A/N | Small Hiatus :(

Hey you guys! I'm back, but this time with some bad news! I have no ideas whatsoever to continue this at the moment. I have ideas for chapters way in the future but at the moment I have nothing and I have big writers block. I'm writing a Saiouma oneshot book but all I have are drafts and one of them was a birthday special for Shuichi but I have no ideas to continue that. I could ask my friend Mason thats really good with writing but I'm also in my freshmen year of high school and very behind in my work already as well as homecoming is this weekend. So this is going on a small hiatus till I'm caught up and my writers block is gone which'll probably take a while.😅 I'm sorry you guys, I'll be back soon enough. Thank you all for understanding! As well as reading and voting on this story! Also if you'd like to check out Mason's account he has a really cool and interesting book as well as a great writing style! Thank you all! (Here's Mason's account) UnderworldEntrance
