Say Yes to the Dress

"God, this sweater is itchy!" Leo whined. He was wearing an oversized brown cable sweater. A grey fleece scarf was wrapped around his head and neck. He was wriggling underneath the sweater, scratching at the stray fibers.

"Cut that out, would you?" Mona Lisa snapped down at the writhing turtle. "We're trying to go unnoticed, remember?"

She and Leo were making their way down a bustling street within the outskirts of the hidden city, two days away from the wedding. Leo would never be able to walk those streets without the disguise like the one he wore, being a wanted criminal. One would think that after saving the world so many times that he would be pardoned from his crimes, but no. The hidden city judicial system shows clemency to no one.

Mona Lisa, well-versed in avoiding attention thanks to being the smallest and thus easiest to pick on in her clutch of siblings, had Leo dress in clothes to hide anything that could be used to identify him. After growing up in the hidden city, she was well aware of the incompetence of the police force. Being labeled a criminal in the hidden city was the equivalent of being called a loudmouth. No one took any mind to criminals, as most were just innocent citizens the police mistook for a real criminal or were caught doing "suspicious activities" such as going for a run past dinnertime or not feeding your pet when it demands a treat. Anything that could be considered peculiar would make someone a suspect, which didn't mean much when there was no investigation and follow through.

Mona Lisa had grown up wanting to improve the police force, but as she came to learn, it was a lost cause, especially since she was dating someone who was commonly mistaken for a wanted criminal. Instead she attempted to be a private investigator, to actually solve crimes instead of whatever it was the detectives of the hidden city did instead. To her confoundment, people were either unbothered by criminal activity or dealt with it themselves; vigilanties were commonplace throughout the city. There was no need for a private investigator. The excursion left Mona Lisa disheartened, but with a cross-disciplinary understanding of crimes and how to get away with them. This included why they were going into town at such a busy time.

"Come on, you can't stick me in this stuffy thing and expect my silk-trained skin to go along with it! I can feel myself getting eczema. That's for sure a rash!" Leo groaned, pulling on the shoulders of the sweater so it wasn't touching as much of his skin and stealing a glance under it.

"Aww, poor you. Did living in the sewers give you a taste for luxury?" Mona cooed, giving a mocking pouty face. "All that sparkling sewer water really did wonders on your complexion, is it the sewage alone that gives it that green shade or did you stand by some radioactive garbage too?"

"I'll have you know that this clear skin is all natural, baby," Leo strutted like he was on a catwalk, a turtle walk. "Courtesy of good ole' dad and some ooze!"

"Luxury indeed," Mona Lisa mumbled to herself as she looked out at the shops they walked past and across the street. Tons of two or three story buildings with curious makings stood on either side of the crowded street. A few carts, pulled by a mystic creature or a vendor, cut through the people, creating pockets that were quickly filled by those looking to have a breath of fresh air. She searched for the shop they were headed to, all her sister said it was yellow and that they'd know it when they saw it.

In her family, Mona Lisa wasn't considered tall, but in public she towered over most people. Extending her neck to see as far as she could, Mona caught a glimpse of a yellow-faced building, just a few blocks down. With her birds-eye-view she could see the tops of people's heads, their bald patches or the spot of hair they missed when brushing. Looking down at Leo he reminded her of a moldy old bun. The green of his face poking out did not help. To tell him so would be to have him start a roast on her and her Minnesota Vikings color palette of a coat, so she kept quiet.

They walked a little farther, Leo staying silent except to ask Mona Lisa what something was or to give his commentary on the town so far.

"What is that? It looks like someone made a large plate and punched a hole in the middle because they didn't want anyone to use it!" Leo pointed at a window display.

"That's a toilet seat."

So it continued, until they reached the yellow building Mona Lisa had spotted. It was yellow and orange, with black accents around the windows and door. It wasn't made of brick and stone like most of the other stores. It looked to be painted paper mache, with strips of apparent paper making the outside frame of the building. They wound around the building and left openings for windows and a large door, hexagonal in shape. The windows warped the material around themselves, leaving it raised slightly around the glass. The whole building reminded Mona Lisa of a beehive that was built inside a tree. The fine lines from the material imitated the rings of a tree's age. She wondered if it was the same for this building.

Probably not, judging from how the lines flowed over each other and cut others off. The pattern was marbled, and had the same layering of waves on the beach, rolling overtop of the previous wave. There was a soft buzz emanating from it, as if it was a large car with a running engine. The large glass windows displayed unique brides dresses, of many colors and styles. Intricate stitching that ran along the fabric gave each work an iridescent gleam as the thread contrasted to the color of the dress. A yokai stood in the window, holding the sleeve of a dress up to her face as she led a needle through the fabric.

