Early Mornings

Scar's pov:

Unsurprisingly, Mumbo and his little snuggle bug, Grian, slept for, I want to say, four hours as I continued my research. I had put on some Star Wars to cover up after the comedy show that they had fallen asleep to. The soft hum of the movie played in the background as I occasionally glanced over at the sleeping duo on the couch, their peaceful slumber bringing a smile to my face.

Mumbo was the first to wake up out of the duo. He stirred slowly, his eyes fluttering open with a dazed and confused expression. He looked around the room, still groggy, taking in his surroundings. The light from the screen cast a soft glow, adding to the coziness of the scene.

"That..." Mumbo started, his voice thick with sleep, before realizing there was a weight on his chest. He looked down and saw Grian, still fast asleep and nestled comfortably against him. "That was a trap..." he mumbled, a sleepy smile forming on his face as he instinctively snuggled closer to the little one in his arms.

"Yup, it was," I replied, wheeling away from my desk to get a better look at them. "But did you sleep well?"

"Yeah, I did," he whispered, careful not to disturb Grian. He gently adjusted his hold, ensuring Grian remained comfortable and undisturbed.

"You two are adorable," I said, unable to keep the affection out of my voice. The sight of them together, so content and at ease, was heartwarming. Mumbo's expression softened further, and he gave me a small, grateful smile before resting his head back on the pillow, clearly in no hurry to move and disrupt the peaceful moment. The cozy ambiance of the room, coupled with the quiet soundtrack of the Star Wars movie, made it a perfect afternoon.

Mumbo honestly didn't seem like he wanted to go back to work anytime soon, and I didn't blame him. There was no hurry.

"Scar?" he called out softly.

"Hm?" I responded, still watching the two of them.

"Do you believe in angels?" he asked as he ran his hand carefully through Grian's hair.

"Not particularly, no," I replied, a bit amused but then genuinely curious. "But I have a feeling you think Mr. Sleepy Bones is one, right?"

"No, I wasn't going to say him," Mumbo said, surprising me as he looked over with a sincere expression. "I was going to say you."

His words caught me off guard, and I felt a warmth spread through me. "W-what?" I stammered, feeling a flush rise to my cheeks, genuinely surprised by his response.

Mumbo's gaze was steady, a gentle smile playing on his lips. "Yeah," he continued softly, "you're always looking out for us, making sure we're okay. I don’t know what we’d do without you."

I looked down, feeling a bit embarrassed but also touched. "I... I just do what I can," I replied, trying to downplay the compliment but unable to hide my smile. "You guys are my family."

"And you’re ours," Mumbo said warmly. He shifted slightly, careful not to wake Grian, who remained blissfully asleep against him. "It's not just what you do, Scar. It's who you are."

I swallowed, feeling a lump in my throat. It wasn’t often that we had moments like this, so openly sincere and heartfelt. "Thanks, Mumbo," I said quietly, my voice a little rough. "That means a lot."

Mumbo just nodded, his eyes conveying more than words could. We sat in a comfortable silence for a moment, the only sounds being the soft murmurs of the movie in the background and Grian's steady breathing.

Breaking the silence, I cleared my throat and tried to lighten the mood. "So, you ready to admit that Star Wars is the superior choice over that comedy show yet?"

Mumbo chuckled softly, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "I’ll admit it makes for a pretty good nap time soundtrack," he conceded.

"High praise coming from you," I teased back, feeling the warmth of the moment still lingering between us. I was so confused where all of this praise was coming from. Maybe he was still asleep or maybe he was just dreaming of something. I'm hedging my bets on him still being asleep.

It was about another 30 minutes before Mumbo went completely silent. During that time, the room remained peaceful, with the soft glow of the screen casting a gentle light. Eventually, Grian started to stir awake, letting out a quiet chirp.

"Mumbo?" I called softly, noticing the change in Grian's breathing and the little noises he was making. "Can I ask you something since he's still waking up?" I moved a bit closer so we could have a hushed conversation.

"Sure?" Mumbo responded, his voice equally soft, trying not to disturb Grian too much.

"How can he chirp like a bird?" I asked, genuinely curious. The blonde began to look around the room, very confused at first, and then a bit panicked before snuggling more into Mumbo, trying to hide. It was adorable.

Mumbo chuckled softly, his hand soothingly rubbing Grian's back. "It's just one of those Grian things," he said, though I noticed a bit of anxiety creeping into his voice, as if he didn't want to reveal any of our little chirpy bird's secrets. "He's trained in bird calls for a long time. Sometimes he just makes those noises," he added nervously, but it was clear there was something more to it.

