Chapter 1: The Movie & Graphic Novel

One night, the Rubbadubbers were hanging out in the bathroom. Reg the Robot came in.

Reg: "Rubbadubbers. All clear. Benji and Sis have gone to bed. They just finished watching a movie before they went to sleep."

Tubb: "What was it called?"

Reg: "It was called, Hilda And The Mountain King."

Finbar: "What was it argh argh argh about?"

Reg: "It was about a girl named Hilda, who became a troll, and wanted to turn back into herself."

Amelia: "Sounds like a good movie."

Reg: "It was based on a book that had the same name."

Terence: "You mean this book?"

Reg: "Yes. That's the one."

Winona: "E-E-E-E-E"

Sploshy: "Splish Splash Splosh! Looks good."

Tubb: "It's a graphic novel."

Reg: "It's a St... St... um. A book with a lot of pictures."

Tubb: "I've heard of this book series. It's about Hilda, who moved to a city called Trolberg. She grew up in the wilderness with her mother, and met a deerfox, named Twig."

Sploshy: "Her hair is blue."

Finbar "Like argh argh argh me."

 Tubb: "That must be her mother. Her name is Johanna."

Reg: "That's right."

Tubb: "I've heard of the television series, too. I've heard them watching it from the hallway last week on Friday."

Terence: "There are also mystical creatures in the show, like trolls. These trolls turn to rock when exposed to daylight, and are hurt by the sound of ringing bells."

Tubb: "See that wall? They have bells in there to keep the trolls away from attacking the city."

The Rubbadubbers thought for a moment.

Sploshy: "Does anyone want to say it?"

Tubb: "I will."