"This is the place," Mona Lisa said, guiding Leo to the door.

"Really? This dingy place?" He grumbled. "It smells weird."

"You don't even have a nose." Mona said, turning to Leo.

"Yes I do!"

"I don't see it. Show me." Mona commanded, leaning down to Leo's eye level. Leo stopped and pointed a finger into the middle of his face, at his imaginary nose. Mona Lisa leaned closer, searching for what he was pointing at, only to push his elbow up which shoved his finger into his eye. He cried out, surprised but not hurt and Mona Lisa reached for the door.

"If youda had a nose, your finger would have gone up it." She informed him. That was a trick she had been taught by her older siblings and happily showed her younger ones. Leo hasn't had enough experience being a younger sibling to know all the tricks that he constantly sets up. God help him if she ever decides to play buggy punch.

Mona tugged on the door, only for it to get caught on its lock. She jiggled it, worried her sister had forgotten or didn't tell anyone. This was also a mean trick they would play.

"Looks like it's not the place," Leo said, feigning disappointment. "We've gotta go somewhere else."

"Shut up, you." Mona Lisa said, backing away from the door. She hoped that the person in the window would still be there and would know what's going on.

She peeked through the glass; they were still there. She sighed with relief and knocked on the glass. It startled the worker, who jumped as she looked, eyelevel, with the dinosaur in the window. The display was raised above the ground already, but she had been working on a dress meant for a large troll, so she stood on a ladder.

After a few blinks to clear the fear from her mind, the worker gasped, unheard by Mona, and smiled, nodding as if she supposedly knew who was on the other side of the glass. Scrabbling down the ladder, she hopped off and rushed out of the display, leaving Mona Lisa looking into a personless display.

"Do you think she knew you? I know I've had the same urge to run away." Leo asked, after shuffling over to also look into the window. Mona Lisa groaned.

"I hope she doesn't know you, genius." Mone Lisa shoved him away from the window. "Your stupid stripes must have given you away!" She picked him up, preparing to run from the herd of officers that are bound to come any second.

"What? Maybe your ugly disguise should have thought about that!" Leo retorted, trying to push himself away from Mona.

"It did! Someone just moved it off his face so he could run his mouth!" Mona Lisa grappled the insolent turtle, attempting to tie him up in his own sweater. They tussled until a voice came from behind them.

"I'm sorry, am I interrupting something?" It asked. Leo and Mona Lisa slowly looked at who spoke.

Holding the door open, watching the wrestling reptiles, was the yokai from the window. She was of a bee lineage, with two sets of arms and a fan of translucent wings behind her. Her skin was yellow, with black bands along her arms and legs. She looked confusedly at them with black compound eyes that caught the light with white glints. Her hair was styled in a beehive, quite literally.

Small bees, weighed down by their gathered pollen, buzzed around her head, some clambering in and out of small openings in her hair. Locs hung down, separate from the hive. One was up in the air, lifted by a gang of bees who fussed around the end of it.

"You're Mona Lisa right? Nica told me-oh guys, buzz off!" She stepped forward as she asked, only to be pulled back by the bees that held onto her hair. She snapped, shaking her head and pulling the loc away from the bundle of bees that tugged on it.

"Sorry, you're Nica's little sister, yes?" She regained her composure.

"Uh, yes." Mona Lisa answered, still holding onto Leo.

"And I'm presuming that's the bride-to-be that's biting you right now?"

"Mmmrrhhmm?" Leo mumbled, Mona's wrist still in his mouth. He spat it out. "Who are you?" He reiterated.

"Your seamstress, my dear bride, call me Honey." She said with a bow. She was continuing to hold open the door with her extra pair of arms. Mona Lisa put Leo down, adjusting the scarf she definitely wasn't using to strangle him with.

"Come on in, quickly! I don't want to be known for fraternizing with criminals, now, can I? Not when I have a reputation of a prestigious boutique to uphold!" She ushered the two of them past her and into her store. Despite being smaller than them, she commanded them as easily as she commanded the bees around her.

They rushed into the shop, stopping before stepping off the welcoming mat. They stared up at the ceiling and specifically the object that lit up the whole store. Above them sat a huge glowing beehive. It looked like a skylight, with hexagonal openings letting light stream though to light up the whole store. Its immense size made it cover the entire ceiling, so it could have been a sky light. Bees, varying in size from an acorn to a large dog, wove through the racks of gowns. Some carried fabrics, baskets of thread and ribbons, or dresses. One even carried a cup of coffee.

