Extra Chapter 04.Love Of The Nature

**Date & Time : Hyperion, Theresa's Room. Friday, July 25th 2019. 09.00AM. Mei's POV**

Brand new day has come, Friday sure is a good day to go out. Especially, today is Himeko-sensei and my turn to go out with Nadia-san. Before we going our, Principal Theresa call both of us to meet her in her own room. I can see the exact same bag that carrying Nadia's serums. Yeah, it still many... I won't complain why some of us only use once.

Theresa : "Alright, you both are here now"

Himeko : "Yeppers"

Mei : "Is there you want to tell us, Principal?"

Theresa : "Just take the bag of Nadia's serums. That is all.."

Mei : "O-Okay..."

I went to the table to pick up the bag. And... Principal still looking outside through the window. Is there bothering her? Ah, I guess... It was yesterday... That time when Nadia-san asking something making us bit scarred.

Nadia (Inside Mei's mind) : "If you fighting an enemy... Are you showing them a mercy?"

I never hear that word coming out from her. But, I will not question her more why she ask Class Monitor like this. The moment she want Kiana-chan not to continue it... I can see a cold and emotionless emotion from Nadia-san's face. As I take the bag, I went back to my stand position, that is near Himeko-sensei, right at the middle of the table.

Himeko : "What's up? Not feeling well, Principal"

Theresa : "..."

Mei : "S-Sorry if I said this... Is it about... The word that Nadia-san ask to Class Monitor?"

Theresa : "...Yeah. I never heard kind of words like that from her"

Yeah, my guess was right... Principal really worried with Nadia-san, especially she is also Principal's adoptive daughter. She might thinking she won't see or make her own daughter as cold-blooded killer. That is not right thing to do.

Himeko : "Hey, I know it still in our head. But, we just need to believe in ourself or her, that she won't be a damn killer"

Mei : "Sensei is right. We should keep thinking positive and don't let that word come from Nadia-san will disturb us. Nadia-san that all we know is the hero of world. She save us all. Even the Honkai still spreading or the zombie outbreak still occured, we have to lend a hand to Nadia-san no matter what"

Himeko : "Mei, that is nice wise word I ever heard. Now you hear her, you can look at us with that cute smile. Isn't that what Nadia-chan ever tell you everyday?"

Hearing that, Principal turn her view to us and showing us her cute smile while holding her tears.

Theresa : "...You right. We should never think something that is not good from Nadia. She is our best friend. She is also my lovely daughter. Whatever happens, we must be there to help and support her. Now, can I talk with you Mei, Privately?"

Himeko : "I'll be in Nadia-chan room once you are done, Mei"

I give a head nod to Himeko-sensei. She then left principal's room, leaving me and Principal. As the door closed... Principal went to me.

Theresa : "Mei, I have a request for you. Keep this a secret okay? Even with Nadia and Kiana"

Mei : "Okay, I'll do anything for you"

Theresa : "Thank you, I know I can trust this to you since you are Nadia and Kiana closest friend"

Mei : "So, what you want me to do?"

Theresa : "Whatever happen to Nadia for the time when we won't know and she start acting not herself, I want you to stop her. Not meaning killing her... Her power by now... Surprisengly getting stronger. Einstein manage to monitor her status secretly from her lab. And when she ask that question Fu Hua, Ivana told me that it wasn't her who make Nadia to be like that. It just coming from herself. Ivana ask why and Nadia said that she hates World Serpent and Test human subject until it cores. That is why... If she met one, she will kill them all without mercy and... Brutally"

I see... So Ivana-chan manage to talk with Nadia-san and give this information to Principal. I think is the one who requesting some of us to help Nadia-san.

Mei : "I see. Alright... Even I have to use That again, I will stop Nadia-san no matter what"

By meaning that... I have to use my Thunder Core and... Become the Herrscher of Thunder. At least, that consciouness allow me to take fully control of it. Hearing from Principal about Nadia-san power is getting stronger, it could have a chance that Nadia-san might not be herself again. I still remember that word from her pretty long ago when first time I met her on Nagazora.

