Chapter 9

3rd POV

Hope looks around and see a door that decorated with baby pictures of twin girls so she opens it and they were sucked into a memory.

Memory 3

Y/n was dancing in the dance room only wearing shorts and a sports bra when sana came in with a big smile on her face. Y/n stopped dancing when she saw Sana and chugged some water. Sana gave Y/n a small bag. "Open it." Sana said. Y/n grabbed the bag and opened it and looks shocked.

"Whats going on?" Rebekah asked. "You'll see." Marcel said knowing this the day Sana told y/n that she was pregnant. Klaus looks at marcel angrily. "You knew where y/n was this whole time!?" Klaus yelled. "Yes, she didn't want to be found so I never told you. She wasn't ready to face you yet." Marcel said, making Klaus shut up for now.

Y/n pulls out two pregnancy test that both says positive on it. "You're pregnant?" Y/n said smiling. Sana nodded. "You can listen in on my stomach." Sana said. Y/n is listening closing and hears two heartbeats making y/n smile even more. "We're having twins." Y/n said shocking Sana as well but smiling. She kissed y/n passionately.

"I'm an aunt." Hope said. "She has a family of her own." Freya said. Rebekah looks at her youngest niece happily that has a family of her own. "We're grandparents." Klaus and Hayley said. They were both shocked because y/n is 15 and gotten her girlfriend pregnant. "Yeah, y/n called me and told me the news of two more Mikaelson's joining the family. I immediately booked the first flight over for the whole nine months so I could see my nieces be born." Marcel said.


The Mikaelson's were transported to a laboring room when they hear cries of two babies. They looked over and see Sana holding one baby girl while Y/n was holding the other one. Y/n looks so happy looking at he two baby girls. "I promise I will protect you two from bad people mostly boys." Y/n said making Klaus smile at how protective she is to her girls. "What's their names?" The nurse asked. Y/n pointed to the baby in Sana's arms. "That one is Astrid Mikaelson. And the one I'm holding is Frida Mikaelson." Y/n said.

Rebekah walked over to the babies cooing at them even though they don't see her. "They look like y/n when she was a baby." Rebekah said. "My nieces are so cute." Hope gushes. Hayley and Klaus are smiling proudly at their grandchildren. Freya and Elijah are happy as well seeing y/n being happy and also more Mikaelson's are born.

Y/n gave Frida to Sana. "I'm gonna get the rest of them in here to see the girls." Y/n said before walking into the waiting room and see Marcel, Kol, Davina, Finn and seven boys they don't know.

Klaus, Elijah, Rebekah and Freya are shocked. "How is Finn alive?" Elijah asked Marcel. "Davina and Kol knew where y/n was!" Hayley yelled. "Y/n resurrected Finn when she first came there. And Kol and Davina helped y/n get a house there." Marcel said. Klaus and Hayley were very angry while Hope is too busy staring at the guys in the room. "Also who are those boys with y/n?" Klaus said staring deadly at the group of boys in anger. "Those are her bandmates. Y/n is in a group called BTS there're one of the popular K-pop boy band in the world." Marcel said. "My sister is a singer?" Hope said. Marcel nodded his head yes.

They all walked in as marcel held Frida while Kol held Astrid. "You can tell they have magic." Davina said. Y/n nodded her head in agreement. "They looks like you when you were a baby." Marcel said as Y/n smiles. Y/n sat next to sana wrapping an arm around her while everyone was surrounded the twins. Sana leaned her head on y/n shoulder tiredly as y/n kissed her head.

The vision ended and the Mikaelson's and marcel are in the hallway everyone still shocked at what they saw. As no one was looking marcel texted Y/n that they are going through her memories. She texted back that she was ready to face them again so she is gonna put the cloak she has on herself off. Elijah walks to a door that has music notes on it and opens it.

Memory 4

They see Y/n in the studio with her son Ansel asleep on her couch. She made sure he was comfy before going into the booth and recording her song.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Four years old
With my back to the door
All I could hear was the family war

Your selfish hands
Always expecting more
Am I your child?
Or just a charity award?

You have a hollowed out heart
But it's heavy in your chest
Yah, I tried so hard to fight it
But it's hopeless, hopeless (hopeless)
You're hopeless

Oh, father
Please, father
I'd love to leave you alone
But I can't let you go

Oh, father
Please, father
Put the bottle down
For the love of a daughter

It's been five years
Since we've spoken last
And you can't take back
What we never had

Oh, I can be manipulated
Only so many times
Before even "I love you"
Starts to sound like a lie

You have a hollowed out heart
But it's heavy in your chest
I tried so hard to fight it
But it's hopeless, hopeless (hopeless)
You're hopeless

Oh, father
Please, father
I'd love to leave you alone
But I can't let you go

Oh, father
Please, father
Put the bottle down
For the love of a daughter

Don't you remember, I'm your baby girl?
How could you push me out of your world?
Lied to your flesh and your blood
Put your hands on the ones
That you swore you loved

Don't you remember, I'm your baby girl?
How could you throw me right out of your world?
So young when the pain had begun
Now forever afraid of being loved

Oh, father
Please, father
I'd love to leave you alone
But I can't let you go

Oh, father
Please, father

Oh, father
Please, father
Put the bottle down
For the love of a daughter
For the love of a daughter

Klaus was crying by now because he knew that she wrote that song for him. Hope hugs her dad trying to comfort him. The memory ended as they got back into the hallway. Klaus wipes his tears away. Rebekah looks around and sees two wedding ring so she opens it.

