Chapter 2:Back from the Dead

 Soon all the Disney princesses gathered in Aurora's Kingdom for a picnic. They were sitting in a valley filled with flowers right outside the castle wall. The Princesses were sitting on a light blue picnic blanket when their food arrived. The Main Course was Roasted Chicken. There were also assortments of Salads ,Soups, Finger sandwiches and Pastas.There were also Cakes and pastries for dessert. The princesses were chattering and enjoying the bright summer day.

"Are you all enjoying yourselves?" Aurora asked after they had finished.

"Of course, the apple pie was divine." Ella Answered.

Snow White made a face.

"Sorry, Snow. I forgot how you felt about apples."

"Can I have your Tomato Soup recipe? It's delicious" asked Tiana.

" Of course, I'll write it down and send it to you. But in return I get free gumbo for life.

"Deal. Naveen and Charlotte would love this."

"Would anyone like to take a walk down a nature path?"Aurora offered.Everyone agreed.

The girls got up and started following Aurora. They went into the woods and were following a beaten path. Soon they were surrounded by Butterflies , Birds and Squirrels.

"Oh, How delightful!" Snow White Giggled.

"Meh." Merida shrugged."It's just a bunch of birds and Stuff. Stuff you see everyday."

"We'll I'm going to see if there are any new species. So I can put them in my Journal."Belle Said.

"I'll Come with you. I know a thing or two about nature." Pocahontas replied wearing a gold ball gown with blue touches here and there.

Aurora Watched as her friends walked down the path.They began to walk past her in different directions. Soon she was alone.

All of a sudden The sky darkened and the wind began to blow. Aurora looked around,frightened.

A circle of Purple mist surrounded her. It was all too familiar.

She heard flapping sounds

"Hello? Is anyone there?"

"Yes.Hello dear. Miss me" Auroura's eyes widened in horror as a horned woman, with a big black bird on her shoulder,walked toward her.

"Maleficent? But your dead." Aurora Pinched herself.

"Do I look dead to you sweetheart?"

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We all grouped together at the end of the nature trail.

" what do we do now?" Cinderella asked.

" Where's Aurora?" Mulan asked.

At that moment an ear piercing Scream was let out.Birds flew away from the area the scream was coming from.

" What was THAT?" Snow White said as she moved closer to Merida.

" I don't know but we must call the castle guards." Elsa took the lead. " Snow White, go find Philip at the beach. Me, Rapunzel,Merida, Moana and Mulan will go back and look for Aurora."

"Please be safe ,Elsa." Anna pleaded.

"You too Anna, The rest of you go with Snow. Let's Hope Aurora's Alright."

and Thunderstruckthe sky opened up and rain poured through.

"Come on, let's go!" The girls broke off into groups Elsa and her team and Snow White and hers.