I decided not to press too hard, given that my research had told me that avians do make bird noises when they're happy or sleepy or what have you. I had pieced together that Grian was some sort of avian, but I didn't know how to go about confronting them about it, especially with the person in question waking up slowly and looking around the room, very confused.

Grian's eyes fluttered open, and he let out another small chirp, his expression dazed as he tried to make sense of his surroundings. "Morning, sleepyhead," I greeted softly, trying to ease his transition from sleep to wakefulness.

"Morning..." Grian mumbled, his cheeks flushing slightly as he realized he had been making noises in his sleep. He snuggled closer to Mumbo, seeking comfort and a bit of cover from his embarrassment.

"Don't worry, Grian," Mumbo said softly, his hand still gently rubbing Grian's back. "We were just admiring how adorable you are."

Grian's face turned a light shade of pink, and he let out a small, sleepy laugh. "You guys are mean," he said, though his tone was more affectionate than accusatory.

"Mean, but with love," I corrected, smiling warmly at him. "Besides, we all have our quirks. Yours just happened to be extra cute."

Grian sighed, resigned but clearly content to be in such a loving and accepting environment. "Fine, fine," he muttered, snuggling back into Mumbo's embrace. "Just don’t tell anyone about the chirping, okay?"

"Your secret's safe with us," Mumbo assured him, wrapping his arms a bit tighter around Grian. I could see Grian relaxing further, feeling the comfort and security of Mumbo's presence.

"Speaking of chirping, have you guys ever heard of avians?" I asked cautiously, trying to steer the conversation gently.

"Avians are birds, mate," Mumbo said, looking a little confused.

"Okay, fair, but not what I meant," I clarified. "There is this race of people who are called avians. They have wings, feathered ears, and some even have legs with talons." I pushed the movie aside on the projector and showed them my screen, displaying some images and information about avians.

"Oh. Them," Grian said, sounding a bit angry. Mumbo rubbed his back, and that seemed to settle him down.

"What's got you so interested in a mythical species of people?" Grian asked, his tone guarded but curious.

I hesitated for a moment, not wanting to upset him further. "Well, in my research, I came across a lot of information about different races and species. The avians caught my interest because of their unique traits and abilities. Plus," I hesitated to bring this up because they didn't know, "one healed me last night and I got so much energy now that I'm actually able to go back to work as of tonight."I fiddled with some papers on my desk, feeling a bit ashamed for some reason.

This definitely caught Mumbo's attention. "You what?" Mumbo asked, his eyes widening in surprise."Yeah," I said, looking up at them.

"I wasn't feeling great. My shoulder was really hurting, and I had a long walk back home from the store with a big bag of cat food and treats." They just looked at me,

waiting for me to continue, so with a huff, I did. "I had seen them earlier that day as I was going to the store. It felt like they were following me."I looked away from them back to my desk. "They had a similar outfit to my hero outfit. They changed it a bit, but it was still skin-tight. They had hearts all over their design instead of my wings, and they had a pink and hot pink color theme, even in their very real wings. They wore heart-shaped sunglasses like my own visor."I paused a bit, trying to gather my thoughts. "They made me feel like I was being hunted and I was the prey." Mumbo was incredibly intrigued. "What happened next?"

"They landed on a light post, and I got a better look at them, but it didn't last very long. They started coming towards me pretty quickly. Their eyes had a glow of purple, and so did their hands with retractable claws, which I didn't think avians could do, but according to my research, they can. He healed me, and I didn't realize that type of healing would make the scars go away completely."

Grian's eyes widened with concern and curiosity. "So this avian... he followed you, healed you, and then what?"

"He didn't say much," I continued. "He healed me and kissed me. Then, as I opened my eyes from that, he was just gone." I bit my lip, feeling a bit uncertain. "There's another thing. He knew who I was. He called me HotGuy, even though I was in my civilian outfit."

Mumbo's eyes widened even further. "He knew your hero identity?"

"Yeah," I said, nodding. "I asked StarVoid about it, but he said there was nothing about them—no hero, no villain, no vigilante. It's like they just don't exist."Grian's concern deepened, and he exchanged a glance with Mumbo. "That's... unsettling," Grian said, pulling away from Mumbo. He got up and went over to Jelly, giving her some love. "Do you think you will see them again?" he asked, scratching Jelly behind the ears.

Mumbo snuggled up more into the blankets, feeling the absence of Grian's warmth. He wasn't too happy about it but didn't want to force Grian to continue snuggling.