Memory 5

December 17

It was the wedding day and I am finishing putting on my suit when Davina, Kol and Marcel walked into the room. I turned around and see Davina with tears in her eyes as she sees me. "Why you crying Davina?" I asked her. "It's just that you grew up so fast. I remember you when you were just seven looking for a love of a family and now you're an adult it makes me miss when you were younger." Davina said as she cried. I hugged her.

Hayley gasp as she cried. "She's married." Hayley said. "Yea, she is. They gotten married in December of 2018. I remember y/n calling me saying she was finally going to propose to Sana she was so excited." Marcel said happily. "She looks handsome." Freya said.

"Don't worry I'm still that same girl you met I'm just older and now have a family of my own." I said. I then went to hug Marcel and Kol. "Wow, look at you all grown up into the woman I knew you be." Marcel said as he smiled at me. "Well I'm about to get married and the ceremony is about to start." I said. Uncle Kol, Marcel and the hyung line of BTS are my best man so they went up to the alter beside me and wait for my soon to be wife while Davina sits in her seat next to dad who has my kids with him and my good friend josh that I haven't seen in a while.

My suit

The best man suits

Everyone came in and sat down while I was waiting for Sana patiently. Pretty soon the song of 'here comes the bride' came on and everyone stood up from their seats. I looked down the isle and see Sana with her dad walking down with her bridesmaids that are Twice. I got to say Sana looks beautiful in that dress as I couldn't take my eyes off of her.

Sana's dress

Twice dress

Once both Sana and her dad came up on the alter I took her hand as her father talked to me. "Take good care of my daughter." He said. "I will protect her with my life." I said. We both went in front of the priest who is gonna marry us. (I really don't know what happens at weddings so I just skipped)

After we said our vows and give each other our wedding rings it was finally time for us to kiss. "I'll now pronounce you wife and wife. You may now kiss your bride." The priest said. I immediately kissed her as everyone cheered for us. We both walked down the isle as everyone cheered and we are now going to the after party. The music was on as everyone was dancing and having fun. I see uncle Kol dancing crazy with a glass of bourbon in his hand while aunt Davina just face palm herself. I think Kol is already drunk. I was talking to Namjoon when a slow song came on and I hear my good friend Jay park. "It's now time for the newly weds to dance together." Jay said. I gently grabbed Sana's hand and walked to the dance floor as me and Sana slow dance.

Then everyone started to slow dance around us. I felt a tapped on my shoulder and see Sana's father. He smiled at me. "Can I dance with my daughter?" He asked. "Go right ahead." I said. I let them dance together as I went to my seat beside Davina who is giving water to Kol. "How is it the party barely started and he is already drunk." I said. "I don't know." Davina said while chuckling lightly. My 5 year old twins Astrid and Frida along with my 3 year old son came to me and Davina. I sat Ansel on my lap as he has his iron man that Jungkook gave him while Astrid and Frida are talking amongst themselves.

"She has another kid." Hope said. "Yeah. And guess what's his name." Marcel said. Everyone looks at him waiting for the answer. "His name is Ansel Mikaelson." Marcel said making Klaus gasp. "She named him after my biological father?" Klaus asked. "Yeah, Kol told her stories of how her biological grandfather name was Ansel and how he was a werewolf alpha, so she named him that in honor of him." Marcel explained. "He looks so adorable." Rebekah said as she looks at her great nephew and nieces. They were thrown out the memory as freya felt Y/n spell lift.

They were all back in the living room. "Y/n spell been lifted, I could finally find where she is." Freya said as she took out a world map. Klaus and Hayley gave her their blood as the blood moves all the way to South Korea. "She's been living in South Korea this whole time." Hope said. "Yeah. And she knows you're coming to find her so she decided to lift the spell so you can find her easily." Marcel said. Klaus looks at marcel and hugs him surprising his siblings. They let go of the hug. "Pack your bags we're going to South Korea." Klaus said as everyone spread to the room excited to see the youngest Mikaelson once again.

Seoul, South Korea

Y/n is leaning on the balcony of her and Sana's shared room thinking about her family. She finally forgave them 4 years ago she was just wasn't ready to talk to them face to face. Y/n heard the door opening and could tell it's Sana. "You sure you want to see them again?" Sana said worried about her wife. "Yeah, it's finally time for them to see me of who I become. And also I have been missing my twin sister." Y/n said to her as Sana leaned her head on Y/n shoulder. "Well if you need help me, Finn, Kol, Davina and our kids will be there for you." Sana said to her. They both watched the city lights come to life until they head to bed getting ready for the rest of the Mikaelson's coming to South Korea.
