chp. 6

I heard screaming from down stairs where my kids were I went start to my kids. They looked at and said "mommy daddy is died they broke in and shot him! I looked where they pointed they were right he has died. I asked "where are they?" They said "somewhere." I looked at them and said "let's go we are not safe anymore!" They grab onto my hand on we ran out the door. Good thing that those people are not there. I ran with my kids right behind me close to me. "Mommy where are we going?" Bailey asked. "Somewhere I don't know where but somewhere" I said back to her. "Mommy I told you that this year was going going to be different from the rest" Isaac said. "I know you did" I said back to him. We ran as far as from that house as we could. We had to stop at some point. Then something happened....