A group of three doberman sized bees dressed a mannequin in an gold-embroidered A-line dress as Leo and Mona walked in. Honey closed the door behind her and walked up to Leo. She took out a tape measure and began holding it up to Leo's appendages. She wrote down his measurements on a notepad she brought out with her other pair of arms. He noticed her buzzing around him, and pulled away.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"You want a dress? Hold still." Honey answered, yanking his arm out. She kept measuring his wrist and elbow and hand, then his elbow again.

"So, darling, have you got any ideas for what you'd like?" She trilled. Her voice reverberated in Leo's shell and in Mona Lisa's chest. It had a lot of bass for such a tiny sound. It was high pitched, but had an underlying rumble to it. She spoke in a whisper, likely aware of the odd and off-putting echo her voice had.

"Uhh..." In the presence of so many shiny dresses and peculiar insects flitting around his head, Leo blanked on any specifications. After giving him a moment to think, to no result, Lisa answered for him.

"He said he wanted a mermaid dress that's extremely bedazzled."

"Any other details?" Honey asked. Her collection of mermaid skirted dresses would simply overwhelm the poor turtle. Mona Lisa looked to Leo, expecting him to start responding. He finally snapped out of his trance and began describing his dream dress.

"Yes, mermaid skirt, form fitting, long train, lace-y bodice, with embroidery and sequins!" Leo listed. Honey pursed her lips, or mandibles, being a bug.

"Not very specific..." She squinted her eyes. "White?"

"Yes, please!"

Honey nodded, sorting through her mental inventory. She ushered them into a back room, which had large glowing bees lining the semi-circle of mirrors, surrounding a wide pedestal, presumably for the bride to stand on to observe her dress. The bees jittered when they entered the room, lighting up their bioluminescent abdomens. Opposite the bride's spot was a collection of plush couches, perfectly angled to view the dresses the bride modeled.

Unseen by Mona and Leo, Honey had snatched three dresses from the racks as she pushed them into the room. She held them up to show off their distinct designs.

"Here are three dresses to get you started-this one is probably too small for you-two dresses to start you off. Try them on and see how you feel about the fit and feel, please. There's a changing room for you." Honey said. Leo took the dresses gingerly, they were silky, but the sequins caught his skin in the most unpleasant way. He made his way into the changing room and tried on the first dress.

Mona Lisa took a seat on one of the couches, which didn't fit her all too well, her knees almost hit her chest. She turned to Honey, who was jotting notes down and emitting a soft hum.

"Is Nica almost here?" Mona asked. It was awkward hanging out with her sister's wife by herself.

"She should be, but you know she can't help but dally." Honey buzzed. "She could be out all day for all we know."

Honey grinned as she spoke, happily thinking of her beloved. Leo swung the door open, ripping her from her happy place.

"What do you think?" He lept into the room, feeling light as a feather in the dress. It was made of a white silk, with pearls along the neckline and down the chest. The skirt was heavily layered and the fabric had a blinding sheen. He felt like a shining pearl popping out of his oyster.

"Like an expensive wheel of cheese." Mona snorted. Leo raised a non-existent eyebrow, Mona Lisa's response was uncharacteristically bitter and unhelpful.

"What do you think?" Honey returned the attention to Leo. He looked at himself in the mirrors, hsi expression quizzical.

"It looks good on me, I mean, nothing doesn't, but I don't like the material and it's too simple for such a dazzling model." He joked. Honey took a note down, nodding.

Leo tried on the other dress, a more ornate style, with tulle flowing off the shoulders and waist. Mona was unimpressed despite Leo enjoying the extra flair it had. A bundle of bees carried in another dress for Leo and Honey stepped out to collect a few more. Leo slipped into the lacking dress. It was plain, with off shoulder sleeves and a sweetheart neckline. Despite its simplicity, Leo relished the dress, playing with the flowing skirt.

"How do I look?" He asked Mona Lisa. She cocked her head and judged the dress.

"Looking ready for the divorce." She muttered. Leo's expression fell. He stared at her as a frown grew on his face.

"What is your problem today?" He burst out, suddenly emotional. His hands balled into fists and he shook slightly as he shook.

"What?" Mona Lisa showed him her palms.

"What?" Leo mocked. "This is supposed to be fun, for the both of us! I'm sorry that you're stuck with me alone, but that isn't a reason to be a jerk!"

