Chapter 6 - Deliberation

Within a compound of unimaginable beauty. The sunbathing the lush nature in sunlight. Gravel paths litter the garden. Tradition minkas (traditional Japanese houses) surround the outskirts of the large compound. With one, open structure on the centre of it all. With 9 figures, on one knee facing the building.

The 9 Hashira. From left to right, facing towards the building, was:

Tomioka Giyu the Water Hashira

Tengen Uzui the Sound Hashira

Mitsuri Kanroji the Love Hashira

Kyojuro Rengoku the Flame Hashira

Muichiro Tokito the Mist Hashira

Kocho Shinobu the Insect Hashira

Gyomei Himejima the Stone Hashira

Sanemi Shinazugawa the Wind Hashira

Obanai Iguro the Serpant Hashira.

All of the bowing before the leader of the Corp himself, Kaguya Ubuyashiki. The front of his face was disfigured but other than that a regular human male, wearing a white kimono with a white, flower-patterned, haori. Himself, despite his appearance, commanded a lot of respect from the hashira and was about to begin their meeting.

"It is a pleasure to your good health master, we wish you continued good fortune and well being." Spoke the stone pillar in a stern but immensely respectful tone.

"That you Gyomei and thank you for coming on such short notice. Considering our lasting meeting was but a month ago." Kaguya spoke softly.

"It was no bother at all master," Sanemi spoke in eloquent tone unbefitting of his appearance.

"I've called you here today to inform you of events that have recently transpired..." Ubuyashiki started

'It must have been something of flamboyant/ great importance for the meeting to be held earlier than usual' they all thought, slightly concerned with this statement.

"... Kibutsuji Muzan has resurfaced for the first time in centuries to see about the destruction of a particular family, one we had only suspicions of existing." He continued

"The descendants of the first pillar. Yoriichi Tsugikuni." He concluded, in a tone that had immediately lowered the atmosphere of the meeting. His sadness acts as a domino to the other hashira.

"A tragic fate this world has cast upon the innocent... But a greater tragedy than a line filled with the potential of ending this ageless conflict passes...." Gyomei responds, crying as he prays for the lives cut short.

"I'm assuming that it not all there is to it master." Sanemi inquired, judging by the reaction of 3 of his fellow hashira; Giyu, Shinobu and Iguro being unfazed by the revelation.

"That is correct Sanemi. One of them survived the attack. The only one in the family who had learned their traditions in the way of the sword. A 13-year-old boy named Kamado Tanjiro." The mentioning of which made the 3 previously mentioned hashira flinch, which wasn't unnoticed by the 6 remaining hashira.

"That's impossible, regardless the breath, no one survives an encounter with Muzan," Muichiro stated, immediately stopping his cloud gazing at the mention of the name Muzan.

"Unfortunately, he did so, in a way that no slayer would have wanted." All but 3 of the Hashira eyes bulged out of their sockets. A demon with the most powerful breath known to have ever existed. Especially under the control of Kibutsuji.

"A demon with the breath of the sun.  A most unflamboyant adversary." Uzui exclaimed. Sharing a similar sentiment to most of the hashira.

"We do not know about Tanjiro as of present, but we do know this...." Kaguya further continued, his tone becoming stern and serious.

"He is not an ally of Muzan. And will, according to his word, aid slayers in our cause..." he stated with a hint of hesitation. "But he will defend himself if pushed to. It is my wish to not lose any more of my children." He said in a voice so sincere that they had to nod in agreement without any deliberation

"So what is your orders regarding the boy master?" Rengoku questioned, remaining stalwart in his exterior

"I wish for you all to accept him as our ally. Just like many with our ranks he shares our pain of loss and desire to see this world rid of Kibutsuji." He asked, almost with a hint of pleading in his voice.

"As much as I hate demons, if there is anyone to defeat that man, as much as I might hate to admit it, it's that boy," Iguro spoke up. His tone was low and slightly demoralised.

"I believe in what you say, master, this boy is as much a victim than any of us. Maybe more so." Gyomei said still crying.

All of the hashira seemed to agree to the proposal of an alliance with the last Kamado. All but one...

"As much as I respect you, master. As sound as your logic is. I still cannot accept it based upon your word alone. He hasn't demonstrated the restraint of devouring human flesh or of that man's influence. I cannot accept this knowing his loyalty is not guaranteed." Sanemi spoke up, sternly replying to the request.

"It is a valid point that you have brought Sanemi. I found this issue troubling. But allow me to alleviate your fears..." he said, Sanemi frowning at this. 'What could he have done to have made Master trust to this extent.' Sanemi thought, mentally preparing himself for what he assumed to be something big.

"As I have stated. Muzan eliminated the Kamado family, personally." Earning nods from all the Hashira. "But that was not all. He had fought Muzan. To the extent of wounding him." He continued. The Hashira gasped in shock. 'No one as ever done that, since Yoriichi. I guess that is why Master wants this alliance so badly.'  Many had thought.

"Sanemi to fully alleviate your concerns, I will say this..." he spoke again, gaining the wind Hashira attention once more. "At the end of his fight, thinking that his family had escaped, accepting his death. Upper Moon 2 had arrived with family and Muzan made him watch as he and the Upper Moon slaughtered his family, in front of his very own eyes." He remorsefully stated. His lowering as a result.

"A 13-year-old boy... To experience that and to... Continue to keep his mind in check..." Sanemi said, his mouth open wide, his eyes winded much like his mouth.

"Yes, a tragic fate. One that shouldn't have happened to anyone much less a child." The lord of the Demon Slayer Corp spoke. His regret filled the air.

"Am I correct in assuming that this information came from Iguro, Shinobu and Giyu. Master?" The Mist Pillar inquired.

"That is correct. They did encounter young Tanjiro." Ubuyashiki answered. Which earned a nod from Muichiro. "I hope that this is a matter that has concluded. So I conclude this meeting... It was good seeing you all my children." He said bowing to them.

"It was a greater pleasure to see your continued good health Master." All of the Hashira responded in kind. With this, Kaguya Ubuyashiki retreated to the building he was standing in. With the Hashira exiting the estate after their leader had left.


At the base of a forested mountain. Stood a boy, 6'1. Burgundy red hair and red slit-like eyes. A flame-like mark engulfed his face. His slashed green and black checkered haori over his torso. A white mask, with the shape of a fox. His scruffy slayer uniform. Facing towards the mountain. A sign naming it...

Mt Natagumo.

Sorry for the delay, haven't really felt like doing much after my educational grind.

*Post Editing* as stated in later chapter the mistake in Tanjirou's height was left as a joke but after letting it run for... A few months, I've decided to change it. Though if you want this change reverted it can be done, just know that this was Tanjirou's intended height.
Hoped you enjoyed 👋