"I hope so. They are so beautiful," I admitted, not meaning to say that last part out loud. Grian and Mumbo looked at me with a mix of surprise and amusement.

"Awww, you have a crush on something that could possibly kill you?" Grian asked, raising an eyebrow and giving a teasing smile.

I felt my cheeks heat up. "I mean, it's not a crush," I stammered, trying to backtrack. "It's just... they were really impressive and... unique."

Mumbo chuckled softly. "Sounds like a crush to me," he said, his eyes twinkling with amusement.

"Hey, I can't help it if I find them intriguing," I said defensively, though I couldn't help but smile a bit. "But seriously, there's something about them that's different, and I think it goes beyond just their abilities."

Grian nodded, his expression becoming more serious. "You need to be careful, Scar. I know we just met, but I already can tell I like you and your personality, so please don't go dying on me."

I was taken aback by his sincerity. "I'll be careful, Grian," I promised, feeling a warmth spread through me at his concern. "I have no plans on going anywhere. I just want to understand what's going on."

Mumbo, still nestled in the blankets, chimed in, "If there's something strange happening, we'll figure it out. Just don't take unnecessary risks."

"I won't," I assured them. "I just felt like you needed to know, especially if there's a chance this avian shows up again."

"Why us, though?" Grian asked, picking up Jelly, who was happily soaking up the attention.

It didn't take long for mumbo to continue snoring as he had fallen asleep pretty quick once he had gotten comfortable and warm

"Because... I don't know, there's just something about you that makes me want to trust you, and I hope maybe one day you can return that trust," I said honestly, shifting the papers around to look like I wasn't embarrassed. Grian seemed to watch me very carefully, studying my movements. I felt like prey again but I didn't know why. For whatever reason, just being under his gaze made me a bit nervous.

He ended up pulling up a seat next to me, looking at my computer with curiosity. "So, what have you found out about avians? I know there's probably like 10 left in the world, I think," he said with a soft chuckle, as 10 was a clear understatement.

"Actually, Xisuma told me that there were about 40 to 80. Maybe more, but they've kept themselves hidden for a long time, so no one really knows how to identify one," I replied, still fidgeting with the papers on my desk.

"Do I make you nervous, Scar?" he said in a teasing voice.

I tried to laugh it off, but the truth was, Grian's presence did make me a bit jittery. His intense curiosity and the way he seemed to see right through me was both intriguing and unsettling. I decided to shift the focus back to the research to avoid his piercing gaze.

"Well, from what I've gathered, avians are incredibly elusive. They have this uncanny ability to blend in with their surroundings, almost like chameleons. It's why they've managed to stay hidden for so long," I said, clicking through a few tabs on my computer to show him some notes and pictures I had compiled.

Grian leaned in closer, his interest piqued. "Fascinating. So, do we know any specific traits or behaviors that might give them away?" he asked.

I nodded, glad to have something concrete to discuss. "Yes, actually. They tend to have a heightened sense of awareness and reflexes, much sharper than the average person. Also, there's a theory that they can communicate with birds in a way that's almost telepathic. It's subtle, but if you know what to look for, it's there."

Grian looked thoughtful. He tilted his head a little, as if to understand better. If I wasn't incredibly intimidated by him, I would have thought that was cute. He was about to say something when my computer started glitching badly. The monitor froze for a second before turning a shade of purple I had never seen it turn before. Then, a symbol popped up that I didn't recognize, but it was clear that he did. There were what I assumed to be words on the screen, but I couldn't understand them as they moved too quickly for me. His eyes were rapidly reading them, and I didn't want to interrupt for fear he would miss something important.

Once my screen went back to normal, I looked at him with curiosity. "Grian?" I asked, but got no reply. For a split second, as he was reading, I thought I saw the same shade of purple I had seen in the mysterious avian's eyes last night. Grian suddenly got up and left, slamming the door behind him a bit too aggressively.

The noise woke Mumbo, who looked around, confused and mumbling, asking what had happened. I quickly explained the situation as best as I could, though I was still trying to make sense of it myself.

"I have no idea what just happened," I said, still staring at the door Grian had just stormed through. "My computer glitched, and then Grian seemed to recognize something on the screen and just...left."

Mumbo rubbed his eyes and sat up, trying to shake off his grogginess. "That doesn't sound like him. Did you see what was on the screen?"

"Some strange symbol and text I couldn't read," I replied, still unsettled. "But it was like he understood it instantly."

