chapter 2

Snape didn't like the way he was feeling. The confusion inside him was tearing him up, he didn't know where to look, what to do, what to feel. Lord Voldemort would make love easily enough, but he could never feel love. That's where he fell down every time. In the Dark Lord's all but empty bed, he turned over and went over the previous nights event's in his head. Everything had been fine until in his hazy state, Snape had whispered to his Master that he loved him, instantly regretting it. The Dark Lord's eyes had snapped open; he had shoved Snape off of him and had left the room, pausing only to get a robe to wear. Snape sighed once more and turned over again, unable to get comfortable.

'It should not be like this,' the Potions Master thought as he shut his eyes hoping to find peace in some corner of his mind. He found none. 'He should love me back, he should tell me…' But the more Snape thought about it, the more he knew that the Dark Lord never did what he should do; only what he wanted to do. That was what threw him the most, never knowing what to do and never knowing how to feel.

He traced over his Dark Mark in worry. He often did that those nights up to the Dark Lord's rebirth, laying in bed with soft candlelight illuminating the room, tracing over the Mark as it grew stronger and stronger, clearer and clearer until he'd felt it burn, in the stands of the Tri-Wizard tournament. He'd frozen solid, rigid, not daring to look at his arm, looking around as if expecting everyone to see his jump. Only one person had. His eyes had met Dumbledore's, wide open in shock and fear, and Dumbledore had actually gone white, realising instantly what had happened. Wordlessly he stood and left the stands, followed by Snape who had gone down the steps quickly. Dumbledore had led them to the back of the stands where no one would see, and Snape pulled the sleeve up of his robe, staring at the blackened mark.

"I must go," Severus murmured to the Headmaster. "I must take up my role once more."

"Not yet Severus- You must wait for the task to finish first- It will almost be done." Dumbledore's voice sounded distant and fearful, he walked through the stands to the middle of the Quidditch pitch, looking around. "Where are Harry and Cedric?" he said to Minerva McGonagall. Snape was right behind him, one hand on the mark.

"They went out of sight half an hour ago, one of them will have found the cup at any minute," she replied softly, a frown creasing her forehead. "What's happened Albus?"

Dumbledore looked around him, and then back to the woman. "Severus's mark burned." Minerva looked from Dumbledore to Snape, and back again, the frown lifting with her eyebrows, her eyes widening.

"What does it mean, Albus?" she asked almost dreading the answer she was sure that she knew. It could only mean on thing.

"Lord Voldemort has returned," he said simply as a reply.

'Lord Voldemort has returned…' Those words were meant to give him great joy, but he did not feel it at that moment. He turned over once more, hoping to see his Master on the pillow next to him, eyes half open, but the eyes were not half open, because they were not there. The Dark Lord was the only thing he cared about besides his Potions and the Dark Arts. He had no one and nothing else, and now, it seemed he did not even have that all three of the things he held dearest to him. He shut his eyes with a sigh, he'd have to get out of this room before the Dark Lord returned, that was how Lord Voldemort preferred it. Yet Snape still wanted to see his Master's reaction to him still being there.. He laid there for half an hour when he was finally rewarded. Voldemort walked in and saw Snape laying there, eyes half open watching his Master. The Dark Lord walked around the bed and sat down next to Severus, who was shocked and confused, facing him.

"I did not think you would return to me, Voldemort," Severus murmured, the shock and confusion showing up clearly on his face. Voldemort ran a hand down his servant's bare chest which was exposed, causing a shiver from Snape. It was like silk to the Dark Lord, who's eyes were on his own hand and his lover's chest.

With a sigh, he spoke. "I was a little unprepared for what you said last night, Severus," Voldemort replied softly, leaning over Severus, watching his face for any signs of emotion, knowing how Severus would normally hide it. He was shocked to see that the younger man was not hiding anything, he was letting it show, and Voldemort knew that the cause of his flight had been the truth of what was upsetting Severus. At least, that is what he thought was the matter.

"How could you be so?" Severus had spoken quietly, but he was desperate to know what had caused his Master to run like that. Running was not for the Dark Lord, running was for week and simple minded pathetic muggles.

Voldemort turned over and gently ran a hand through Severus's hair, and kissed down his face. "Because," came the indifferent reply, "I do not hold the ability to love." He stared down at Severus who had pushed up slightly, so he was sitting, the sheets only just covering his lap, and looked to the Dark Lord.

"I do," he said harshly, eyes at Voldemort's, then back down again slightly more respectfully. He reached up and brushed his fingers down the Dark Lord's robed chest. Voldemort grabbed Snape's hand as it made it's decent, and softly kissed each of the fingers.

