
*.·:·.✧ ✦✧.·:·.*

"It's a girl!" The doctor said. He handed the cleaned baby to June. June looked down, smiling. "Hello, Luna Cvjetićanin." She said, looking up at Bojan, next to the bed, who was smiling brightly. "She is beautiful." He said, the big smile never leaving his face. "She is. She looks like you." June said, looking at the little girl adoringly. "Such a beautiful little girl. Our little girl." Bojan said, tears swelling in his eyes. "Our little girl." June repeated. A tear rolled down her cheek.


June shot up. She frantically looked around her room, until her eyes landed on her alarmclock. 8:05. She calmed her breath down and gathered her thoughts. Eurovision, preparty, Joker Out, pancakes, Bojan, singing, 2023, Bojan- Bojan? No. No, no, no, no. No Bojan. Definitely not twice. No. Bojan.

She tried to remember her dream, to distract herself. Okay, baby, Bojan- Bojan? A baby- with Bojan? No, it couldn't be. June's breath was raising and a fog started to form in her head.

This couldn't be good.

She stumbled out of her room, trying to make it to the spare room, where Jas was sleeping, but realized she couldn't get that far. She let herself fall onto her couch, trying to grab the remote for the tv, to put something on that would calm her. She looked at her hand, to focus on where to grab the remote. She was shaking like crazy. June's heart was racing as she looked at her hand, trying to get a grip on the remote laying on the couch.

June's ears were ringing, and she couldn't manage to grab the remote. She gave up trying, and just rolled up into a shaking, crying ball.

A hand on her shoulder startled her. She felt the couch sag next to her, and she vaguely heard a voice. "June, calm down. It's okay, I'm here. I'm here. I'm here for you." June managed to lift her head and saw Jas sitting next to her. She fell into Jas' arms, sobbing. "It's okay." Jas kept repeating, stroking June's hair.

June started to calm down. "What happened?" Jas asked her. "I- I had a dream. I don't want to talk about it. Yet." June said. "Okay. But please come to me when you are ready to talk okay? You shouldn't bundle your thoughts up like that." Jas sounded worried. "I know. I just need to think about it a little before I'm able to talk about it."

"How did you even find me? I thought you were still asleep." June asked Jas. "I was, but I woke up because I heard you stumbling. At first I thought it was nothing, but quickly after I realized that it wasn't." June smiled. "Luckily you did."

The girls had put on Friends, and Jas grabbed some left-over pancakes for breakfast. June was silently eating, and sometimes laughing a little at the show. Jas looked over to her, still a little worried. This wasn't like June. Usually she would tell a hundred facts about every scene and actor she saw on a screen, and now she said nothing.

"You should go and shower, you were heavily sweating." Jas joked when they had finished their breakfast. June smiled. "You're right, I'll go right now." She stood up, and walked to her room. She looked on her phone before getting ready.



Good morning❤
How was your sleep?

You're up early :)
I slept alright
And you?

June put her phone back down and went to shower.

In the shower she was thinking. 'Why did I dream of Bojan? I don't like him. Right? I can't. I can't like him. I can't like anyone. Ever.' Her phone buzzed. June tried to look at her phone to see what it was, but couldn't. 'Did Bojan answer? Stop. Stop thinking about him. Think about something else. Let's see... Taylor! Taylor Swift. I'm gonna sing New Romantics, to get my mind off him.'

June got out of the shower and got dressed. She put her phone away, not allowing herself to look at it. She put on her 1989 CD. "I'm going to do my make-up, and not think of him." She deliberately said. "Think of who?" Jas was standing in the hall, smirking. "No one, Jas. Harry Styles." June made up. "You do know that people call Bojan 'The Balkan Harry Styles' right?" June rolled her eyes. "Yes. I meant the actual Harry Styles." She smiled fakely and sat down in front of her vanity.

"Why are you not going to think of Harry Styles?" Jas asked as June was rummaging though her make-up. "Because then I'm going to panic over the fact that we are seeing him live in two months." Jas nodded and walked away, stopping in her tracks after a few steps. "Two months already? I don't even have an outfit yet." She panicked. "You'll be fine." June chuckled.

"Are you though?" Jas almost whispered. June looked up. "What do you mean?" "Are you fine?" "Yeah, I feel a lot better than this morning." June smiled. "Are you sure? You had a panic attack over a dream. That hasn't happened in two years." June turned her head back to the mirror. "I know. It wasn't a bad dream. It just... shocked me. I'm not ready yet." Jas walked into June's room and sat on her bed, behind her. June looked at her best friend though her mirror.

