Part 6

Part 6



Jesus Christ, Nathan is pissing me off. Pay attention!

Actually, everything is pissing me off at the moment. It’s been a couple of weeks since I’ve been, er, alone with Sang. It’s weird, I went about seventeen years without sex, and could manage. It sucked, but it wasn’t as bad as now. Now that I know what it’s like, know how it feels, how Sang feels… At least when I was a virgin I didn’t know how good it could be.

Blue balls are real. It’s like being given a giant piece of your favorite cake, taking a forkful, chewing, tasting, then having to spit it out, not able to fully enjoy it. Not satisfying your hunger… Then, seeing the faces of your brothers, who had just spent their night with her… Seeing how satisfied, how fulfilled, how pleasant they look. God. Unfair.

I’m snapped out of my thoughts with a soft hand gripping my wrist. Sang.

“Kota!” She shouts over the music of the club, grimacing slightly.

Holy crap, I didn’t even realize how tightly I had been gripping her hand. I immediately let go of her, stopping. I swipe my hand over my face. I seriously need to get it together.

“Don’t be mad at Nathan. It was my fault. I distracted him.” She puts her finger to her lip, and I follow the movement greedily with my eyes.

“No, Sang, I’m sorry. I’m not mad. It’s fine. I’m sorry.” I don’t want her to be sad. She looked like she was having so much fun earlier, eyes sparkling, wide grin. I didn’t want to be the one who took her off that.

Sang nods slowly, then smiles, “Wanna dance?”

I almost choke. Not what I expected. “Dance?”

“Yeah,” she bites her lip, then grabs my hand, pulling me towards the throbbing mass of dancers.

The music has a thick bass line that keeps a good beat for fast movement, the lyrics are all but drowned out it. Some dancers are just jumping up and down, some are practically dry-humping each other. I know which I’d like to partake with Sang…

I don’t realize that I was actually allowing her to drag me out there until well, there we are. I’m uncomfortable with the tight spaces and the mass of bodies enclosing us. I’m starting to panic a bit, sweat trickling down my neck, whether from the stifling heat or nerves, and my eyes flit around to the different people around us. How many are there? I start to count, wondering the fire-code capacity of the building.

Sang’s fingers climb their way from my sides to my chest, up my neck to my cheeks. They curl around my ears as she drags my face down to hers.

“Relax!” She shouts, then seals her lips to mine.

God, I missed this. I want to be slow, gentle, but I think my mind partially breaks. I growl deep in my throat, then my arms are wrapping around her, tangling in her extra tangled hair--are those supposed to be dreadlocks or something?--and I’m practically gagging her with my tongue. But, she matches my enthusiasm and responds in kind.

Then, her body starts to move against mine, and my mind sort of blanks out. Her hips move to the pounding bass, and I start to push harder into her. I’m already feeling her, but her movement revs me up even more.

She pulls her mouth away from mine and then turns around, her perfect back to my front. Her hips swivel back and forth, make figure eights, twitch, all to the beat, and I push into her greedily. The mass of bodies are pulsing and moving around us, pushing us closer together. I’m gripping her hips, sealing her to me, grinding my crotch against her curves.

Sang tilts her neck to the side so I respond by latching onto her smooth skin, kissing, licking, tasting, anything for the sweet contact.

I’m feeling so good, so soooo so good…. Sang is everywhere, everything, perfection.

I pull away from Sang quickly, backing up as far as I can, breathing hard. Holy crap, another second more and I’m about to make a mess. Not happening.

Sang whips around, confused, disappointed. I shake my head, so embarrassed. Although, I could be more embarrassed.

I start counting, trying to picture the worst things, trying to turn myself off, calm down a bit. Sang takes a step toward me and I shake my head harder.

Her head tilts to the side and she frowns, confused. Crap! I made her feel insecure again. I point down, she follows my motion, then looks back up at my eyes, grinning devilishly, taking another step toward me. I panic, grab her hand, and pull her through the crowd, off the seductive dance floor. I steer her over to where Silas, North, and Victor are seated at a table.

I give Sang a quick kiss and hurry back to my post without another look. She’s a temptress. And I really don’t want to come in my pants…

Holy crap, she had distracted me out of my job too. Poor Nathan--I’m such a hypocrite.

I really need to find a way to get Sang to come home with me tonight.