"I'm not being a-"

"You offered to help. And you asked to come with! called my stripes stupid." Leo rubbed his cheek, as if to wipe away the red stripes that framed his eyes and looked away from Mona Lisa, tears welling in his eyes. He sniffled and slumped his way back into the dressing room. "I'm-I'm going to...I just... need to be by myself for a minute."

The door shut behind him, leaving Mona Lisa in the room by herself, flabbergasted at Leo's outburst. She closed her mouth that had been left open to defend her pride. Mona scoffed as she leaned back on the puny couch and reasoned with herself.

She wasn't being a jerk, she's always mean. Besides, it's what they do! They razz on eachother, tease everyone, why was this an exception? How did her insults today upset him so much? He was such a confident guy, he should be able to take a joke.

Mona Lisa steamed in her seat, furious that Leo had taken her joke so seriously. She was only brought out of her cycle of self-pity by a loud greeting from her sister walking into the room.

"Hello, hello, hello!" She hailed, scooping up her little sister in her arms after rushing up to her. Mona Lisa's older sister was a dinosaur like Mona herself, taking more after a Spinosaurous instead of a velociraptor. With frills along her forehead and down her spine, she had the look of a curious windsail. Above her ears were two small bull horns that stooped down towards her eyes and reached past her eyes. She sneezed from Mona's feathery mohawk, unfamiliar with the tickle from feathers. Her scales were a deep brown and black with a lining of white and grey in interconnecting patterns. The pattern emulated the texture of sand underwater. She looked into Mona Lisa's eyes with her own dull green eyes.

"Now I know you're not getting married, so where's the bride?" She rumbled. Her voice was similar to Honey's, containing a low rumble that Mona felt in her teeth, but lacking in that high pitched overlay.

"He's in the dressing room, throwing a tantrum." Mona Lisa huffed. Nica set her down and shook her head, upset brides were something she encountered often.

"Let me guess, troubles with the groom? No, no, drama with the bridesmaids?" Nica snapped her fingers as she guessed.

"I guess, if you could call me a bridesmaid." Mona huffed. "He's mad at me because I didn't like the dresses." Nica raised a brow. Despite not being particularly close to her little sister, Nica was able to tell when she was keeping something from her. Nica watched Mona; the awkward silence would make her uncomfortable and blurt out the truth. Mona grew increasingly antsy, shuffling her feet and tapping her feet as Nica's eyes bore into her, seeing through her guise.

"Ok! I was being a little mean in my comments, and Leo got upset! I don't know why, though! We joke like this all the time, he's just being sensitive!" Mona burst out, speaking quickly and quietly, so Leo wouldn't be able to hear her from the confines of the dressing room.

"Ah, Mona, Mona, Mona," Nica put a hand on Mona's shoulder, gently pushing her back down into the couch, an agonizing position for them both. Nica's hips were going to kill her for putting her thighs against her chest. It felt like they were in a tortuous yoga class.

"You're not understanding what's really upsetting him. Remind me, why are you the only one with him here?"

"Well, Sunita was going to come, but-"

"Was anyone else coming?" Nica stopped her from explaining. She didn't have time to dawdle when there was a crying bride in the other room.

"Umm, April and Mikey wanted to come, and we thought we could bring Usagi-"

"But none of them could make it, right?" Nica finished for her. Mona Lisa nodded, stealing a glance at the door that separated them from Leo.

"Mmhmm. So, let me get this straight: the only person Leo had to help him pick out his dress needled him for his choices and ruined his mood?"

"They weren't dresses he chose! Honey brought-"

"You're missing the point, Mona Lisa. You're supposed to be Leo's hype man. As his only bridesmaid here, his mother didn't even make it! You're supposed to be encouraging him and getting him pumped up for his wedding, but look at what's happened. He's sequestered in his room because he doesn't want to have you put him down anymore!" Nica asserted. She was frowning at Mona, but her tone wasn't accusatory. Her voice was sympathetic and firm, ensuring Mona wouldn't skew her message. "This is supposed to be fun, for him and you, but neither of you seem to be enjoying yourselves, hmm?"

Nica put a hand on Mona's back. Mona Lisa raised her eyes to meet her gaze. The right half of Nica's lips were pursed and her eyes were soft, her expression the same as a teacher talking to a child in time out. You know what you did wrong?

"Yeah," Mona Lisa looked to her folded hands, shame rising in her chest. Nica gave her back a rough pat.

"Great, now you go apologize." Nica stood up, staying hunched to prevent her head from scraping along the ceiling. Mona blinked in surprise, jumping up.

