Chapter Seventeen

"I have been waiting so long to do that," he said, staring so deeply into my eyes it was hard to look back. I stood up.

"What?" he asked.

I liked the kiss. I liked him. He made me feel all warm inside and happy, but the timing was weird. I had too many things to deal with and I didn't want to add on more.

"I don't think it's a good time to be starting this..."

"Jessica, stop trying to push people away! You're going to have a horrible time trying to get through this alone. I can... be with you," he said sincerely, getting up and walking towards me.

"You can still be with me as a friend, Tyler."

"But I like you more than that and we're going to be going on tour and traveling..."

I didn't know why I was holding back. He just seemed too good for me.

"What are all of your fans going to think? They're going to think you got me pregnant and I don't want to have to explain the truth."

"Let them think that."

"No because I'm not sure if I'm even keeping it!" He stood silently. "I really like you, Tyler, but all of this it's just so... messy."

"Can't you see I don't care?! I don't care about anything that I would have to deal with... as long as I have you."

I looked up at him, his messy brown hair and his frustrated, longing eyes. A beautiful rarity stood in front of me. I stepped forward and lifted my heels off the floor and kissed him. Adrenaline whirled through me. 

When I opened the distance back, he just smiled. The Tyler smile that always made me smile. The small, dark security closet was entrapping. We had to be close.

"I think I'm in love with you..." he whispered.

I sucked a quick breath of air in, surprised at how soon he had said that.

"No one has ever told me that before."

"Well I'm telling you now and I mean it." I tightened my lips to keep myself from choking up.

"Well um, we should get out of here... it's getting kind of hard to breathe," I laughed. We walked out, gaining a few funny looks and exited through the door."

"Hey um, could I stay over tonight?" I asked him. He nodded. We separated ways and I got in my car and started driving. I felt bad for changing the subject so drastically and so quickly. I wondered how everything would work out. Are we going to tell Josh? Am I going on tour with them? And what the hell am I going to do with this baby inside of me?

I parked my car behind Tyler's after going back to my apartment to grab a bunch of stuff. I had no idea how long I would be staying there. 

I noticed Josh's car wasn't anywhere to be seen. When I got past the door, he was waiting for me on the couch with a bowl of popcorn in his lap.

"Come sit."

I dropped my stuff on the stairs and then sat down on the other side of the couch, with the popcorn now separating us. I pulled my feet up onto the couch, now facing him.

"So Jessica... we need to figure out what the hell we're doing."

"You're telling me." I threw some popcorn in my mouth. "But I don't think we should be an actual thing yet. Let's just take some time to figure stuff out."

"Okay. That's probably best, so no telling Josh?"

"No telling Josh," I confirmed.

"Will you come on tour with us, though?" he asked.

"I don't know... my schedule is pretty filled up..."

"Oh..." he said, sadly.

"I'm kidding! Tyler, I have literally nothing else to do," I laughed.

"So you'll come?"

"Of course I'll come," I said, eating more popcorn, which he still hasn't touched.

"Sick," he said, nodding. I smiled.


here's a lil' comic relief after so many chapters of crap l o l

