was also a princess, stand outside the tent all the time. If the news got out, would her reputation still be ruined?

She didn't care about it herself, but she had to consider the children after all.

Geng Qingning couldn't help but sigh. No wonder people on the Internet said that when you encounter difficulties, you are more likely to get help if you ask for help from people who have helped you before.

After experiencing this, she roughly understood the meaning of this. For people or things that have helped once, if you take it back now, wouldn't all the previous investment go down the drain?

"Please invite the people in," Geng Qingning gathered up all the things on hand and stuffed them all into the small drawer under the table, "By the way, bring some milk tea and some snacks."

These days, Wuya Gege seems to have only asked for porridge and soft noodles. If she continues like this, she will be malnourished and blown away by a gust of wind before she reaches the capital.

The master and servants outside were trembling with anxiety. Finally, they saw the door curtain swaying. Although Grape's face was calm, she finally let someone in. They both breathed a sigh of relief.

Wuya patted Cuixi's hand, smiled as much as she could, and entered the tent. When she passed Grape, she bowed slightly to her, which scared Grape and made her avoid it quickly.

As a servant, she had no reason to accept the master's courtesy. However, despite saying so, Grape's face was much softer and even had a smile.

Who can not like a person who knows etiquette?

Behind him, Cui Xi tried to catch up with him for a few steps, but she didn't dare to approach the tent. The princess was so polite to the maids around Master Geng, so what kind of person was she?

She should just wait outside.

In the tent, Bai Li had prepared tea and snacks. Geng Qingning had just sat down when she saw a person wearing thick clothes coming in sideways.

It was just September, and the cotton and satin were very good. The person actually wore a pleated skirt, but even so, her face was not without a trace of sweat. Her pale cheeks were slightly sunken, and only two blushes were floating on her high cheekbones.

Geng Qingning tried to recall the scene she had seen half a year ago. At that time, everyone was listening to the story in the pavilion. At that time, Wuya Gege had the same oval face as Empress Defei, with delicate and white skin. When she ate, her cheeks puffed up a little, and she looked as fresh as a small lychee.

What's wrong with this dead-wood look?

While Geng Qingning was still recalling, Wuya Gege had already squatted down deeply. She respectfully and hard squeezed out a few words from her throat, "I've seen you, sister."

Why did she say hard? Geng Qingning could even see the blue veins on her neck bulging from the effort, and the redness on her cheekbones expanded to her entire face.

Geng Qingning couldn't help but shudder, goosebumps all over her body rushed out one after another. This sound didn't sound like a human voice at all, it was more like nails accidentally scratching a blackboard, or like an iron fork scraping glass.

No, Wu Ya's voice was obviously sweet and coquettish, even if she raised her voice, she was still cute and coquettish.

What's going on?

She rubbed her arm quietly, let Grape help the person up, and asked someone to sit next to her.

Being a good person to the end, that's probably what it means.

Wu Ya should know that her voice is unpleasant, so apart from greeting and thanking, she didn't say anything else, just drank the milk in small sips, and also used two pieces of snacks.

Geng Qingning was relieved that she didn't have to chat awkwardly. Seeing that Wu Ya had already eaten her third snack, she served tea and sent her away.

Wu Ya didn't linger and squatted again before leaving the tent, which made the people who stayed in the tent full of confusion.

Geng Qingning asked Grape, "What do you think, Wu Ya Gege means?"

She didn't say anything or make trouble. She just stayed quietly for a while. What else can she do?

Tsk tsk, the ancient people had so many thoughts.

Grape burned the things her master had written before, and said proudly, "What else can it be? She just wants to curry favor with you."

The master was not in the mansion, but there were stories about her everywhere in Prince Yong's mansion. Anyone with a discerning eye knew what to do.

Geng Qingning was amused by her. She had forgotten Grape's inexplicable confidence in her these days.

However, high team cohesion is not a bad thing.

The two were chatting, and the fourth master came in from outside. He looked tired and haggard, and the dark circles under his eyes were much heavier than before.

Without time to think about why Ning Chuge didn't come back, Geng Qingning hurriedly asked him to lean on the couch and told Grape to cook a bowl of hot milk with honey.

The fourth master must be very tired. He let her do whatever she wanted and drank a whole bowl of hot milk obediently. Soon, the sound of even breathing came from the couch.

In just a short while, he fell asleep. It seems that he was really tired.

What was so important that adults and children had to stay by the emperor's side? Geng Qingning complained and looked at the sky outside. She felt that the sun had set too late, making the tent too bright. She also felt that there were too many candles in the tent, disturbing people's sleep.