Mumbo frowned, looking more awake now. "We need to find out what that was. If it upset Grian that much, it can't be good. Can you draw the symbol? Do you remember it?" He asked, trying to shake the sleepiness from his voice even quicker as he got up and walked over to my desk.

I nodded and quickly drew a rectangle with two long L's and broken-off corners. As soon as he saw it, his eyes widened in recognition, and without a word, he left my office too, presumably going after Grian.

Left alone, I couldn't shake the feeling of unease. The symbol had clearly meant something significant, and the way both Grian and Mumbo reacted made it clear that this wasn't just some random glitch. I turned back to my computer, determined to find any trace of what had just happened.

I began combing through the system logs, looking for anything unusual. After a few minutes, I found a record of the glitch—a strange file had executed just before the screen went purple. I copied its details and then searched for any remnants of the text that had flashed across the screen, hoping to make sense of it.

As I worked, I couldn't help but replay the scene in my mind. Grian's eyes had flickered with that same eerie purple hue, the one I'd seen in the mysterious avian's eyes last night. There had to be a connection, but what was it? And why was it causing such a strong reaction in them?

I was so absorbed in my thoughts and the data that I barely noticed when the door opened again. Mumbo was back, looking more serious than I'd ever seen him.

"Grian's gone," he said bluntly.

"God dammit," Mumbo cursed, and I was taken aback by the anger in his voice. He almost never got this angry. I had to know why.

"Why... why are you so angry? You almost never get this angry," I asked tactfully, trying not to provoke him further.

"Look, I'm going to tell you something about him that you probably definitely need to know," Mumbo said, his voice tight with frustration. "That avian that was out last night, the one that healed you? That was him. Grian was a hero in a city called Evo. A hero that constantly worked alone, barely trusted anyone. He constantly got hurt but refused to accept help from anyone. That symbol—that gosh darn symbol—was his arch-nemesis, the Watchers."

Mumbo was storming around my office, throwing his hands up as he talked, making it hard to follow him. But I could see the pain and frustration in his eyes, and it was clear that this was deeply personal for him.

"What was his hero name?" I asked softly, hoping to calm him down.

Mumbo was quiet for a moment, trying to collect himself. "Xelqua. Ironically, the community gave him the last name 'Watcher,'" he said, his voice heavy with emotion.

Out of curiosity, I looked up the name on my computer. Instantly, a flood of old articles appeared on the screen. They were really old, some dating back decades. Many of the articles were in Japanese, detailing events from the city of Evo. The stories painted a picture of a lone hero, revered yet isolated, constantly battling against a shadowy organization known as the Watchers.

Mumbo came over and looked at the screen with me. "You see, Scar? Grian's past is complicated, and he's been through a lot. The Watchers... they were relentless, always trying to break him. That symbol appearing now means they're back, or at least someone wants him to think they are. And whoever they are, they're interested in you. They infect cities, Scar. They'll try and get themselves up in high positions—mayor, city council, governors, stuff like that."

I felt a cold shiver down my spine as Mumbo's words sank in. "So, they're not just targeting Grian. They're aiming for something much bigger."

"Exactly," Mumbo said, his voice grim. "The Watchers manipulate from the shadows, and their influence is insidious. If they're back, it means they have a plan, and Grian's disappearance is likely part of it."

I took a deep breath, trying to process the gravity of the situation. "We need to find Grian and stop whatever they're planning. But where do we even start?"

Mumbo looked thoughtful for a moment, then his eyes lit up with determination. "First, we need to figure out where Grian might have gone. He'll likely try to confront this head-on, knowing him. We should check places that might have significance to his past or where he might find clues about the Watchers' current activities."

"Do you think he might go back to Evo?" I asked.

"It's possible," Mumbo said, nodding. "But like the news articles say here, Evo was destroyed, completely brought to ruins." He said sadly, looking at the carnage displayed on my computer screen.

"It's not likely he'll go back there considering it's all the way across the world, but it is the spot where the Watchers were created. So maybe, but we need to find other places he might go to calm down and try to collect his thoughts."

I studied the map and the articles, feeling the weight of our task pressing down on me. "Alright, let's think. If he’s looking for a place to gather his thoughts, it would have to be somewhere significant to him, but also somewhere he feels safe."

Mumbo nodded. "He used to talk about a few places he’d go when he needed to be alone. He wasn't here that long, but he found a lot of nooks and crannies he loved. He used to go by the river, told me watching the water was grounding for him. We could also check the beach, the cabin in the woods, or the lookout. He just genuinely likes to be around nature when he's stressed out. The cityscape isn't really meant for him."

