My Daily Writing Routine (sometimes)

Today I'm going to be discussing what I do on a typical full-time writing day, along with covering parts where I have to juggle writing with other responsibilities. No, this wasn't my writing routine while writing the cringey stuff I have on my account.

This one is about my full time writing day, with projects you guys would hopefully be able to see soon. Of course I don't write for 24 hours, but I do spend most of my day finishing up writing projects and updating my WIP(work in progress).

I usually start writing in the morning, where new ideas come to me quicker. Or maybe they do because I take my dog for a walk, and the sunlight sparks ideas in my brain, no matter how cliche that sounds.

Once I turn on my computer and get started with writing, unless I have any deadlines, then my most common writing project for the morning is whatever takes most of my creativity. I write longhand, meaning on paper, too, to rest my eyes and then I copy it on my document in the morning. 

When it comes to copying, I don't usually do this until the afternoon where my brain has turned into mush and it has just enough energy to fix off some grammatical errors.

I take breaks and sprints too, of course.

The one I do and the most recommended one is every thirty minutes of writing, I clear my mind for a five minute long break, then I go back to my work.

It works fairly well with me, and since my project first thing in the morning is whatever takes up most of my imagination, sometimes I look out the window and do people watching. It gives me a lot of new ideas, and brainstorming sessions are great to do in the morning, too.I try to make sure I do rest in the five minutes break every half hour, though.

A lot of people check their emails in the morning, but I don't find this sufficient. A lot of important ones are from people in different countries, so if I reply first thing in the morning and it's nighttime in their country, then it probably won't make much difference, and I could be using that time thinking up a good character plot instead.

This doesn't go for really urgent emails, of course, but that only happens once in a blue moon.

Several witty lines- if I can say so myself that is, come to my head in these morning writing sessions, which is why I promote them so much.

Personally I listen to calm music when I feel like it, but if I'm just alone in the house with a noise free environment(which doesn't happen frequently!), then I take advantage of it and write in silence.

After lunch and taking a writing break for about an hour just doing other responsibilities, I go back to writing sprints. Take note this only happens on a full time writing day, where I can dedicate everything to writing.

My brain has gone to mush by the afternoon, mostly, at least. On a productive day I could work on the current novel I'm writing tirelessly. Other times I work on other writing projects. 

I normally handle 2-3 WIP at a time, which includes blogs, my book, and written work for school such as essays and articles in our school gazette. These things except my book(that is currently not going for publication yet) have deadlines, so I feel like putting the time to do it in the afternoon would help me to not slack off. 

That depends on the time, of course, and I normally prioritize my work on how much time it takes for a certain area that has a due.

At night, I usually work on poems for my collection of poems(book). I usually read books and watch movies of the same genre with my writing before bed, it usually gives me more motivation for the next day.

And that's basically my full-time writing day! As for part time writing, where I have to juggle other things, then I take about an hour working on my most important WIP at that moment.

 Sometimes I have maybe an afternoon to write, and that's where I divide my tasks, usually listening to a chill indie playlist if I feel like it. I don't listen to the songs with lyrics, though, as it distracts me. But that's all up to you!

And that's pretty much my writing routine, thanks for reading and don't forget to vote on this chapter! Comment your writing routine down below, I'd love to here it!