Young Nadia (Inside Mei's mind) : "If I meet any Herrscher in my way... I will kill them. Claiming themselves a God? Stronger than human being like us!? Are you joking around or what? Especially that Herrscher claiming herself to be Sirin. I will beat the shit out of her so bad until she know, who the f*ck is stronger. Human or piece a trash like Herrscher"

I never forget that line. At least, she's change as well. Before, she hate herrscher. And now, she open her heart for Sirin, Hua and Bronya-chan as well. Both Sirin and Hua want to learn because of Nadia-san words. While Bronya-chan, inspired her because Bronya-chan become one of the Herrscher of Reason just to save her childhood friend, Seele Vollerei. Now, if I become that again, I will use my power to protect her.

Theresa : "Good. Please Mei.... Please... Protect my daughter... For me and... Everyone"

I hold both Principal's hand and make her see me. I can see tears dropping from her eyes.

Mei : "Don't worry, Principal Theresa. I will do my job as Saint Freya's valkyrie and Nadia-san best friend. Even I have to fight and sacrifice for them. Now, I want to see your cute smile. Nadia-san always said that to you, didn't she"

She then give me a head nod and I let go her hands just to clear the tears from her eyes. She then give me a cute smile that we always see, thanks to Nadia-san.

Theresa : "Yup-yup. Alright, best for you to go to her room. Don't make Himeko and Nadia wait. Her day out to the Zoo is about to start"

Mei : "Oh shoot, I almost forgot that because we are carried away with this conversation. Okay, I leave all to you now, Bye"

I bow down my head and immediately rush leave her room and went to Nadia-san's room. That conversation nearly carry me away and almost forgot that I have promise to go out with Nadia-san, together with Himeko-sensei. And tomorrow will be the last day for Nadia-san to go out and it will be Principal Theresa and Doctor Einstein turn. I never thought that Doctor Einstein agree to help Nadia-san to accompany her. That's so kind of her.

**Long Timeskip. At the National Zoo, 11.00AM**

We are finally in here, National Zoo. Didn't expect that Nadia-san wish come true. She said to me that she wanted to go to the Zoo. Me and Himeko-sensei were honestly lucky to pick this place as our destination to go with Nadia-san. Right now, we walk slowly around the Zoo, seeing the animals inside the cage while pushing Nadia-san's wheelchair. While we are walking, we also enjoying our conversation with smile and laugh.

Nadia : "That's how Kiana is, if we see a Tuna, I can just make a joke of her, haha"

Kiana : "Mou, stop it Nadia. You bullying me right now"

Mei : "*Giggles* Do not worry Kiana-chan, Nadia-san here is just joking around. Well, even tho she try the best to make the conversation alive"

Kiana : "Yeah, I guess you right Mei-senpai"

We also do communicate with rest of them at Hyperion. At least, Nadia-san also wear the earbud, so she can as well talk with the others. Somehow, it also slightly increasing Nadia-san's mood. I'm glad that her plan work completely.

Himeko : "So tell us Nadia-chan... What animal you love to see beside clown fish?"

Nadia : "How about, we find the wolf cage? I like them much"

Bronya : "Ah, so Nadia likes wolves too, eh?"

Nadia : "Yes. They might look alike with dog but they are differrent. The way they act, it also the same, which is cute. And what I love is, they always be in the group, never be alone"

Hearing that, I'm react it with pleasant of smile from my heart. I really know why she said that. It is meaning of friend and teamworking. First time I met her, even she still bit cold... She always stay close and working together. She always do her best to protect us and even herself. Her battle experience was beyond expectation. I still remember that time we have to fight horde of zombies in the Nagazora's school. That time she said to us not to use gun because it will create noises and make the zombies attracted. She slice all their head with the claymore easily, Bronya use her Bunny 19c to shoot the cannon, Kiana-chan use her baseball bat and smash their head and I use my katana to help Nadia-san as well. Such memory we have there. Now, we continue our walk where we can see the Wolves at the cage.