But it was obviously unrealistic to put a screen in front of the bed at the moment, so she had to extinguish the candles carefully, leaving only a long-burning lamp for use.

Geng Qingning wanted to stay in Hongzhuo's tent for a while, but she hadn't seen him for several days. For a moment, she was reluctant to leave, so she simply picked up the half-written "work report" and pondered it carefully under the long-burning lamp.

Time slipped away bit by bit, the light of the eternal lamp in the tent became brighter and brighter, and a crescent moon quietly climbed up to the sky.

The fourth master slept very deeply this time. When he woke up, he found that he was covered with a blanket, and his whole body was warm, as if he was soaking in hot spring water. All the fatigue that made people's hands and feet heavy was taken away by this warmth.

He stretched his waist leisurely, and rested for a while before slowly opening his eyes. He saw a person sitting under the eternal lamp next to him. Her shadow happened to fall on his face, blocking the dazzling light for him.

"Ningning," the fourth master called.

Geng Qingning looked over at the sound and could see that he looked energetic even in the dim tent. She felt relieved and asked people to light the lights and set the table, while smiling, "Are you hungry?"

The fourth master nodded. He didn't feel hungry when he was tired just now, but now that he smelled the fragrance, his stomach seemed to be hungry.

The eunuchs on the side moved faster, and after a while, the table was full.

The fourth master sat down in his robe, with a bowl of steaming mutton noodle soup in front of him.

Geng Qingning also took a bowl for himself, "Drink some soup first to warm your stomach."

He didn't even get enough sleep, so he would definitely not be on time for meals. He should drink some noodle soup to nourish himself first. Besides, autumn and winter are nourishing seasons, so it's not a bad thing to have more soup.

The mutton soup was boiled to a milky white color, and a lot of pepper was added to it. The fourth master drank a bowl of it hot, and a lot of sweat came out of his nose. He secretly said that it was great, and then he ate most of the food on the table like a glutton.

It seems that he is very hungry.

On the side, Geng Qingning took the soup and drank it slowly, only picking up the plate of cold radish shreds in front of him to eat. Mutton is hot, and radish can reduce internal heat, so the two are a perfect match.

She kept looking at the fourth master. When he put down his bowl and chopsticks, she immediately put them down too. After a long while, she handed him the things in her arms after even the dining table was cleaned up.

Seeing her desperate look, the fourth master smiled even more. He reached out to take the light paper and glanced at it casually.

Before he could see the content clearly, he had already seen the basics of her calligraphy. He smiled as he watched. Ningning's calligraphy had not improved since that year. It seemed that he had to watch her practice calligraphy in person.

After just a moment, the smile on his face disappeared unconsciously, and his hands became heavier and heavier.

This piece of paper weighed more than a thousand gold.

Geng Qingning was a little nervous. Although the prospect of this scientific research project was very good, it was not convincing enough without any interim results.

She reached out and grabbed his sleeve, smiled widely, and asked tentatively, "Do you want to come with me to the manor to take a look?"

Chapter 195

According to custom, the emperor's carriage should be parked ten miles outside the city to wait for the officials to come to see him. Of course, there may be many people around who will come to kneel down and pay homage to the emperor and express gratitude.

The first batch of people summoned are usually the princes and ministers who are closest to the emperor.

The princes who stayed in Beijing were naturally unwilling to fall behind. Moreover, the emperor's father had returned, and the sons naturally missed him. They all submitted memorials to ask for an audience early.

But the emperor did not announce it, even the royal family could only wait at the Zhengyang Gate ten miles away.

Zhengyang Gate was the only way for the emperor to enter and exit the Forbidden City. If the emperor summoned him, they could go out of the city to greet him immediately.

The third master was the last one to arrive among the group of elder brothers. Even the disabled thirteenth master had to be carried upstairs. He came slowly and leisurely. After greeting his younger brothers, he sat down on the first chair. He picked up a tea bowl with his long arm, skimmed off all the foam with the bowl cover, and took a sip.

He frowned slightly. Although the water was good water from Yuquan Mountain, the tea leaves had passed the summer and had a stale smell.

Forget it, what good things can these rough guys have.

The ninth master on the side curled his lips and secretly winked at the people around him.

If the first chair was placed in the past, it would have been reserved for the Prince of Zhi. Although the Prince of Zhi was now in the circle, everyone left an empty seat without any hesitation. Only the wilted Third Brother did it without any hesitation, not even considering whether he could convince the crowd.

The Eighth Master shook his head at him slightly, and his throat started to itch again. He could only cover his chest and cough twice. The pain from his heart made his eyebrows wrinkle slightly, and his fair face, which was the same as that of Concubine Liang, was covered with a faint blush.