"Wait, you're leaving me? What am I supposed to do?" She cried. Nica turned back as she opened the door to the lobby, a smirk gracing her face.

"Your job: be his friend!" She said with a wink. She shut the door behind her.

Mona Lisa snorted in annoyance. Typical Nica, presenting the problem but not a solution. She flopped back down on the tiny couch. She grabbed a book that was sitting on the table next to her, flipping through it as she thought, hardly absorbing any information it contained.

What was she going to do? Apologize? For what? She was just being herself! Perhaps she was being gruffer than usual, but she shouldn't be scrutinized for having an off day. Leo was probably more stressed because of the upcoming wedding, desperate to pick a dress he liked before it was too late and it's true that Mona Lisa wasn't helping with her comments. A twinge of guilt in Mona Lisa's stomach made her shift in her seat. She was being mean, but she didn't think it would affect him at all. Of course he looked great in those dresses, but she wasn't one to compliment people's outfits-she hated to flatter people; it always gave them big heads.

It wasn't really flattering though and Leo was the bride, he deserved to get a big head. Nica was right, she was the only one here for Leo, and it was her job to pump him up. Instead she left him deflated. Mona rested her head on her hand and eyed the door Leo hid behind. He was stressed; he messed up with the venue and is making his family compensate for it. Now he had to do his part, which was meant to be a day of fun and bonding with friends as he picked the outfit he would wear on the happiest day of his life, stopped because he was stuck with someone who had the energy of a wet rag.

Mona Lisa sighed as she pushed up from the sofa and shuffled over to Leo's door. She wobbled as she raised her fist to knock, setting her resolve before rapping on the door. She swallowed before she spoke, her voice nervous and pitchy.

Leo slammed the door behind him, choking on sobs he refused to let out. Tears burned in his eyes as he undid the lacing on the sides of the dress, yanking and nearly ripping the ribbon. He cursed himself under his breath as he shrugged the dress off and threw it into a corner. A stitch of guilt hit his lungs as the silken dress flopped contumeliously onto the floor. Such an exquisitely created piece of art didn't deserve to suffer the abuse of Leo's rage.

Another wave of frustration rose in his throat and he let out a sob. He put his hands over his mouth and tried to steady himself, letting himself weep softly. He walked forward to take a seat on one of the armchairs that were placed strategically in the room. Doing so, he caught a glimpse of himself in the large full length mirror.

Tears were streaming down his face, eyes puffy and red already. His chin was dimpled, straining to keep the bawling in. He was sniveling, so his chest swelled erratically with the hiccup like breaths. His forehead was wrinkled and his brow couldn't help but make him look even more miserable than he felt.

Leo pelted over to the mirror, putting his face up to the reflective material so the crystal clear reflection fogged up from his breath. He glowered at himself, analyzing his own expression and sticking his jaw out. He pointed a finger into the mirror.

"Stop it. You are not crying because Mona Lisa said something mean. You are a ninja master; you are not going to cry over a little insult!" He hissed through gritted teeth, narrowing his eyes. He continued to scowl into the mirror until his lip began to pout and he began blubbering.

"No! You are a strong, beautiful turtle and you are not going to let a grouchy lizard ruin your day!" He affirmed, attempting to lift himself up. He breathed in through his nose...2...3... Out through his mouth...2...3...4... A breathing exercise Raph had shown him to regulate big feelings. It didn't work.

"Then why am I so upset!" He wailed, throwing himself onto the nearest armchair. He curled up, wrapping his arms around his knees to pull them to his chest. He rested his cheek on his knee and sighed heavily. If it were any other day, this would have slid right off his shell, but the stress of having the wedding right around the corner only exasperated his swirling emotions.

Everything that had to be done loomed over him like a thundering cloud. The static from the lightning shocked every move Leo made. He felt like he was walking on pins and needles: if one more thing went wrong everything would crumble around him. Leo took a sharp breath. Crying alone in this room wasn't going to solve anything. He had the perfect dress to discover. He was going to have to deal with these emotions first-hand. Why was he so upset over a joke?

Any of his brothers could have said the exact same thing as Mona Lisa and Leo wouldn't have batted an eye. Heck, Usagi could have said the same thing and Leo would have only laughed; it would have been hilarious to have him joke about their divorce as he picked out Leo's wedding dress. Mona Lisa was different, but why did her words hurt so much?

