In the morning

(A/N: Now I have learned what san, kun, sama & chan means or like I kinda knew before but anyways I will use those terms in my new stories not my old like Lovers battle, My first love and When I met you. I know you all probably hate me now XD)

Chapter 1

Gray POV

''Gray-sama?'' the maid said.

''....What?'' I asked her.

''Your father wants to meet you after you've eaten breakfest. And don't forget the ball tomorrow!'' the maid said with a happy smile.

''Oh... thank you!'' I said as I ran into the dining room. ''Ameki (the servant), have you made breakfest?''

''Yes Gray-sama. Waffle day! (waffle day is when it's waffles for breakfest)'' Ameki answered ''Here you go!''

I started eating the waffles.

''Mmmhmhmmmmhmm.... They're delicious! Thanks Ameki!''

''It's my pleasure Gray-sama!''

''Bye Ameki!'' I said as I walked into my room to change my clothes.


Now I'm dressed up! I just gotta go and talk to my father... I start walking to his office/room (idk xD).

''Father?'' I asked.

''Yes...'' my father answered.

''What did you want to talk about?''

''You should get a wife.'' my father said.

''But fath-''

''If you don't find anyone in 2 months I will get you to an arranged marriage...''

''Why me?! Why can't I choose myself?!?''

''Be quiet!''

Ameki the servant walked in.

''Mikio-sama?'' Ameki asked.

''Yes?'' Mikio/father said.

''The 'party planner' (idk what to call him XD) wants to meet you, he's in the bussines room/office." Ameki told him.

''Okay I will go and meet him. Gray you stay here!'' father said.

''But...'' I said. Father and Ameki walked out of the room.

What should I do? Maybe I should go to Natsu's mansion and talk to him...

I thought about it awhile but then I jumped out of the window and started running to Natsu's mansion.


Yeah this is my new story. Hope you liked it! Feel free to comment or to vote! <3