"Severus, I was not expecting it so soon." He paused, with a hint of a sigh which was not made obvious in the slightest as he looked at Snape's downcast eyes. "Look at me." It was not an order, but it was not something the Potions Master was going to disobey, either. He raised his eyes to the Dark Lord's own red embers, and found a pair of thin lips claiming his in a passionate kiss. Severus's arms wrapped around the Dark Lord's body tightly and he rested his head on his lover's shoulder. He let out a small, quiet sigh, and kissed the nape of Voldemort's neck. "You should go, Severus," said Voldemort with much difficulty. He did not want Severus to leave his side again, but he had his own things to be doing, which were far more important then his own pleasure.

Severus sighed. "When will I see you again?" he asked Voldemort, turning away from his Master, swinging his legs around so they were dangling over the bed. He grabbed his robe from the floor, and pulled it over his head.

"When I next summon you," Voldemort said almost coldly, but Severus knew the reasons behind the voice. Voldemort was not happy, he wanted Severus with him as often as he could, but circumstances would not allow it. Snape wanted the same.

He nodded, stood up letting his robes pool to his feet, and walked to the door. He placed one hand on the edge of the door, and turned his head sharply to look back at his master, as though he'd thought about it and decided at the last moment to do it. Voldemort was laying on his back, with his eyes shut. "I hope it is soon," Severus said softly. Voldemort opened his eyes, and turned his head to look at his lover.

"It will be, Severus." Voldemort's face told Snape that it would be soon, his eyes were gleaming brightly, held open normally with a hint of a smile, nothing too obvious. As he shut his eyes once more, Severus walked silently back to the bed, leant on it, and tenderly kissed Voldemort on the cheek. With a final glance, he turned and left, not seeing the look of worry on his Master's face as he spun from the room in a whirl of black silk.


Albus Dumbledore always knew when Snape had returned to the school from the Dark Lord. He stood in his office and awaited Severus's presence, which came quickly. The old Potions Master collapsed in the chair, with a look of pain on his face, panting. He raised his eye line to Dumbledore's, who placed one arm on his.

"What happened?" he asked, his breathe sharpened by the return of Snape, which were normally rather dramatic.

"He's back alright," Snape said grimly, though he was feeling otherwise. He'd always hated these 'after gathering talks' with Dumbledore, there were always too many images to conceal. He swallowed. "He hit me with crucio once, but I think that was only for being late. He did not hurt me at all after that." Snape paused, and lowered his voice. "It is as we feared. He wants to kill Harry, he still wants him dead."

Dumbledore nodded gravely. "That was to be expected, Severus. Did he mention any other plans to you?" he asked, the tone in his voice suggesting that he knew more then he was letting on.

Snape hesitated slightly, as far as he knew Dumbledore had no idea about his connections with the Dark Lord. And whatever he told Dumbledore was going to be found out by him some way or another. "He trusts me still, Albus, if that is what you mean. He thinks that I have kept my place with you because I am on his side." Snape suddenly shuddered. What he was doing was a great risk, he'd be sent to Azkaban if Dumbledore suspected anything. "I need to get some sleep, Albus, he kept me up all night and I couldn't risk asking to leave." He needed to get out of the room quickly, without anyone working out he was lying.

Dumbledore nodded once more, and stood up. "Severus, I trust you very much, I hope you understand why you must continue your dangerous role," he said in what would be perceived as a kind voice. Snape nodded numbly.

"Thank you Albus," Severus replied, and for the second time that day left the room in a hurry. After everything that had happened in the last few days, he was now completely exhausted, and in need of a good strong drink.


The Dark Lord was restless for the entirety of the evening a few days later. Everything was planned out, he would get the rest of the Prophecy, he would kill Dumbledore and that brat Potter, and he would rule the World with Severus Snape, his Prince of Darkness. But it was just getting there. He didn't want to reveal the beginning of his plans to Severus yet, in case Dumbledore did find something out, then everything would be ruined. He trusted Snape with his life, it was the rest of them he didn't trust.

Before any of this, he'd get the rest of the Death Eaters out of Azkaban. Some of his most loyal, his best duellists where in there, and it was high time they were released from being in fourteen years of imprisonment proved that they were indeed, loyal. This was one plan he could include Severus in, but for now he was going to concentrate on returning his powers. He could spend time with Severus, get to know him once more, find out the changes in the Wizarding World. He knew that Severus would like that as well.

He glanced out of the window and saw it was pitch black; he'd been in his own thoughts for hours. He sighed nonchalantly, and stood up, yanking his sweeping black cloak back on. He hadn't changed out of his robes that Wormtail had put on him on the night of his Rebirth, those beautiful robes that lifted off the floor as he walked, fine silk floating around him in the breeze. He opened the door of his private rooms and looked out.

"Wormtail!" he yelled, and he heard the shuffling and grunting of Wormtail coming along the corridor. The pathetic rat bowed down deeply to the Dark Lord, who silently yanked the rat back up and squeezed his left forearm, summoning Severus to him. He knew it would be a while until Snape could get to him, so he contented himself for a while with tormenting Wormtail, until he finally got bored and sent him away.