Leo didn't know her well, and he had been with his brothers all his life, so perhaps he wasn't close enough to truly understand her comments weren't meant to be offensive. That could be true, if it weren't for the fact that their whole relationship was dissing each other. If that's not the case then, it had to be... Leo grimaced at the acknowledgment of reality. He knew why, but he was revulsed by having to admit it. He was insecure because of Raph and Mona's relationship.

He loved Usagi, there was no doubt about it; Leo's heart was his. Their love made rom-coms look like tragedies. Extremely affectionate, they would always be clinging onto each other: resting their heads on the other's shoulder, rubbing their cheeks together, or just hooking their arms together. Through and through, they were the dream couple, adoring each other unconditionally. Their love for each other drove them, inspiring them to strive further and prosper. In each other's presence, they were utterly and wholly smitten, besotted with simply the idea of the other. They would become bumbling fools by a casual look from their admiration.

This was a surprising block in their relationship; they prized each other more than anything in the world. Leo would sacrifice everything to keep Usagi happy, he could ask Leo to burn the world to the ground just so his selfie got the right lighting and Leo would do it without hesitation. Usagi felt very much the same. Together they felt complete, as if life was meaningless before knowing each other. They believed that the day they met was the day they came to life, everything they felt before then was pathetic compared to the emotions that the other brought into their life. Their infatuation permitted nothing less than each other.

Raph and Mona Lisa were different. Although not particularly touchy-feely, they hardly needed to be. They didn't need to talk to each other or affirm their love for each other in any way; they already knew. They were hardly a couple, they were a unit. One would say they were two halves of a whole, but they weren't made complete by their relationship, they were whole long before they met.

They didn't complete each other, instead they compounded upon each other. They taught each other how to be stronger or emotionally aware. They encouraged each other to continue to grow, and were a constant source of support for the other, regardless of how ridiculous the situation they found themselves in was. It was as though they had been together for centuries, and maybe they had, perhaps in thousands of past lives they had found each other, living out the rest of their lives in each other's arms. Their love wasn't constrained by conventional means, the mention of their names alone sustaining their hearts. It was hardly fair to compare any relationship to them. Mona Lisa and Raph weren't just in love, they were love.

Leo gagged internally at the cheesy thought. He was right, however, his brother's relationship with this random reptile transcended anything that he could feel or even comprehend. They have gone weeks without seeing each other before, and when they reunited they ate a dinner of turkey and gravy together and passed out on the couch while watching a Bollywood movie. Once Usagi and Leo spent two days apart and upon reuniting they sobbed with joy into each other and refused to let each other go for four hours. Leo sniffled and wiped the snot from his nose.

That's probably why Mona Lisa affected him so, he thought to himself, because she has such a stable relationship without the fear and insecurity Leo feels when he and Usagi are apart. They never even officially started dating, they just kinda...fell into a relationship, although "fell" isn't particularly fitting for how they rose into love.

Mona and Raph have a relationship on a level that Leo and Usagi would have to work for years to reach, without even realizing it. Leo yearned for their validation, for them to say that his own relationship is just as functional and stable as theirs. Mona Lisa even slightly hinting that his marriage might not work out sent Leo spiraling.

He sighed into himself, ashamed. He, the renowned, confident, face guy was launched into anguish by a simple comment. It wasn't her fault, Leo had his own baggage to deal with, and she was likely out there beating herself up. Leo groaned and rolled off the chair, slumping onto his feet. A lesson from "Dr. Feelings" ran through his head.

"If someone does something to upset you, let them know! More often than not, they didn't mean to and want to do better! And if they do it again after you tell them it upsets you, give them a quick punch to the throat!" The lesson devolved from there into an argument on the most efficient way to take out a baddie, Raph insisted it was a fist to the stomach, while Leo believed that simply tripping them would suffice.

Leo sagged as he tottered over to the door. He was going to apologize for his unmeasured response, explain why he felt the way he did, and then "hug it out" as ordered by his internal Dr. Feelings. He took another whack at the breathing exercise; his heart was pounding out his chest. Leo always got nervous when he had to do anything that risked becoming emotional in front of others, and he also got sweaty, apparently.

Leo wiped his clammy palm on his not-there pants and reached for the door handle. He froze when he heard knocking.

"Leo?" She squeaked. She cleared her throat and called out to him, much clearer than before. "Leo I'm sorry."


"I'm sorry I was being so terrible to you and calling your stripes stupid-they aren't, they're very nice and-"

The door opened to reveal Leo, who didn't raise his eyes to meet Mona's. He had taken off the dress he was wearing previously and his eyes were puffy from quietly sobbing. He stood in the doorway, silent. Mona Lisa took a deep breath and continued her apology.