The cough caused by the cold this time was particularly severe. Not only could he not sleep all night, but every time he coughed, he would want to bend his waist like a freshly cooked shrimp to relieve the pain.

But this was outside, and there were so many brothers around, so he had to pay attention to his dignity.

The teasing expression on the Ninth Master's face turned into worry. He pushed the cup towards him, indicating that he should drink the hot tea slowly. The Tenth Master even advised, "Eighth Brother, why don't you go home and rest? Anyway..."

Anyway, the emperor will not summon them.

"Eighth Brother," the Fourteenth Master, who was sitting at the end, did not let the Tenth Master finish his words. The Zhengyang Gate was open on all sides, and there were many guards and soldiers around, and they all belonged to the Nine Gates Admiral, who was the confidant of the Wansui Master.

"There is a good doctor in my house, I will send it to you later," the Fourteenth Master said with concern, "but don't force yourself, your own health is the most important."

The Third Master sneered and lowered his head to drink tea without saying anything. They were all thousand-year-old foxes, why were they pretending to be brothers?

The Fifth Master and the Seventh Master seemed to be oblivious to everything around them. They had already walked to the fence outside and talked about the construction of the city wall. They also said that the bricks were rare and the craftsmanship was extremely complicated.

The Twelfth Master also came over to show off a few words, "This craftsmanship is complicated. Can it be compared with the procedures of the funeral?"

The Fifth, Seventh, and Twelfth Princes talked enthusiastically about how to conduct a funeral and how to make it decent.

If it weren't for the fact that the elder brother was more solemn, the Third Master would have laughed out loud at this moment. Some people were brothers, while others pretended to be stupid. After jumping out, he realized that everyone's thoughts were so straightforward.

The Emperor's eyes are sharp, and he must have seen through everything. He must have made fun of the three brothers.

The Third Emperor was in no mood to laugh at others. He drank the old tea without any taste, stood up and said goodbye, "It's getting late today, and I have something to do over there, so I'll leave first."

If the Emperor wanted to see them, he would have summoned them long ago, just like the Prince of Zhi, who had just stopped the imperial carriage and the eunuch who summoned them took them away.

Even if they waited until the sun went down and rebelled, the Emperor would not see it.

The Third Master was leaving, and the remaining younger ones had to stand up to see him off. He waved his hand to stop them from seeing him off, but when he saw Thirteen struggling to stand up, he stood still and accepted Thirteen's gift completely before leaving with a smile.

If it weren't for Thirteen, he would have gotten the title of Prince Cheng long ago, and why did he only get the title of Prince last year with the Fourth Master.

He was happy to see Thirteen in such a miserable state.

After the Third Master left, the remaining people had no interest in talking, leaving the room in silence, with only occasional coughs.

The light that passed through the window slipped from everyone's feet to the window, and finally disappeared completely. Someone came over quietly to ask if they wanted to send a table of food.

The person who asked the question stared at the ground, not daring to raise his head. These princes had not even had a few sips of tea from the early morning to the afternoon.

They really missed the emperor.

The princes looked at each other, and were stunned for a moment. In the past, when they were in the palace, they were afraid that it would be undignified to go to the clean room, so they always ate less and drank less. Now that they were out, they suddenly thought they were still in the palace.

Everyone looked at the fifth master. He was the oldest among the rest, and he should come out to speak. However, the fifth master seemed to have heard nothing, pushed the snacks on the table to the seventh master on the side, and spoke a few words in Mongolian.

Good guy, this person actually pretended not to understand.

The tenth master touched his belly, took out something from his pocket, and threw it to the person who asked the question without even looking at it, "Go quickly, I want the best meal in Huashan Restaurant."

The man bowed and left, and the rest of the people drank tea and had snacks. They had been eating for most of the day and were already hungry. No one was laughing at anyone.

The waiter was about to add the tea for the second time when there was a sudden movement outside. A young eunuch came in with a serious face.

Everyone's heart skipped a beat. They all recognized this eunuch. He was Liang Jiugong's apprentice. He usually smiled at everyone he met. They had never seen him look like his father had died.

The eunuch cleared his throat, "I see your filial piety, and I am very pleased, but I am busy with work, so come to Changchun Garden tomorrow."

He brought the oral order of His Majesty, and everyone in the room knelt down to listen to His Majesty's words.

"However, since July, I have been feeling unwell," the eunuch said, with a more severe expression on his face, probably imitating His Majesty's expression at that time.

He raised his voice, and the sharp and sharp voice made everyone frown, "Old Eighth, you are sick now, and you still want to see me, don't you want me to die early?"

