Chapter 1

(A/N): No one reads the stuff I write and that's ok I kinda like writing andthis practises my writing but if you do read it I hope you enjoy;).
This fic is inspired by the blink-182 song The RockShow. Well actually I had this idea and then I it reminded me of oneof my favourite blink songs and I decided to name the fic after it.

-Dan's POV -

Phil and I are currently in Seattle for our tour and finally have a day off. In a magazine Phil found out that there's a concert near the hotel we stay in and it's free as well. At first I didn't want to go and just stay in the hotel room but I changed my mind last minute. I realized that I should enjoy all theplaces I'm seeing as much as I possibly can and a concert of a local band actually sounds like a lot of fun. 
We leave the hotel and walk to the venue, which is only a 5 minute walk away. It's not a big concert so we don't have to que or anything. Inside are mostly people around the same age as us ora little bit younger. When the band starts playing I notice a group of young friends who all seem to be having the time of their life. One girl in particular caught my eye. She dances to the music and just enjoys everything. She looks stunning. Long brown hair and a perfectly shaped face.I adore her red Converse because they make her seem like a rather fun chilled person and not someone stuck up. I wish I had the confidence to just walk up to her and offer he rto pay for a drink or something. But I never do those things. I'm a quite anxious person when it comes to stuff like this. When I'm with good friends everyhting is fine and I can just be myself but this isvery difficult for me.
Just when I almost had the confidence to walk up to her but can't see her anymore I feel a tap on my shoulder and assume it is Phil. But it's not, it's her.

Mia: I noticed you staring at me from over here so I thought I'd say hi.

Wow her voice and the slight giggle she had when she spoke are amazing. They suited her pretty face of which I could recognize all the perfect features even better now. She has gorgeous brown eyes with a slight hint of green in them.

Dan: Oh I'm sorry. I was just... uhm...

Shit she noticed that? I'm extremely embarassed now and can think of evenless things to say.

Mia: Chill, it's ok. Want to dance?

This is actually happening? She asks me to dance. I can't dance at all but I have to say yes.

Dan: Sure but I really can't dance.

I probably sound exactly as nervous as I am.

Mia: It's fine I can dance.

She takes my hands and pulls me over to the dancefloor. She actually seems to be quite good at this whilst I just kind of make crappy, cringey moves.She doesn't seem to care though.

Wow you are bad at this." she says with aother adorable giggle.

Dan: Yep I told you I am. But you are very good. Do you dance profesionally?

Finally I don't feel as nervous anymore. I want to talk to her now.

Ally: I used to but not anymore.

Dan: Why that?

Ally: I got bored of it. It really isn't that fun. Dancing is fun but the classes weren't.

Dan: Oh yeah I get that. What do you do now?

Mia: I'm on a gap year and I have a job in London in two months and I'll start uni in a year.

Dan: Oh London I live there!

Ally: Really? You're lucky. I love London. It always seemed like such a cool place to live.

Dan: It is! I really enjoy living there.

Mia: What are you doing in Seatlle? Are you here because of your job or for fun?

When she said job she  probaly thought of a proper office job and not youtube.

Mia: Both. I have something job related to do here but I also wanted to have fun.

Mia: Uh which job. What do you do?

Dan: You know youtube? I make videos.

Mia: That's very cool. I don't really watch youtube but what's your channel's name?

Dan: danisnotonfire.

Mia: I think my sister watches your videos!

Dan: That's cool.

Mia: I don't want to annoy you or anything but could you sign a napkin forher? That would make her so happy!

Dan: Of course I can. No problem.

Ally takes a napkin from one of the tabels next to the dancefloor for me to sign.

Dan: What's your sister's name?

Mia: Sophie.

I write "Hey Sophie, thanks for watching my videos ;)" on the napkin and sign it for her.

Mia: Thankyou so much that will totally make her life!

Dan: It's ok I love to make my viewers happy. Any chance your sister is coming to tatinof?

Mia: To what?

How could I expect she knew tatinof when she didn't even knew me? I'm so stupid sometimes.

Dan: It's the tour of me and my friend.

Mia: You have a tour? Do you sing and stuff like that?

Dan: No we have a show. I'm assuming your sister isn't going then?

Mia: I think she mentioned that she wanted to go to a show of youtubers butshe didn't get tickets.

Dan: Oh I'm sorry. They sell out very quick sometimes.

MaybeMia would trade her phone number for a tatinof ticket... Probably not but I really want her number. She's so attractive and so cool and outgoing. The band had played a lot of their original songs and now starts to cover some pop punk and alternative tracks. When they cover something by blink-182 Mia gets really excited.

Mia: I love this song! I know you can't dance but can we dance please?

Dan: Sure just ignore my awkwardness.

Mia and I dance and when it comes to the rather calm part of the song andthe people around us start to get closer to each other Mia does the same. It feels amazing to be that close to her. She smells incredible. When the song ends Mia says she needs something to drink so I go and get us some drinks.

I give Mia the drink I got her and drink mine. We listen to the music and talk to each other. She tells me more about the job in London andI tell her more about youtube my videos and Phil. She laughs a little bit because she thinks the whole youtube thing is kinda crazy, which it is.
She told me that her parents work in "boring business jobs" and they want her to study bussiness or something like that, which she doesn't want at all.

Mia: I don't like this boring crap at all. I want to sing and dance! In London I wanted to audiotion at theathers because I really love musicals and performing. But my parents don't know. They're only ok with me taking a gap year because I found work in an office. Your job is so cool. You get to do what you love.

Dan: I'm lucky I guess.

