Chapter 22 - Turning Point

I opened my eyes to find myself in a place filled with light surrounded me. I blinked looking around. The light, if I have to explain, didn't belong to any electrical bulbs; surely electrical bulbs couldn't shine this bright. It was something else.

I looked down at myself, expecting to see laying or so, covered in blood but I was taken aback. I was standing on my bare feet, I didn't even realize that, and my both hands were in the air on my each sides as if they had been held by someone. I looked at them with my surprise filled eyes and then my attention turned to my dress; there was no single trace of blood and I wasn't even in my t-shirt and jeans that I had worn when I got shot, instead, I was wearing a full sleeve loose greyish blue shirt and baby pink pajama pants.

But how come...

I reached out my hand to my right shoulder back, where I had got shot with the bullets, but the wound... it wasn't there. My lips parted as I couldn't find it, too confused at what's happening, or what has happened.

“You won't find it here, my dear.”

A familiar male voice rang behind me; it wasn't startling, but gentle and soothing. It didn't belong to my dad, definitely not my brother and never Benjamin –I was guessing it upon being called my dear– but it was the voice I didn't need much time to recognize. A voice I've only heard once but couldn't forget; it was the voice that calmed the storm inside me once.

I gasped and slowly turned back, and all I could see was no person, but a bright light approaching the spot where I was standing. Soon I got goosebumps all over my body and overwhelmed, I fell down on my knees, bending my head down to the floor, bowing to my savior who rewrote my destiny.

It was Jesus.

And that means... I'm in paradise.

Wait, so I did really die?

Even with my head bend low to the floor –that was made was gold– and my eyes closed, I could still see or feel His light approaching me. My heart was pounding inside in happiness to be in the presence of my savior for the first time ever like this.

I felt a gentle touch in my previously-wounded shoulder, followed by Jesus' voice, “Rise up, my dear child.” He said, his voice filled with that much of love, which made me wanting to burst into tears at the very moment.

I straightened myself, still on my knees, and glanced up to look at Jesus. The bright light of glory Jesus was covered in was no longer in my sight; I could see His appearance as same as it is written by apostle John in the book of Revelation, but His face, was still blended in glory that I couldn't see or dare to look. There were many reasons I couldn't look at Jesus on His face even if I ever could, because I know for myself more than anyone that, I haven't been a good child lately, and it made me feel unspeakably guilty, making me shift my gaze down to my lap.

“Jesus, I–”

“I know, dear, I know.” Jesus cut off my words gently and knowingly, sending a special warmth to my heart. “I know you have a lot to say, so do I. I know you have a lot to ask and I'm here to answer you. Let us find a place to sit down and talk.”

Sit down and talk? My jaw dropped, hearing this unexpected invitation from Jesus, of all people!

“Rise to your feet, dear one.” Jesus lend me His hand and I took it without hesitation, and followed His lead to a bench that was a little further, a real bench we could see in parks and footpaths, but made of something valuable that I couldn't make out. Could it be crystal, I wondered because it was light shade of blue in color.

I looked around me once we had sat down, facing a glass-like shining river. The surroundings were beautiful that it couldn't be compared to anything I've ever seen before. Of course, how can I find such beauty on earth? This is paradise... wait, it is, isn't it?

“I see, you like it here?” I heard amusement in Jesus' voice as He spoke to me.

“I do!” I blurted out, “Yeah, I do, I really do. Yeah...”

“You shouldn't feel nervous to speak with me, my dear, especially when I've chosen to bring you hear to talk.” Jesus said, and I could sense a smile from His voice. “You surely have a lot of questions, you may ask anything and I'll answer you.”

I bit my lip, Jesus just read my mind and saw that questions are bubbling in my head like a lava, waiting to explode. I felt dumbfounded but pulled up myself together to ask my first question; after all, this will be a golden offer of a lifetime.

“Did I die?” was the first thing that came out of my mouth.

“Yes and no.”

I blinked, what? But I thought Jesus' answers will be a Yes, or a No. Not a Yes and No.

Jesus chuckled softly, “Don't you think I'll be having a good reason to say a Yes and No?” Jesus asked, visibly amused, reading my thoughts.

I blushed, calling me stupid. “Yes, I'm so sorry, you know I'm a silly girl.”

“Never treat yourself in such way, my dear, it may cause a chaos in your self confidence.” Jesus corrected me, ever so gently.

I hung my head low, “I'm sorry, I won't do it again.”

“That's my good child.” Jesus nodded, making me beam at His affectionative words. “So, back to the matter.”