After the eunuch delivered the oral order, he immediately bent his waist and put on his usual smile, but everyone could no longer pay attention to a little eunuch, and stared at the Eighth Master kneeling beside him.

His face was red, and veins bulged out of his neck. His hands, pressed on the ground, turned white from exertion. He was coughing violently, and it was as if there was air in his chest and lungs, making a choking sound.

Perhaps because of the pain, his body shook violently every time he coughed.

Gradually, his shoulders hunched, and his straight waist collapsed, like a shrimp cooked in a high fire.


The gate of Prince Yong's mansion, which had not been opened for a long time, was open. The red door was full of joy. It must have been painted in recent days. The gatekeepers lined up neatly on both sides, looking forward to the return of the owner of the mansion.

Xiao Du changed into his recently issued autumn clothes this morning and stood behind the crowd. Seeing that no one noticed his corner, he quietly moved his shoulders.

The prince is finally coming back.

To be honest, when the prince is not in the mansion, the mansion is as dull as a tomb of the living dead. Only in Li Fujin's yard is there some fresh air - people are coming and going there, preparing the wedding dowry of the eldest princess.

Sometimes the gatekeepers help to carry some things in and get a lot of rewards. Last time when they moved the heavy step-out bed, the sister there even grabbed a handful of copper coins for each of them.

Xiao Du licked his lips. He had forgotten how heavy the step-out bed was, but the roast chicken that day was indeed delicious.

He looked at the big sun above his head, and quietly shifted his weight from his left foot to his right foot, hoping that his masters would come back soon and they could go back to rest.

Just as he was thinking, he saw a fast horse running from the street. The horse stopped at the gate. The man jumped off the horse, not caring to shake off the dust on his face, and hurriedly said, "The prince's carriage is five miles outside the city."

The gatekeeper quickly moved, and the manager pointed at his adopted son, "Go, hurry up, go and tell the masters the good news."

Xiao Du looked at the man's back with envy. How could such a good job not fall on him? Who knows how much reward he would get.

The prince entered the city.

The prince went to the palace.

With the news coming from outside, the gatekeeper passed the message to the inner courtyard again and again. Xiao Du begged his grandfather and even gave away a purse in his arms, and finally got a chance to go in.

He was overjoyed and went straight to the main courtyard, but unfortunately he was stopped by the eunuch at the second gate.

The eunuch asked in detail about the message from the front, turned around and went in, leaving Xiao Du alone.

Hey, hey, the reward hasn't been given yet.

Xiao Du opened his mouth, but he didn't dare to stop him, so he just looked at the second gate angrily for a few times.

It's so lively.

Before Xiao Du could take a closer look, he was chased away by the gatekeeper like a chicken. As he walked back, he thought about the scene inside. He had been to the second gate before, but it was always quiet. A figure occasionally flashed in the depths of the courtyard, which looked scary.

But today, the courtyards in the mansion were like clay sculptures of Bodhisattva temples that had shed their golden bodies. From the courtyards to the people, everything began to come alive.

Tsk tsk, he is worthy of being the backbone of the mansion.

Xiao Du walked back with emotion. Just as he reached the gate, he saw another fast horse coming. He quickly retreated behind the people.

Humph, he would not continue to be stupid without a reward.

There were many people who had never been there, and they all tried their best to get in. When Xiao Du saw that a person who usually didn't get along with him was sent to the inner courtyard, he couldn't help but feel happy. Go ahead, come back naked.

But after he was happy, he couldn't help feeling a little sad. It was a pity for his purse just now, which still had a silver coin in it.

When the sun was at its highest point, everyone began to take turns to have lunch, but each time only had half an incense stick of time. When it was Xiao Du's turn, he ran faster than anyone else. When others arrived, he was already squatting at the entrance of the canteen with a bowl of noodles.

He took a sip of noodles, and his eyes brightened a lot. When he saw someone familiar coming over, he said mysteriously, "Hurry up and get some rice. There's meat in it today."

Everyone ate with a smile on their face. It seemed that the prince's return was indeed a happy event for everyone.

After lunch, everyone began to wait quietly again until the golden crows set in the west. Finally, a carriage with the seal of Prince Yong's Mansion appeared on the street at the gate.

Xiao Du looked at it with envy for several times. The roof of the carriage with a black roof and the body of the carriage made of paulownia wood were not afraid of being wet by the rain. The horse pulling the carriage was fat and strong, and it looked energetic.

"What are you doing?" The steward slapped Xiao Du on the face. "Why don't you go and move a stool for the nobleman?"

