Chapter 24: Witch-to-Witch

My retreat from Prophecy University's campus could be considered hasty. It is not every day one receives premonitions, even in the most powerful circles. The moment the premonition is over, I feel disorientated. I am barely able to give Eric details as I am driving home, and I pull over twice before I arrive at home.

The disorientation overrules my senses, even as I enter the house. The feeling fades as a sense of danger replaces the confusion. I stop in front of the living room door as something moves out of the corner of my eye.

"Have a seat, Parker."

Aria stairs at me from the chair in front of the coffee table. A cup of tea levitates beside her with a spoon swirling in it. She waits until I sit down to grab the cup.

"Don't be afraid, Parker. I'm not here to sanction you."

"Then why are you?" I ask.

"You know this house is beautiful. It's so lived in. Moving from castle to castle with no real home always felt strange. I imagined myself living in a small hut in the woods, living off the land."


"I sense great evil piercing the veil between worlds. I—we fear you are running out of time."

Aria is right, even if I don't want to admit it. I can feel it as well. Something horrible is about to happen and I'm moving too slowly to stop it.

She relinquishes her grip on the teacup and it hovers to her side again. I marvel at her effortless use of magic. She has been inundated in magic for so long that it is second nature for her.

"You have identified the demon and his plan, but I fear we do not know his motive."

"I thought it was obvious."

"Yes, he wants to escape his realm but to what end? A witch working with a demon is worrisome but why? To what end?"

"You're right. There's a lot of information we don't know. But, Aria, that's the council's fault. You knew there was a demon but you didn't bother to tell me."

"And I apologize. But it does not change what is."

"So, what now?"

"Do you know what the Council calls you?" Aria asks.

"Aria, I fail to see the relevance."

"They call you the Rede Breaker. It was supposed to be an insult. But I believe it is a badge of honor." Aria says. "You have shown the ability to do great feats of magic. Whether the use was for good or naught, the magic is great inside. It's why I chose you."

"Because I'm powerful?"

"And because you care. Do you think have the initiates would care about a town of mortals?" She asks.

"Mortals deserve to be protected the same as any of us. More even."

"I believe so, too." She grabs the teacup from the air again. "I fear more will disappear before this business is done. You must do what you can to save everyone involved."

"What happens if I fail?"

"That depends on what the demon truly wants. One thing is certain: if the demon crosses over to our world, our worst fears will be realized."

Aria stands and I rise to meet her. She finishes her cup of tea before it disappears with a small pop. She moves her hands in a counterclockwise motion while muttering an incantation.

A swirling portal opens in front of us. I can see a room on the other end, decorated in purple. She glances at me once more before crossing through the portal.

The portal closes, leaving me alone in the living room.


Once Aria is gone, I race to my Book of Shadows for any hint of something that could help me. I ignore a couple of calls from Archer and one from Dean Jaffe to lose myself in the book. The only texts I answer are from Eric, who informs me that there is another missing person who matches the woman I saw in my vision.

I search for any spell or charm to trace the magic being used to transport the victims to the dark realm. If I can trace the magic, it will lead me to the witch or warlock using magic to help the demon.

Aria sends me an ignis stating that the council is in denial about a witch working with a demon. After the last case, communing with demons became punishable by death in the worst cases. They want answers and incontrovertible evidence, of which I have yet to get.

I only pause my search when Leon spams me with e-mails over the curriculum. As much as I would like to put my real-world responsibilities on the backburner, Dean Jaffe is depending on me.

Our outline highlights the big three: witches, werewolves, and vampires. It was a special request from the mayor. My suspicions are starting to take shape regarding the mayor and his wife. Their interest in a college curriculum is strange at best. It seems more than rampant fascination.

I feel he knows more about the supernatural activity of this town. I feel it in my gut.

I feel as if I am being pulled in every direction, and left wondering which is the right path to take for the moment.

Once the e-mails are sorted, I hop back on the book. I am about to give up in frustration when I happen onto a spell to open doors to other dimensions. There is a warning beside it that states that the user should be wary of using it.

It could cause rips in the Veil.

The walls between dimensions are referred to as the veil. My uncle once told me that the walls between dimensions are so thin that sometimes, you can see through it. He explained on specific dates, the walls are weaker, allowing even mortals to peer into the other side.

One such day is All Hallows Eve.

I debate using the spell. It could have the desired effect but at what cost? And what if the witch is using the same spell? They could be causing irreparable damage to the Veil. The implications of what could be are concerning.

I take a long, calming breath before speaking the words of the incantation aloud.