I straightened up myself.

“I said yes, because, you're here; and it's all because I called your soul out of your body. But why I said no is, you won't be dead to your family, whom I don't want to be frantic and devastated than they already are, so I've taken care of the matter to not let them know.” Jesus explained.

I was listening to Him awestruck, “So I died.” I whispered.

Jesus nodded, “Yes, but not when you thought you're dying but only later, just a small moment ago.”

I nodded, acknowledging His words, “What exactly happened? I mean, I do remember everything but it still doesn't make any sense. Why would Diana shoot me just because... I don't know...” I trailed off.

Jesus nodded understandingly, “To answer that, we need to go to Diana's life.”

“Diana's life? Why?”

“Don't you think there could be a reason behind why she shot you? Can a normal person with normal life could simply hold up a deadly weapon and have the courage to shoot someone?” Jesus asked.

“Please tell me,”

Jesus sighed, “Diana, like every child, was a nice girl. She was raised in a Catholic home where she wasn't introduced much about me. But when her family moved to Colorado from Dallas, where she met with Meghan in school and befriended her, was only when she got to know at least a bit about me. While Meghan and Benjamin were in good terms, Meghan used to attend the Bible study at Benjamin's home every Saturday with Diana. That's when Diana felt a movement in her heart about my love to my children. But all in between these, the main reason why Diana came with Meghan to church was all for a purpose.”

A purpose. My eyes slightly widened in realization, that's exactly what I heard Diana speaking to someone on phone!

“Exactly.” Jesus said, reading my mind, “Diana stepped into evil when she accidentally met the same person whom you heard her talking with that day, when she moved to Colorado. Sam Berkely, a young terrorist.”

I gasped with hand on my mouth, “Terrorist? She met with a terrorist?” I asked in utter disbelief.

Jesus nodded.

“He might've tricked her into his words and might've injected his beliefs into her, right?” I guessed out, knowing well about the nature of the terrorists, from what I've heard.

Jesus nodded again, “She was a perfect fit for a target in his opinion and, he trained her.”

“That's cruel.” I whispered, “Wait, but I don't understand, the reason why she wanted to join Meghan in the church...” I gasped as I realized Jesus helping me to get things straight in my head, “because she had been targeting to do something at the church?”

“Sadly yes,” Jesus said, and I could sense the sadness in His voice, making me frown. “but that was until she met you; you who introduced yourself innocently as a Jew, which turned her plans upside down into a change, because killing one Jew is..”

“...more valuable and beneficial for them, than killing the entire Christians in a church, which, according to their faith, earns them a great prize in their imaginary heaven.” I completed.

“I see, Haxsel has told you enough already.” Jesus said.

I smiled a tad. Yes, my brother has indeed told me all about these things because terrorism was the only news I was hearing from Israel some years ago and I wanted to know why they're targeting Israel. So I asked my brother and he filled me in; but the main part he told me was, no matter what, we shouldn't count them as our eternal enemies, people changes, God can change them and then we all are one in Christ.

“Diana wanted to kill me because I am a Jew, but I'm not. I mean, it's my parents and brother who has the Jewish bloodline and I'm just... adopted into the family.” I said, frowing.

Jesus clasped His hand over mine on my lap, “You are, my dear, you are a Jew in blood.”

“I am?”

Jesus nodded.

I sighed happily, the argue to ask God about my real family was bubbling inside me, but I stopped myself when my brother's face came to my mind. No, I just want my brother and the parents God has now given me, I told to myself.

“You'll come to know that one day later.” Jesus smiled.

I smiled back, but got into the recent matter in our hands since I don't want to ask further information about my real family. “So, you're saying, Diana has been planning it ever since she met me?” I asked.

“Yes, but as you know, poor Meghan wasn't aware of any of these.” Jesus said, “Meghan wanted a chance to talk with Benjamin ever since she realized that she has lost him, because you stepped into his life. And the chance only came on that Wednesday when you weren't there. Meghan asked help from Diana, who willingly accepted it and said she'd stay a floor below and watch out if you are coming, so she can inform Meghan immediately or try to stop you from interrupting Meghan's chance. However, Diana's plan was finishing you off, which I couldn't let happen.”

My mind began to daze, listening to Jesus. Things that didn't made sense to me are now making sense; Meghan is innocent in this incident, she wasn't aware of anything, every fault is Diana's, a terrorist who tried to kill me to earn her prize in her imaginary heaven, but my loving God didn't let it success. Tears crammed into my eyes at Jesus' words, which I couldn't let happen.