Xiao Du hurriedly responded several times, and then hurriedly moved the stool. When he came back, he could no longer see the carriage, and the people at the gate had also dispersed.

He was completely confused. What was going on? Where did everyone go?

Wu Ya entered the mansion from the corner gate and walked slowly to the main courtyard. She had not returned to the mansion for a long time, so she should kowtow to Fu Jin and pay her respects.

Cui Xi supported her master, and she was really worried, "Gege, do you really want to do this? You will become a thorn in the eyes and flesh of everyone."

Wu Ya's footsteps paused for a moment, and then continued to move forward firmly. In the past, what she wanted was just a house full of splendor and a life of wealth, but times have changed, and now her wish is very simple.

To survive.

She really has no confidence.

Since the prince had already given her medicine, he certainly didn't care about her aunt's face anymore, so she could only follow Geng who had saved her without knowing anything.

Cuixi was still worried, "But Geng is not of high status and is from the Han army. Can we have a future with her?"

Wuya patted Cuixi's hand, rest assured, Geng is the future Concubine Yu, and she has the fifth prince, so she must have the ability to protect her.

Fifth prince?

Wuya suddenly stopped, but there are four and five princes in Lanyuan now.

"Princess, princess?" Cuixi called Wuya in a low voice, not knowing why she suddenly became dazed.

Wuya came back to her senses, and her face, which had not recovered its flesh, suddenly glowed a little, "Let's go."

Given the scarcity of Emperor Yongzheng's offspring, it was uncertain who would be the future Empress Dowager.

In the main courtyard, everyone sat silently in their seats.

Only Li Fujin was not there. She heard that the prince had gone to the Old Summer Palace, and was busy preparing dowry for the eldest princess.

Anyway, she would not see anyone if she stayed.

The others naturally knew this, but they were unwilling to fill the whole room and cover everyone's face, and then be forced down.

When Wu Ya came in, she felt that everyone's gazes almost stared a hole in her. She touched her temples, smiled coquettishly, and said, "My sister is late, please don't blame me, sisters."

Everyone in the room frowned, one because of Wu Ya's pretentious manner, and the other because of her voice.

What's wrong with this broken voice?

Fu Jin asked someone to help Wu Ya up from her kneeling position, and said concernedly, "Alas, it's bitterly cold outside the Great Wall, and I think you seem to have lost a lot of weight."

Wu Ya found the chair that originally belonged to her, and then nodded and said, "Fu Jin is right, I caught a cold not long after I went there."

"Thanks to my cousin, no, thanks to the prince~" Wu Ya covered her pale face with a handkerchief, "Not only did he not let me go out, he also forced me to take medicine, otherwise, I might have to stay there."

Her voice was extremely hoarse and unpleasant, and coupled with her current behavior, everyone present looked away.

Fu Jin was more stable after all, and she relaxed her twitching mouth, "The prince loves you so much, why didn't he accompany you back home?"

Here it comes, here it comes, Wu Yashi cheered up, she must be a useful person to Lanyuan, so that she would not be abandoned by Geng Qingning, and she could save her life.

"I didn't ask the prince to accompany me, it's not a big deal," she said, and suddenly couldn't help groaning, and quickly covered her mouth with a handkerchief, pretending nothing happened.

But seeing that everyone's eyes were staring at her tightly, Wu Yashi threw the handkerchief again and forced an explanation, "I used too many snacks on the road, and I was full."

Niu Hulu's handkerchief was almost torn to pieces, and Wu Gege couldn't help but wrap it around her hand and then untwist it.

Nianbian Fu Jin quietly sat up straight. If she had accompanied the prince on this trip to Rehe, would she be the one who was pregnant?

Inside the mansion, everyone's eyes were focused on Wu Ya, and for a moment they didn't care what was going on outside.

Outside the city, Geng Qingning neither returned to the mansion nor went to the manor, but followed the emperor's carriage to Changchun Garden and went to the nearby Yuanmingyuan.

This was too far away from the manor.

She pouted, a little unhappy, but Hongzhao had already run away happily in Jiuzhou Qingyan, and Xiaowu fell asleep peacefully.

They all liked the cool here.

It was strange, the autumn wind was already blowing on the grassland, and the autumn tiger was still showing its power in the capital.

Forget it, let the child be free for a while, and wait for the fourth master to come back from the palace and then explain it to him clearly.

Geng Qingning lay on the rocking chair under the tree, feeling the cool breeze blowing from the back lake, and suddenly some doubts arose in her heart.

Hey, the fourth master didn't let her go back to the manor, didn't he want to steal her scientific research results?