I quickly noted these places. "Alright, let’s start with the river. If that doesn't pan out, we can try the beach, then the cabin, and finally the lookout."

Mumbo agreed, and we set off toward the river. As we drove, my mind raced with thoughts of Grian and the Watchers. I couldn't shake the image of that mysterious symbol and the fear it instilled in him. We had to find him before the situation escalated further.

When we reached the river, it was serene and quiet, the water flowing gently. We split up to cover more ground, calling out for Grian and looking for any signs he might have been there. Despite our thorough search, the area seemed untouched.

After regrouping, I called out to Mumbo. "No luck here. Should we head to the beach next?"

"Yeah," he replied, his expression determined. "Let’s not waste any time."

We drove to the beach in silence, both of us lost in our thoughts. The sun was beginning to set as we arrived, casting long shadows across the sand. The beach was expansive, and the rhythmic sound of the waves crashing against the shore was calming, but there was no sign of Grian.

As we combed the beach, I couldn't help but feel a sense of urgency. Time was slipping away, and we still had no idea where he could be. Finally, after another fruitless search, we decided to move on to the cabin in the woods.

The drive to the cabin was tense. The forest was dense, and the shadows grew longer as night approached. When we arrived, the cabin stood in quiet solitude. We called out for Grian and searched the area, but again, we found no trace of him.

Frustration and worry gnawed at me as we made our way to the final location, the lookout. The lookout was situated on a hill, offering a breathtaking view of the surrounding landscape. The climb was steep, but we pressed on, determined to find our friend.

When we reached the top, the view was indeed spectacular, but there was still no sign of Grian. As we stood there, catching our breath, Mumbo sighed heavily. "We’re missing something. There must be another place he could be."

I thought back to everything Mumbo had told me about Grian. "Maybe there's a place tied to his past that we don't know about. Somewhere significant to him that he hasn't shared with anyone."

Mumbo nodded, a spark of realization in his eyes. "You're right. There’s one more place we haven’t considered—the old library. Grian used to spend a lot of time there when he first arrived. It’s quiet, secluded, and he might have gone there to think."

With renewed hope, we hurried back to the car and drove to the library. The building was old and tucked away, a perfect spot for someone seeking solitude. As we approached, we saw a faint light in one of the windows.

We entered quietly, calling out for Grian. After a tense moment, we heard a familiar voice. "Scar? Mumbo?"

We rushed toward the sound and found Grian sitting at a table, surrounded by old books and papers. Relief washed over me at the sight of him.

"Grian, we’ve been looking everywhere for you," I said, trying to keep my voice steady.

Mumbo, on the other hand, rushed over and hugged him tightly. "You're an idiot, Grian! You can't fight this alone anymore. This is so much bigger than you now! They've destroyed countless cities. You need to trust more people. You need to let us in, to let us help!"

Grian let out a surprised squawk as Mumbo hugged him a bit too tightly. His eyes widened, and for a moment, he looked vulnerable, overwhelmed by the intensity of Mumbo’s words and embrace.

"I'm sorry," Grian finally said, his voice barely above a whisper. "I just... I didn't want to drag you into this. It's my fight."

"It's our fight now," I said firmly, stepping closer. "You don't have to carry this burden alone. Look, I'm the number one hero for a reason in this town, so let me help. They're clearly interested in me."

Grian looked conflicted, not wanting to cave easily. "I-I don't know... Scar, you're too important to the city. I don't want you to genuinely get hurt or killed. That wrath... that wrath nearly killed you. If I didn't find you in time, you would have died."

"Occupational hazard," I stated firmly. "Grian, every day I put my life on the line to protect this city. It's what I do. And now, with the Watchers targeting both you and our city, we need to face this together. I won’t let you fight this alone, and I certainly won’t stand by while they wreak havoc on my home."

Mumbo nodded in agreement, his hand still on Grian's shoulder. "Grian, we’re stronger together. We can outsmart them, but only if we trust each other and work as a team. You know as well as I do that the Watchers thrive on isolation and fear. We can't give them that advantage."

Grian sighed, the weight of his past battles and current fears evident in his eyes. "Alright. I’ll let you help. But we need to be careful. The Watchers are cunning, and they won't hesitate to exploit any weaknesses."

"Good, I could use a bit of a challenge," I said, relieved and a bit cocky.

Grian couldn't help but let out a small chuckle, despite the gravity of the situation. "Always so confident, Scar. Just promise me you'll be careful."

"I promise," I said, my tone serious now.