"Not ready for what?" Jas asked her. June turned around. "Not ready to like someone. It's... It's scary. I don't want to get hurt again. My mind- I cannot accept that I like... anyone. Like like."

June looked away again, out the window. "I get it June. What happened with Jasper was traumatizing for you. Because of that, you have just restrained from liking anyone. So you don't have to go though all that traumatizing stuff again. But you have to allow yourself to have good experiences too." June's eyes turned watery.

"I know... I never should've befriended a therapist." She laughed. Jas grinned. "There's something good about that too, you know. I can see that Bojan likes you as well. And he really seems like a good guy. I'll interrogate him tonight. He can't keep anything from me." She laughed her most evil laugh, and managed to make June laugh as well.

"You'll scare him away. Who wants to date a girl with a scary best friend?" She laughed. "Hopefully Bojan wants to." Jas laughed. "But Jas," June started, seriously again, "I'm starting to accept that I like him, but I'm not ready for anything yet. I have to get used to the idea. So please, don't say anything about it okay?" Jas giggled, and June turned around.

"What are you doing?" She asked, when she saw Jas with her phone in her hand. "Give me my phone back!" She exclaimed. "Good morning with a heart? And he's worried too? Oh he is madly in love with you." Jas grinned. "Shut up." June laughed, and she pushed Jas on her bed, after she grabbed her phone.



I slept pretty fine
Just woke up early
Excited for today?




It's not like you to take so long to answer


If you don't answer within half an hour I
will come to your house
I know where you live


Come on
You better not be playing with me


Oh I'm coming.
Right now
Somethings wrong or something

June looked at the time, it was 9:45. It took around 5 minutes to get from the boys' place to her house.



I'm alright!!
I was just showering and
getting ready for the day
I just needed some time away from
my phone
You don't need to come
Okay you're here I can hear you

June opened the door to a panting Bojan. When he saw her, he hugged her immediately. "How dare you scare me like that." He said. Junes head laid on his chest and she could feel his heart race. "I just needed some offline time. But thanks for confirming how addicted to my phone I am, if you're worried when I don't answer in fifteen minutes." June tried to joke. Bojan ignored her. "I thought something happened to you." He started to calm down.

"Sit down, please." June said - ordered - to Bojan. "I'll get you a glass of water." He nodded. "Get yourself one too, you look tired." He said. "Thanks. Didn't get the chance to do my make-up yet." June chuckled. "I didn't mean-" "I know." June handed him his glass and sat down next to him. Jas entered the living room. "Bojan! Didn't expect you here at this time." She said, as innocently as possible. "No, it was... an emergency." June frowned. "That can be interpreted so wrongly, ew." Jas laughed. "And I just interpreted it wrongly I think." She said, before walking back to her room.

June was still sitting next to Bojan. Her knee was bouncing and she was staring at the tree outside her window. "What's wrong?" He asked her. "Nothing." June smiled softly. Willow jumped on the couch and laid down between June and Bojan. June started petting her. "It doesn't look like there's nothing wrong." Bojan remarked. "What do you mean?" June looked up, into his eyes.

"You look anxious. You're bouncing your leg, you usually never do that." He sounded worried. "Yeah, it's just a lot. The media attention, mostly. A few things from my past came back up recently as well. Things that I rather would've forgotten." Bojan nodded. "I get it. The media attention part. It's too much for me, and we can divide it between five. I can't imagine how hard it must be on your own."

"Yeah, it's a lot." Willow had walked away again. "You just have to shake it off, I think." Bojan said. June's eyes lit up. "Wow, your timing is absolutely perfect." She smiled. "What are you talking about?" Bojan looked at the girl confused. "I hadn't put off the CD in my room yet, and if you listen closely, you can hear what song is on now."

She ran towards her room and turned the volume up. She walked back to the living room, grinning like a Cheshire cat, and dancing. "'Cause the players gonna play, play, play, play, play." She sang along. Bojan smiled. Jas walked back in again, to go to the kitchen. "What did you do?" She asked Bojan, who just shrugged. "You unlocked Swiftie June." Jas laughed and walked along.

"Sorry. You can't say a Taylor Swift lyric without me singing it." June laughed guiltily. "It's fine. I could get used to it." Bojan smirked. June blushed. "I should be going again. You need to get ready right?" Bojan said. "Oh, yeah. I'll see you at the venue then right?" June asked, holding the door. "Of course." Bojan smiled and got on his way. June closed the door and slid down against it, holding her knees with a stupid smile on her face.

"I thought you had to get ready?" Jas pulled her out of her head. "I do." June said, as she jumped up, back towards her room. "Something with 'I'm not ready.'" Jas muttered, smiling.


A little angst and a little fluff cause why not :))
