Planet Or Plastic

How much is our planet worth?

Can you even put a price on our home?

No. You can't.

So why do we keep trying to?

Because humans are a festering wound, greedy little creatures seeking to put a value and a price on everything, then measure it's worth by that price.

We're more than that, we're better than that dammit!

The most intelligent life on Earth and yet we've been failing to realise the most important thing for YEARS:

Don't bite the hand whom feeds you.

And it's so easy too!

Step 1 - Obtain a trashcan.

Step 2 - Place said trashcan somewhere.

Step 3 - Use the bloody thing!

We've landed on the MOON, but we still act like ignorant apes.

Heh, scratch that, we ARE ignorant apes.

None of our accomplishments will matter when we're homeless and dead.

None of our technology will be useful without someone to use it.

So maybe, just maybe, we should refocus our finances.

Planet Or Plastic, at first glance it seems an obvious choice, but you'd be surprised how easy it is to say:

Planet, of course!

For the sake of our own ego and guilty conscience and then go about as if we've never even said it at all.

What's wrong with us?

You wouldn't go spitting in your mother's face,

So why do you go spitting in your home's soil?

I would like to take a moment to tag some people that I hope will join me in spreading this campaign National Geographic had started:


I also want to tag BenSobieck as a THANK YOU, because I first learned about this wonderful campaign from him and his profile.

Planet Or Plastic,

The choice is easy to make, harder to undertake.

But if we've figured out a way to fly, we can figure out a way to protect our home.

Take The Pledge.