"Those dresses looked really nice on you and you aren't ready for a divorce, Usagi really loves you and would never let you divorce him. Your stripes are very fitting for you and not at all stupid...I'm not great at apologizing...I'm sorry for being so insulting to you, and-and being a butt-face and I know this apology doesn't warrant your forgiveness, but maybe I can work to earn it?" Mona Lisa stuttered her way through apologizing, finishing by showing Leo the book she was looking at on the couch. It was a book about the store's policies and dresses, not of any interest to Leo. Mona opened the book, pointing to a page that showed a variety of dresses, with mis-matched bodices and skirts. Despite the mix of styles from the parts of the dresses each one was elegant and expertly made.

"Look! I found out that if you like a skirt of a dress but not the top, this place will be able to put it with a top you like!" Mona Lisa informed him excitedly.

Leo stared, an eyebrow slightly raised, at the book, before looking at Mona. He peered into her eyes, his brow still low so he looked irritated. Mona Lisa's smile turned into a grimace, becoming embarrassed by her belief that she could right things so easily. Leo continued to glare up to her.

Mona Lisa grunted as her breath was knocked out of her. Leo had rushed forward and launched himself into her. He wrapped his arms around her waist and hugged her tightly. She winced from her ribs being crushed, but was relieved that Leo didn't hate her anymore. Mona bent over to attempt to hug him back, but since he was less than half her size, when she reached down to hug him she was basically folded overtop of him. Mona's awkward effort to return Leo's unyielding embrace ended when her back couldn't take the unfortunate bending anymore. After bumping her head on the ceiling, Mona Lisa patted Leo until he pulled away.

"I'm sorry that I yelled at you, but I'm glad you came to your senses, I didn't like that you said those jokes." He murmured as he wiped a tear from his face. "It hurt coming from the person that's in such a good relationship." Mona Lisa huffed and kicked at invisible rocks.

"Yeah, but you're in a good relationship too, or else you wouldn't be getting married! Either way, it wasn't right of me to say those things so close to your wedding!" She said, with a smile and a nervous chuckle. "I guess you're not the only one who's emotional right now."

"But I'm the one getting married! You don't get to be emotional about my wedding, Raph's the only one who's allowed to cry! I mean, it's not like you're pregnant or Raph somehow pulled off a proposal without me." He joked. Mona Lisa was momentarily suspended in time, a sudden rush of adrenaline making her perception of time move slower. She let out a pained guffaw.

"Pssshhh, pregnant? Ha! Like I could be pregnant! Me? Especially if I found out so close to your wedding day! Ha! I mean that could be disastrous! What a ridiculous idea! Ha, Ha, HA!" Mona's voice rose in pitch and became strained as she didn't breathe over the course of her talking as she made exaggerated gestures with a smile that was too wide to be comfortable. Leo's eyes widened and he stared at her as her fake laugh died out. They sat in the silence, sweat forming on Mona's forehead.

"You're joking." Leo said, in shock. "You're pregnant?" He gasped.

"Whaaaaat? Me? Psshh, as if! Even if I were, I wouldn't be! I would be gravid, not pregnant, and that would mean I could have any number of eggs in me so I could be having multiple kids at once when I wasn't expecting any at all-that is to say, if I was pregnant, I wouldn't be, not me!" Mona nervously began rambling, cutting herself off as she began spewing more information she didn't mean to tell anyone. She was not a good liar. "Who's pregnant?"

"Great pizza supreme in the sky, you're pregnant! I'm gonna be an uncle!" Leo cheered. Mona Lisa tried to shush him in vain. "I don't believe it! You gotta make me the godfather obviously. Do you have any names picked out? Don't worry, I've got you covered. Leonardo Junior, Poquito, El Jefe-" Mona Lisa clamped her hand over his mouth, glaring at him.

"Shh! If my sister hears you, my whole family will know before we can escape!" She hissed, clamping a hand over Leo's mouth. She sighed heavily, as if a weight had been lifted from her chest. She removed her hand from Leo's face but continued to whisper. "Yes I'm pregnant, er, gravid. I found out from a doctor's appointment a few days ago and I wanted to wait for the right moment to tell Raph, but then you announced your engagement, then your wedding! So I haven't been able to tell him because he's already so emotional."

Mona Lisa looked down, the weight of such a reveal visible in her slumped shoulders. Leo took her hand that previously had been covering his face in his hands. He didn't say anything, he didn't need to. She understood him clearly.

"It feels good to say it aloud," Mona chuckled, scratching her face nervously.