Himeko : "You right, Wolves always shown to be in group and working with their way to survive and hunt"

Nadia : "Yup. Really remind us back there on 2nd mission eh, Miss Himeko?"

Himeko : "Oh for sure, I never forget that flawless victory mission. With you on my side, I can finish the job with ease"

Nadia : "Same as well. And then Mei-senpai, I also amaze how you fight with katana back there in Nagazora"

Kiana : "Hey, are you forgetting about me? I also in there to smash Them with my trusty baseball bat"

Nadia : "Yeah, I remember that. But, you still baka no matter what, Kiana-chan *giggles*"

Kiana : "I really want to pinch your cheek right now but, I can't. Just you wait, tomato head"

Nadia : "I cannot wait for that"

Himeko : "You two always had a promises that are silly. I remember that Kiana-chan is waiting for payback on you, Nadia-chan"

Nadia : "I know. Anyway, almost there?"

Mei : "Almost"

We all nearly arrive to the Wolves cage area. I surely still cannot stop laughing by Nadia-san act. She keep making fun of Kiana-chan. I also not jealous with both of them become a girlfriend for a year. Nadia-san deserve to be with Kiana-chan. Cannot believe both of them learn from each other pain. Which, I amaze with both behaviour. Anyway, we are just arrive at our destination. We can see the wolves are resting at their places. I put Nadia near the railing, so she can watch the Wolves. Glad the rule allow us to feed or pat the Wolf.

Nadia : "Awwww, they so cute when they are sleeping"

Mei : "Wait here, I'll buy the food to feed them"

**Nadia's POV**

Mei-senpai left me with Miss Himeko to buy the food for the Wolves. Looking the Wolves that walking around or sleeping, it really melt my heart to see how cute they are. Wish I can have one of them but sadly, I always encounter wild yet hostile Wolf. Cannot say much because I went on the wilderness.

Himeko : "Look Nadia-chan, one of the Wolf's notice us"

Miss Himeko point to one of the Wolf that notice and slowly walk to us with wiggling it's tail. Now the wolf is right in front of me. I pat the wolf and looks like, the wolf enjoying it.

Nadia : "Good boy"

Wish I can use my left hand to grope his lower mouth but oh well, at least I can use my right hand to pat his head. Now he giving me a sign to touch his head with mine. I did what he ask and I can feel how warm he is.

Himeko : "I can tell that he likes you, Nadia-chan"

Nadia : "He definitely is"

Mei : "I'm back! Ah, I see you having fun with one of them, Nadia-san"

Nadia : "Welcome back and yes... I cannot hold myself to do this. So freaking cute"

I can see the food that Mei-senpai bought to feed the Wolves. She gave one pack to me and Miss Himeko.

Himeko : "Since this is your special day and the Wolf likes you, you can get the first turn, Nadia-chan"

Nadia : "Okay"

I open the pack and start feeding the wolf slowly. He first smell the food first, lick it and pick the food to eat. Now, it even more cuter to see them eating. I feel so happy to go to the Zoo and having fun with the Wolf. Suddenly, I can hear a funny sound coming out from the bridge. Ah yes, notification when my mood reach to the maximum.

Theresa : "Yush, you did awesome job, Mei and Himeko. Congratulation"

Nadia : "Can I stay here bit longer? I'm really enjoying this moment so much"

Theresa : "Sure, go ahead. But once you get your daily dose, it is best for you to go back to the Hyperion and take a rest"

Nadia : "Understood"

With that, Mei-senpai and Miss Himeko successfully making me to be happy more than ever. But before I go back to Hyperion, I ask mom to stay longer in here and she allow me. I can go back once Mei-senpai use the serum to me. I guess, I can enjoy this even my condition is not at the best.

**Extra Chapter 04 is done. Sorry for taking too long time to finish the chapter. Anyway, enjoy and May You, The Beauty of This World, Always Shine :)**