“There are two reasons I brought you here mainly for.” Jesus spoke, as gently as ever. “One, to give you a purpose over the plan of the enemy to destroy a soul.”

“What about the two?”

“To give you a turning point.”

I hung my head low again. “I don't think I deserve it.”

“You do.” Jesus said, “Because I've made you to worth it.”

I shook my head with tear filled eyes, “I haven't been an obedient child lately.”

“I know, and that's why I'm giving you a chance. I came for the lost, remember? And I always look out for all who are distant from me and give them chances.” Jesus said, “Hailey dear, I just want you to accept it and use it carefully.”

“I'll do anything.” my lips trembled.

“I have a duty for you; when I send you back to earth, I want you to visit Diana and tell her that I love her. You should forgive her first, she's broken, she needs a healer, tell her I love her more than anyone ever will and that I want her.” Jesus' voice was filled with passion for the lost soul.

“But I don't know where she is.”

“She's in the jail.” Jesus replied.

“What?” I gasped.

“Yes, dear one, she's been caught, on the very day.” Jesus said. “Meghan was furious with her friend for what she did to you.”

My jaw fell.

“I know it's hard to believe but, believe me Hailey, Meghan was furious. She, still having no idea about why her friend did this, contacted the police immediately.” Jesus sighed.

“And they caught her.” I told myself.

“Yes, and your family knows where she's been taken to.” Jesus said, “Will you do this, Hailey?”

“I will!” I blurted out, “Yes, Father, I will. You know I will do anything that you ask of me.”

I could feel Jesus smile, “When you visit her and after you get her reaction, tell her that I'll free her from the prison and will give her an entire new life if she is willing to give her life to me.”

A tear slipped from my eye at Jesus' love, “I will.” I nodded.

Jesus squeezed my hand, “I know you will.” He encouraged me. “There's something else we need to talk about.”

“What's it, Father?”

Jesus smiled, “Do you remember what Jade told you when you met her at the ice cream parlor she was working at in New York?”

Jade, my brother's ex.

I frowned, thinking. “Which words of hers? I don't think I remember.”

“Of course, you don't.” Jesus said, amused. “I was referring to the words she told you about Haxsel scarring off the boys who tries to get to you.”


“I think I remember.”

“Tell me what you remember.” Jesus said.

I collected my memories.

I think Haxsel will have to scare off every unwanted boys from your back.”

“I dunno, but if Haxsel is to scare off every boys from my back, oh brother, I'm not going to get anyone sooner.”

“If those boys gets scared of Haxsel's scaring offs, then let them be scared and run for their lives. Don't go after them, Hailey, never go after them. But one day, you'll see this person who won't be bothered a least by those scarring offs and will stand up to Haxsel. That man, Hailey, will be the true love of your life. Sooner or later, he will come into your life. Just you wait.”

“That's it.” Jesus said, even before I put my thoughts out as words. “That's it and that's enough since you still remember them.”

Jesus continued, “I made Jade tell you those words, as a warning. I thought you'd take it in seriously and will look out for it, but you didn't. You got yourself into conclusions and I had to take the matter into my own hands to sort out.”

I listened to Jesus' words with mouth open.

“Yes Hailey dear, Benjamin isn't the one I want you to be with.” Jesus said.

I swallowed. I didn't felt to cry nor felt disappointed but I had this feeling that I couldn't make out what it is. “Well, I'm glad to know that now.” I spoke after a few moments of silence, letting Jesus' words to sink in. “I saw the real form of him anyway. He was just acting.”

“No, he wasn't.” Jesus said, “He loved you, yes he did. Hailey dear, just because Benjamin broke your heart, you can't say he's entirely bad. He's a good person at heart, and the reason why this happened to you is because, you two aren't meant to be together. If not now, you two would've fallen apart sometime else later, but I didn't want it to hurt you much and thought this should happen in the very beginning before you began to love him more.”

“I'm sorry,” I glanced down at my fiddling fingers on my lap as tears crammed into my eyes, “It's just... I loved him so much, and I never thought he'd do this to me. It hurts really really bad, and none of his apologies can ever heal it.”

“I know how you feel.” Jesus said.

I glanced at Him sideways, of course, He does know what is the betrayal of love; when Judas did, and whenever we does, it breaks His heart that only has love for us.

“You loved Benjamin and he loved you as well. But that love wasn't strong, genuine or the right one.” Jesus said.

“So I should break up with Benjamin when I go back.” I said, nodding to myself.

