On Our Own

After the mutants went back into the motel room, he decided to call it a night and ordered his men to get some sleep, whilst he took a room in another motel not too far from the mutants' one.


Your PoV

"Soră!" Pietro called out from the bedroom in the motel. I paced out of the bathroom and sat next to him.

"What is it?" I asked, looking at the computer on his thighs, that was somehow balanced by his legs.

"The TRF and the Decepticons have formed an ally and managed to track every single Autobots they know about." He explained, gritting his teeth.

"Shit, what know?" I squeaked out.

He thought for a few seconds before opening his mouth to say something but was cut off by my phone's ringtone. Picking up, I brought it to my ear.


"Hey kid, it's Logan, can you send me your address? I'm bringing Peter and Laura."

"Um sure but why?"

"We're in deep shit! Stucker has found our whereabouts in addition to the TRF and Decepticons, you've heard about it right?"

"The TRF part, Pietro showed it to me after Ratchet sent it to him!" I explained.

"Peter is going to back to a place called Wakanda or something."

"What? Why?"

"There has been something going on with the Avengers and he wants to make sure Wanda is handling it well!"

"Is she hurt?" I asked panicked.

"I'm not sure, but he's coming to say goodbye then going up there" Logan informed.

"Okay." I sighed.

"Be safe ok? We're on our way!" Logan reassured, before ending the call.

"What's happened?" Pietro asked, looking up at me, with desperate eyes as if we could not be in a more horrifying situation.

-----------------Time Skip-----------------

Logan finally arrived at the motel with Peter and Laura. My older brother rushed to me and Pietro and gave us a big hug.

"I missed you guys!" He whispered.

"We did too frățior (little brother)."

After breaking the hug, Logan explained.

"I don't really like this idea but it has to be done." He sighed before continuing: "While Peter is going back to Wanda, Pietro and I are going to end that son of a bitch of a scientist, Laura you will stay with (Y/N)."

We nodded our heads in agreement.

"I'll go pack up!" Pietro marched back into the motel room. Peter went to Ironhide to help Laura take the few things she had, leaving Logan alone with me.

"You'll have to buy a new car, the Autobots will split up to try and outnumber the TRF!" He gave me a big wad of money.

"Keep the cash safe, use your credit card to buy the car then stay off the grid! And only run if you have to if it's from Transigen, H.Y.D.R.A or the TRF!" He said, putting a hand on my shoulder. He brought me closer, giving me a big bear hug. He kissed my temple while I buried my head in his chest.

"Be careful out there!" He warned, breaking the hug. I nodded in response. He walked back to Ironhide until he was interrupted by a question that just popped into my head.

"What about my dragons?!?!"

"They've grown, Saphira came to me when she couldn't talk to you because of, well, you're in the middle of a city, she'll be seen. Anyway, she said they've imprinted on you and that they are nearly fully grown, she's taken them in, but you need to take their unborn!" He explained.

"Guessing you have no idea what you are talking about?" I smirked at him. He took a bag out of the back seat and presented it to me, smirking back.

"Nah!" He chuckled. I laughed at his reaction. Once Laura was ready, Peter came up to me and gave me a big hug.

"Stay safe sissy!" He said, kissing my forehead.

"You too, say hello to sis for me would you?"

He winked in response.

"Bye kid, we'll be back soon!" Logan said, squeezing my shoulder then ruffling Laura's hair before following Peter to Ironhide.

"Please stay safe soră!" Pietro said hugging me, then kissing my temple again.

"You too Piet!" I said letting him leave.

Donald PoV

Everyone left, leaving (Y/N) and Laura alone, this might get interesting. I smirked at the thought.