When Severus arrived, unaware of the reasons why he had been summoned, he knelt down in front of the Dark Lord and kissed the hem of his silky robes. He almost wanted to rub them over his face, but resisted the temptation, in case the Dark Lord was not in the playful mood tonight. Judging by way he had been summoned, it seemed that Voldemort had not used too much strength in touching the mark, which was the only way the Death Eaters knew what type of mood he was in. If the pain was sharp and eye watering, it meant that Voldemort would be in a very bad mood. If it was soft and nagging, as it had been that night, it meant that he was not in a very bad mood.

Voldemort turned sharply, his robes brushing against Severus's cheek for a moment. From the ground Severus could see he was heading for his armchair, which meant there would probably be business discussed. "Come here, Severus," Voldemort said in an otherwise indifferent tone. Severus stood up and slowly walked over to Voldemort's chair, and sat down opposite the Dark Lord as he was beckoned to. His forehead creased slightly, wondering if there would be any romantic implications put to him. There were none, but Voldemort noticed the crease, and the thoughts coming from Snape as he had not bothered with any block of his mind.

"What did Dumbledore say when you left me the other night?" he asked, showing his concern through his eyes. Severus looked up.

"He told me he trusts me still, my Lord," Snape replied quietly, his eyes firmly on his Master's.

Voldemort smirked. "You have both of us trusting you impeccably, the things you could do Severus. I am sure you told him that I said the same thing." His eyes seemed to have brightened slightly, as though he wanted Severus to say something wrong. Snape knew it, and kept his mouth shut for a moment, before he realised he would have to talk.

"Yes, I did," he whispered, then dropped off his seat onto his knees. He crawled along the floor that separated himself and Voldemort, his long cloak falling over his feet behind him as he moved. He reached Voldemort's chair, and looked up to him. Voldemort's eyes were still burning, but he was looking down at Snape with a very small smile. He reached down, and ran his hand down Severus's cheek, very slowly. Severus's eyes never left Voldemort's.

"Sometimes, I wonder why I trust you," Voldemort said thoughtfully, standing up, and pulling Severus to his feet. "But then I remember why, because you're so damned wonderful." Severus smiled, and daringly placed one arm around Voldemort's neck. Voldemort would have normally been displeased over this, but as Snape was looking very nice that night, and because he was happy after tormenting Wormtail, he was happy with the situation in hand. He bent his head, and kissed Severus lightly on the lips, his hand in Snape's hair.

Severus needed to ask the Dark Lord a question. Something important to their relationship, he just didn't know how. He decided to just blurt it out. "My Lord, I must ask you something," Severus started to speak slowly. Voldemort pulled his head back slightly, his hand still in Snape's hair. He made a slight noise in the back of his throat, as though asking Severus what. "I want some security, my Lord, when the war is won by us," Snape said softly, almost dreading Voldemort's reaction.

It was a low chuckle, but Severus noticed how Voldemort's grip on his hair had tightened slightly. "We have no guarantee of winning the war, Severus; do not be hasty in assuming anything." Voldemort's tone hadn't shifted at all, neither had his facial expression, but Snape could tell his mood had. "What is your point?"

Severus was beginning to wish he hadn't said anything at all. He desperately wanted another long night with the Dark Lord in a good mood, all to himself. "Would you ever consider being bonded to me?" Severus said, all at once, not meaning it to come out that way. That was the non subtle way he didn't want it to come out.

Voldemort didn't push him away, or move, and in fact, Severus felt his grip on his hair loosen slightly, as though Voldemort was relaxing. There was silence, and Snape wanted to melt with embarrassment. Voldemort finally spoke. "If and when we win the war, I would happily oblige. Until then, Severus, you must keep up pretending you are on his side only."

Severus let out a relieved sigh, and smiled at his Master, who couldn't help his smile back. "Thank you, Voldemort," Severus breathed into his ear.

Voldemort kissed Snape's forehead and then once, very softly and gently on the lips. "And then, we can rule the world together," he whispered, unable to hide his smile. He wanted that, the world in his palm, and Severus Snape there to help him, by his side, with no worries or him being caught out, no anything to do with anyone. "And you will be mine forever."

Severus smiled at Voldemort once more, and kissed him passionately on the lips. "May I stay the night?" he asked tentatively. Voldemort, suddenly cheering up immensely, turned Severus around and pushed him through the door into his bedroom. He threw Severus down onto the bed, and crawled on top of him, unbuttoning Snape's cloak as he did.

"You shall stay when ever you would like to. I will always be here for you." Voldemort's face was almost impassive, but Severus understood, completely. It meant Voldemort wanted Severus to be near to him as much as possible, probably because he wasn't sure how much time they had together.

Nothing was sure, Severus realised some time later, in the throws of his own passion. Nothing was ever sure during war.