“As much as I don't like such things, I'm afraid you should, because you jumped into conclusions.” Jesus sighed.

I sucked in a deep breath, “I'm so sorry about that. I'm a disaster, ain't I? Always jumping into conclusions and getting myself into troubles...I think I've had enough of these boys...” I dropped my head to my hands.

I felt Jesus' gentle touch on my shoulder, “I know you have, but I want to tell you this.” I looked up aside at Him as He continued, “I wasn't frowning at you when you thought I am, but I was frowing at you when you thought I am not.”

“I'm sorry, I don't think I understand...” I said, confused.

“Don't worry, one day it will make sense and then, you'll understand what I was saying.” Jesus assured.

“Like when?”

“When you find your true love.”

“I will find my true love?”

“Of course,” Jesus smiled, “What does it says in the scriptures? God has made pairings for each and every being He has formed, including you, my child.”

That had me thinking.

“But, how will I find my true love? How will I know? I don't want to make any more mistakes. This broken feeling is really unbearable.” my lips trembled.

“You will know when you see him.”

“How? I'm sorry but,” I paused to exhale, “I thought the same and felt the same when I met Benjamin.” I said and turned to Jesus with my pleading eyes, “Please, I need your help, I can't let myself to be fooled again. I want to be sure without a doubt when I meet my true love.”

Jesus sighed, “What do you want me to do for you?”

I was taken aback at Jesus' offer, something I wasn't expecting. “Maybe a sign, through which I can know?” I wondered out loud.

Jesus nodded, “I will help you with it, since you've asked for my help. I must say, I'm well pleased.”

I couldn't help but smile.

“You need to wait a little longer.”

“I don't mind.” I shrugged.

Jesus smiled, “I'm not talking about the sign, dear one, I'm talking about the boy.”

Oh. I smiled shyly, but Jesus patted my top of head. “He won't be like Benjamin at all, Hailey, I can promise you that.” Jesus said, “He won't be afraid of your brother to look him in the eye and tell him that he love his sister; you.”

I shook my head impressed, “Exactly how Jade was saying, the one rightful for me is the one who could stand up to my brother.” I said in realization.

“Yes,” Jesus nodded, “He will be a warrior of love, he'll never break your heart; He'll be the one to chase after it, no matter what, even if you try to shut him out, he won't give up on you, he'll love you with all his heart and will give up anything in this world for you, you can trust him and tell him your secret life of past that even your close friends don't know of, and you should know that, he's your love warrior.”

A small smile crept up to my face at Jesus' words. Only if I can know who this is... maybe I can chase after him?

“I have no problem with telling you who is he, Hailey, but I prefer you wait and know, like everyone else does.” Jesus said, reading my mind again.

I blushed, embarrassed at myself.

“But since you've asked me for a sign, I can give you that.” Jesus said, smilingly.

My spirit rose, “Oh yes, please...”

“The one I've meant for you, will ask you to let him into your life. He'll confess his love to you, he'll ask you to let him into your life, he'll ask you to let him hold your heart by promising he'll never let it fall, he'll ask you to let him love you.” Jesus said, “Whoever is the one to speak these words to you will be your true love; never hesitate, you're meant to be together.”

I smiled thinking about the words I've just heard from Jesus; I wonder who will be this person, my love warrior, because just from these testifying words from Jesus is enough for me to tell, this person is someone really special. “Thank you so much for this.” I thanked Jesus earnestly.

Since we got to this hopeful topic about my true love, I found myself light mooded. Jesus and I talked a lot, in which He was giving me direct advices, and told me I should stop lying. He told me that I should forgive Benjamin, Meghan and all others and should love all who were my rivals, then only God's love in me could reflect out, glorifying Him. All these advices, most of them were already said in Bible, which I wasn't caring to follow lately but when now Jesus was reminding me all about it, I couldn't help but agree.

“I'm so sorry for all I've done, I just don't know what to say...I don't know what got into me, I had been really weird, even Haxsel said that, I'm so sorry for all the times I broke your heart, I just... never realized how great your love is, until... until now.” I confessed to Jesus once after I accepted everything He told me.

Jesus reached out His arms to me and held me in His embrace. I burst into tears at this affection from Jesus, I cried and cried and cried, I couldn't stop, and it only increased when I heard those three words from Jesus that I don't deserve to hear, “I forgive you.”

“How can I ever repay you?” I managed to choke out in between the tears.

“Just give me your heart, it's all I want.” Jesus whispered above my head.

I cried against His chest even more, “Take it, father, my life is yours, my heart is yours, please, take it... I'm giving them to you.”