The band announces that they'll be playing their last song and I haven't gotten Mia's number yet. I think I'm going to ask her now. 

Dan: Hey Mia I have an idea. Wanna make your sister happy?

Mia: Sure but you already signed something for her. What else could you do?

Dan: WellI was thinking you could give me your number and I give you tickets for your sister.

That probably sounded very awkawrd but I don't even care. I like her.

Mia: Back off I have a boyfriend!

Dan: I'm so so sorry.

I thought she was flirting with me but she was probably just being nice.

Mia: Gotcha! I was kidding but it would be very nice of you to give me tickets and I'd have given you my number anyways.

She's way cooler than I am but yay I'm getting her number.

Dan: Thank you!

She tells me her number and I type it into my phone. I save her as Mia, I knew her name because she told me when we were talking, and add a random emoji.

MIa: I should go back to my friends but text me! I like you Dan. Bye!

Of course I'm going to text her. She's the most amazing girl I ever met. Way out of my league but she seemed to be interested in me to so I'm just hoping for the best.

Dan: Bye Mia! I'm gonna text you and we can talk about the tickets for your sister!

Mia: Yes! Thank you so so much! She'll be so happy.

She waves and walks back to her friends. Her friends are a big group of guys and girls and they all look attractive and cool. When she doesn't look at me anymore decide it's time for me to go back to Phil too. I shouldn't have left him alone this whole time. That was very rude of me. I hope he made friends too.
Luckily Isee Phil standing next to a group of guys and they all seem to be having fun too.

Dan: Sorry that left you alone for the whole concert!

Phil: It's ok Mike and his friends were nice to me.

Phil points to a group of people, he hung out with whilst I talked to Mia.

Dan: I'm gonna go back to the hotel now, what about you?

Phil: Yeah I'm leaving too. Thank's for talking to me Mike.

Mike: Anytime. You were the first youtuber watched back in the day!

Phi lsays good bye to Mike and his friends and I'm very happy to be goingto the hotel. Normally Phil and I stay up until 3am but whilst we are having shows almost everyday we try to go to bed early so we aren't too tired. We get to our room and both fall asleep quickly.

-Mia's POV -

I go back to my friends after flirting with that guy. What was his name? Dan I think. Well he was kinda cute, not really my usual type but his eyes are beautiful. But not ony his nerdy looks are diffrent from the type of guy I usually date. He isn't cool and confident. Which isn't a bad thing in his case. It suits him, it's cute. It will probably be interesting to go on a date with him. The youtube thinghe told me about sounded cool. I don't really watch youtubers but my sister is obsessed with them. She always wanted me to check them out but I never did because I thought it would be cringey. But now that I met Dan who apparently works as a youtuber I'm gonna check him out. If he really is a youtuber. Maybe I was catfished.

When I get back to my friends they dont't really mind that I was gone. Some of them met someone too and we aren't the kind of friends that are together chatting the whole time anyways.
Now that the band played their last song the music was coming out of speakers. The band was cool but now someone played party hits which I hate. I don't like this kind of music at all and that's when I decide it's a good time to leave. My best friend Kiera who is amazing but has a shit taste in music will probably want to stay.

Ally: By Kiera I'm gonna leave. The music is getting shit.

Kiera: What do you mean? They're playing party music at a party! What do you expect? Anyways bye! Also seriously the guy you were talking to looked like a loser.

Mia: He was kinda cute. It's nothing serious anyways.

Kiera: That's good. I'm glad you don't do these things either. Relationships are dumb. Well for now. When I'm young I don't want something dead serious already. I want fun and only fun.

That's something Kiera and I definetly had in common. I don't really like the whole love package. My mom always says it's just because I haven't met the right guy yet. But that's not really true. I have met loads of great guys. Good looking, inteligent ones. But nothing ever lasted long. Not that i wanted it to last long anyways. I like tohave fun but I never was in love. Maybe I'll be some day.

Not that I was tired, didn't enjoy the party or anything but still I was glad to be home a little bit earlier than I usually was after aparty. Sophie is still awake, she doesn't party but stays up late all thetime and I can give her the napkin. I love my little sister so much. Everybody loves her because she's so cute and kind. I enter the house and go upstairs where both mine and Sophie's room are. I go up to herroom and enter without knocking. Sophie and I don't need knocks.

Sophie: Hi not that don't want you here but it's only 11pm. Why are you here already?

Mia: I left early. The band already left and the music got shit and Ialso got a very exciting gift for you at the party.

Sophie: Wait what could you possibly get at a party for me?

Mia: Aren't you obsessed with those guys Dan and the other one?

Sophie: Yes of course I am! How could anyone not be obsesse withthem! They're literally the most amazing people ever! They're socute. Like Dan but also Phil and especially them together if you know waht I mean...

I stop her fangirl attack before it gets worse but when I tell her that I met Dan she starts to scream again.

Sophie: Holy fucking shit! You met Dan! Do you even know how much I love him?

Mia: Prepare to freak out even more! I got him to sign a napkin for you!

Sophie: Ally you're literally the best sister ever! This makes me so happy! I have to tweet that onto my fan account immedeatley! I hopeyou don't mind. But seriously thank you so so much!

Mia: Aw it's ok. And go for it! Post it to your fan account!

Sophie: Thank you bye omg I love you...

It feels good to see her that happy. She really loves her fan account. She showed it to me last week and I thought it was a little bit crazythat she has over 8000 followers but apparently it's normal for fanaccounts.

When I'm back in my room, lying in my bed I just watch the newest Game Of Thrones episode and go to bed.
