Chapter 3: What's His Secret Identity?

Previously on "The Rooftop On The Other Side"!

"Yah! Were you the one who threw few pebbles here?" She asked

They did not respond, they just gave her a thumbs up

"Why did you do that?" Hya asked

They did not respond, she could see them looking around back and forth

'Why do this person looked like they're panicking?' Hya thought, confused why

"Well, if you don't wanna answer, then okay." Hya said

She then looks down to keep an eye of her surroundings from below

"All right..."

She looked back up to the person and see that they were also doing the same

'They're doing the same...? Do they know I'm in this situation?' Hya thought

'Well... if they do...' Hya's thoughts trails as she slowly put an determined look

'They might be... my only hope...'


~Back where we left of~

Third Person's POV

It has been one week since her family went on a business trip, and leaving Hya alone was a bad idea.

Do you want to know why?

Because she will be able to escape with her "only hope", according to Hya herself

But will this person going to help her escape?

Well, let's find out.

Every midnight, she always stay awake, thinking how to escape her non-biological "evil" rich family of hers

But, she stays awake not because of that, she stays awake because her friend of hers will always wait for her from the other side

"How should I do this...? Escape this freaking place..." Hya mumbles to herself until she heard a noise from her window just like last night

Once she remembers the sound from it, she immediately got up from her bed and unlocks the window and pushes it open

She sees her friend and waved, which they waved back, or she would now say "he" since she found out he was a guy

"You're here!" Hya said with a smile

The said boy smiled back and nodded

'I wonder what's his name though... even though he became my friend last night...' Hya thought

"Hey, I haven't gotten your name. And it seems like you haven't either, even though we became friends. I'm Hya Evans, by the way. What's yours?" Hya asked

But he never responds

"You never talk a lot, huh?" Hya said

He just kept quiet

'Sus... but okay...' Hya thought

"Can I ask something?" Hya asked and he nodded

"Why did you came here in the first place? I'm not saying that's a bad thing but, why?" Hya asked

He picked up something and showed her

He wrote a big note for her saying 'It seems like you were having a trouble, like, big one trouble. So, I want to see if everything's okay.'

"Well... there is a major problem."

"My non-biological rich parents wanna keep me here forever... like they never wanna let me eat, or locking me in here." Hya said

"So, since my family isn't here, I'm finding my way to escape, but there so many security guarding the mansion and I wanna leave here so bad, but I can't because they already caught me last night..." She explains

The boy felt bad for her, he knew she just wanted freedom for her own life, yet her non-biological won't let her have this freedom

Suddenly, they both heard fireworks lit up, Hya looked to the left to see and the fireworks lit up brightest in front of her eyes

She slowly grins at the sight, she loves fireworks when she was ten years old, except when she was five

"Wow... never thought they would light up fireworks... what the freak's going on though?" Hya questioned, confused but excited

"Yah, you seeing this, right?" Hya asked the boy from the other side

He nodded at her, he seemed to be excited about it as well

"This is amazing!" Hya said

Seeing the fireworks makes her forget all the problems and situations she is going through

Play My Confession from Doki Doki Literature Club! OST (A/N: Coz why not? This one is a bit too relaxing for me to listen in my Bluetooth headset on my laptop from my Spotify)

As they watch the fireworks, both smiling as their eyes become glossy from the sight of the fireworks, they could feel the world stopped as they watch

She slowly looked over back to the boy who she befriended with, she could slightly see his face from the light of the fireworks

She knew she was quite familiar from the looks of it, but cannot really point it out entirely

'Why does he look so familiar?' Hya thought to herself

She looked back to the fireworks that is still lighting up from the sky

(End Music)

Play My Song, Your Note from Doki Doki Literature Club! Plus+ OST

She could not help but to smile from the sight and forgets all her negativities from her mind that has been spiraling in mind

'I wonder...' Hya thought

'I wonder what's his secret identity might be...' 



See you in the next chapter!

Jaa ne minna-san!!

(820 Words)

EndouHya1115 signing out!~