“You're my daughter, and I'm your father.” Jesus said, His voice overwhelmed. “There's no happiness in Heaven any more than the repentance of just one soul.”

I couldn't stop crying, I realized that never in my life have I ever cried like this. “I love you, Jesus.”

“I love you more, my dear Hailey.” Jesus said, stroking my hair. I couldn't tell Jesus that I love him the most or more than the most like I used to argue with my brother because, I know, we love Him because He loved us first.

We sat like that for a long time that I didn't realize passing until Jesus told me, “It's time for you to go back.”

I frowned, “Oh Jesus, I don't feel to leave you, please don't send me away, life in earth when I go back is going to be frustrating, I don't want a love warrior that you, please I don't wanna go.” I pleaded.

Jesus smiled, “I know, that's what I hear from everyone I bring here, but remember what your purpose is?”

Diana's soul.

“Erm.. maybe you can bring my life back once I do my job?” I asked shyly, not knowing if it was a foolish thing to ask.

“Hailey my child, the life I want you to live is on earth, and the time for your life here haven't come yet. You should go back, that's where I want you to be, just remember all what I said and live to it, you'll be fine.” Jesus said before adding, “And, the situation back there with your family is not as you think it is.”

“What do you mean?”

“You'll know that soon.” Jesus said, and suddenly, two angles appeared out of nowhere behind us. Jesus stood up from the beach we were sitting and I followed His actions. “My these two angles will send you back to earth like how they brought you here.”

Wait, I was brought here by angles? No wonder why my both hands were in the air like it was been held by someone, so it was angels.

Jesus turned me to Him, “This is real, all of these that happened to you here is real. You might feel like this is a dream or just a vision but no, this is all real.” Jesus said, “I know that even if you believe this as real, someone cannot, so, I think I'll be doing something for them to believe.”

“Like what?”

“You'll see, and that'll be enough for everyone to believe your words.” Jesus said, “You can tell them everything except the sign I gave you. You may tell them that I've given you a sign but shan't say what it is. It should be held between you and me until the time it is revealed, do you understand?”

I nodded, “Yes, I do.” I said. “Will you be closer to me back on earth, to guide me and give me your advices?”

Jesus smiled, “I'm well pleased with your request, and yes, I'll be closer to you, you should be too.”

I nodded happily, “That's enough for me.”

“Hailey dear?”

“Yes, Jesus?”

“Do you believe that everything that happens in your life, good or bad, small or big, doesn't take place without me knowing it?” Jesus asked.

“I do.” I said eagerly.

“Do you believe that everything is for good?” Jesus asked.

“Yes, I do.” I said.

Jesus nodded, “Good. I just wanted to tell you that no matter what, I am with you and everything is for good and nothing happens without me knowing it.” Jesus said and placed His hands on my each shoulders, “Make sure you use your turning point well.”

My eyes teared up at the passion I could sense in Jesus voice, “I promise, I won't mess this up.”

Jesus let go of His hands from my shoulders and led me to stand in between the angles. “Off you go now, dear one, remember, I love you.” Jesus said as the angels, each one took my each hands in theirs.

“I love you too, my dear father.” I choked out.”

Jesus reached out His hand to touch the side of my face, before His glorious light grew increasingly. I closed my eyes and inhaled, everything is going to be fine when I go back, I told myself. But only when I came back did I realized, it isn't going to be easy for me to accept everything, like how I did back in paradise with Jesus.

I opened my eyes.

There were no angels beside me or Jesus in front of me, but all I saw was a ceiling. I knew that I'm back to life, but where could I be?

I saw laying on a bed, and my tired eyes travelled to the wall on right of where I lay, a bit distant. There was a framed writing hung on the wall, I squinted to read them.

We give the treatment, but God is the one who heals you.

A small smile danced on my lips, I didn't had to wonder more about the place where I am. I've only been familiar with that kind of writing in one place; my godfather's family hospital. They had this writing everywhere in this building.

I sighed relieved and began to wonder where are my family, when I heard a too familiar, shock-filled and surprised voice from my left, just above a whisper.


My heart skipped a beat as I glanced over my left and met with a pair of electrical blue eyes, staring at me in awe.


—— • ——

A/N: An early update for you guys, probably because this chapter is short. Though, it was a bit difficult to write than the other chapters because we have Jesus in this. This will be the heart-chapter of the entire book.

And, my deepest apologies to all Bailey (Hailey x Benjamin) shippers. This is how it is meant to be.

Who do you think Hailey's love warrior will be?