"Listen, it's going to be ok, I don't know what's going through your head but I will stand behind you no matter what you do." Leo started. "And if it's too much for you, maybe we could have some extra large omelets?"

Mona Lisa laughed, caught off guard by Leo's offer.

"No! No, that's not going to be necessary, I want to have kids, and even if I didn't my mom would be delighted to take in whatever comes out of me." A disgusted look grew on Mona's face. "Ew, what if it's like some weird alien creature because Raph's a mutant?"

"I'm sorry, but how would looking like an alien be weird? I mean, look at Honey!" Leo, comforted Mona Lisa genuinely.

"They could look like you." Mona Lisa said, faking recoiling in disgust. Leo punched her in the arm.

"Mamacita, I thought you were being serious!"

"I am! I don't want my kids to come out deformed like you!" She laughed, but the smile fell off her face to reveal a focused expression. "In all seriousness, I'm sorry for taking out my frustration on you, it's not fair to you and it's not your fault. But can we not talk about it?" Mona Lisa begged. Worry was spreading on her face. "I didn't want anyone to know before Raph."

Leo's face copied Mona's. He was concerned about the monumental secret they had to juggle along with planning such a large event. Telling anyone would upset Mona, but keeping something from Raph that affects him so much felt wrong. At such an impasse he would have asked Raph for advice, but doing so would certainly lead to the secret being revealed. Leo looked at Mona's large hand that he held. It dwarfed his hands, both of which were required to even lift her's. He looked back into Mona's eyes, determination in his eyes. He gave her a smile, nodding. She grinned back at him, worry pushed to the back of her mind.

Leo did his best to maintain eye contact, but his curiosity got the better of him. The most distinctive and arguably noteworthy symptom of a pregnancy could be hidden with a thick jacket, but Leo was a nosey individual. He stole a quick glance down at Mona's stomach. It took only a second but when he looked back at her face, she looked unimpressed with his attempt at investigation.

"I was just-"

"I just found out I was pregnant-from the doctor! Why would I be showing already?" Mona Lisa growled, squinting at Leo.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't help checking!" Leo defended himself by putting his hands up. Mona Lisa groaned and put a hand to her face. After a moment she started giggling.

"If you do that again, I'm announcing at your wedding." She threatened with a grin. Leo's eyes widened and his jaw dropped as he gasped. It was a more dramatic reaction than the one he had to Mona's accidental reveal.

"Don't you dare!" He hissed. Mona Lisa giggled, Leo's eyes boring holes into her.

"And your whole reception will be dedicated to me and my "big belly"." Mona stuck her stomach out and patted it like she had just finished a large meal.

"You're evil," Leo whispered, the horror story Mona Lisa described was almost too much for the strained groom's mind.

"Keep your eyes to yourself, Uncle Leo." Mona Lisa gave him a flick to the forehead. Leo couldn't remain upset at the reminder that he was going to be an uncle. His glare broke into a goofy smile.

"It's tough to do so when I'm stomach height." Leo noted by measuring himself to Mona, faltering when he remembered he didn't reach her ribs. Mona Lisa gave a casual "little man" comment before putting the book she still held down.

"Let's pick out my dress now!" He commanded, the sparkle of inspiration in his eye returning. Mona Lisa angled her torso so she could be eye level with him and grinned back at him. She forced him up onto her shoulders and carried him out to the lobby. Leo's mouth made an "O" shape as he sat atop the dinosaur, something children could only dream about.

"Oh my god I'm riding a dinosaur! Giddy up girl!" Leo's whooping made Mona chuckle as she imitated a horse, giving a neigh and pretending to rear up.

"No, you're supposed to roar," Leo whispered to her from behind his hand, as if it was a secret that dinosaurs roared.

"Oh, right, I forgot," Mona Lisa nodded in agreement. Busting the door open she roared to announce their arrival. Nica and Honey jumped as the dino and rider charged out, Honey dropping a dress and the bees retreating into the hive before slowly making their way back into the open. Nica smiled and leaned on a pillar of what was expected to be beeswax, judging by the number of bees that crawled along, bumping into each other. Whoop whoop they buzzed.

"I see you two made up." She commented. Mona gave another comical roar, although more convincing this time, and Leo cheered again. The bees' flight pattern jarred slightly as Honey flinched again at the roar, her annoyance was scrawled across her face.

"We sure did and now we're going to find me a dress that will make the gods jealous!" Leo instructed, raising a fist as if he was waging a war. He was a commander and he was about to pick out his armor to fight the war for the rest of his life.
