8- Interruptions

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Rosetta's POV

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Klaus and I have both been locked away in the art room since morning. He hasn't let me see what he's working on, even pointing the easel toward me so I cannot peak. I'm still working on the top layer of my painting of The Wickery Bridge, the bodies of the dead laying across it and complete. Now I'm working on the outline of the top half of my painting. Using a pencil above the dried paint to insure I can create maximum detail.

I have yet to see Elijah again since last night. I also haven't brought up the soulmate thing to Klaus. I'm a complete coward, I fear he will look at me in a different light.

I feel another presence in the room and look over at the doorway to find Elijah leaning against it. "Forgive the intrusion." I send him a small smile before turning back to my painting. "You could instead not intrude." Klaus says making me roll my eyes at his pettiness.

"I have spoken with Damon Salvatore. We are hosting a dinner to discuss a proposal to get the last coffin back." I look over at Klaus to find a smile on his face, "Very well. I suppose I should get the evening set up then." He walks over to me and presses a kiss to my cheek, "Don't peak." I roll my eyes, "Your no fun, but I won't." He smiles before disappearing.

"I was hoping you would join us, Rosetta." My stomach flutters at the way he says my name. It rolls off his tongue in the most attractive way, his accent heavy. "I wouldn't miss it. Clearly there will need to be a mediator for the hostile company."
"I'm hoping it doesn't turn into a blood bath." I shrug, "I couldn't care less. Sometimes blood solves things, if that's what needs to happen to come to an agreement, so be it."
"You speak of bloodshed as though it's a regular occurrence in your life." I look over my shoulder at him, "It is, but usually I'm the one causing it." I look back at my painting before setting the pencil on the table beside it. "Ill be back before it begins, I have some preparation to do." I say before walking past Elijah and out of the room.

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Getting out of my car Infront of the Mikaelson Mansion has me feeling extremally nervous for the evening. While I've had a slight friendship with the Salvatore's, they really are idiots. Why you would go against a family of vampires that cannot be killed is beyond me.

I straighten out my black blazer dress that has a deep vee, showing off my black lacy bra beneath. My leather, thigh high, black leather, heeled boots make a clicking noise against the pavement as I walk toward the Mikaelson Mansions front door.

I knock on the front door as I dig in my small purse, full of magical jewelry I made in preparation for tonight's dinner that is certainly going to be disastrous. The door opens and I look up to find Elijah looking me up and down. I smirk as I walk past him into the house. I look around to see if Klaus is anywhere.

"Rosetta, welcome. You look stunning." I spin toward him with a genuine smile on my face, my stomach fluttering slightly, "Thank you Elijah." I hand him a note, causing him to raise a brow at me, I nod signaling for him to read the paper that says, "It will not allow you to be daggered. The dagger would momentarily immobilize you before you awoke and were able to pull it out."

I hold the brown old style bracelet up, the small magical M pendent dangling down. He sends me a look of shock looking up from the letter. I grab his wrist, pulling up his sleeve of his suit slightly as I begin tying it on his wrist, just out of view of others, "You look quite handsome yourself. Have the Salvatore's arrived yet?" I ask before smoothing his suit out, perfectly hiding the bracelet.

I honestly didn't know how Klaus would feel about me giving his brother a magical protector that would protect him from those nasty daggers. He really needs to get rid of those, they only have brought pain to the family time and time again. I figure asking for forgiveness is better then asking for permission.

"No, they have yet to arrive but I'm sure they will be here soon." I nod. "What about Nik, where's he?"
"Right here love." I look over and find him dressed in all black as per usual looking extremely hot without even trying. "Can I speak with you?" I question. 

Suddenly I'm picked up and we are upstairs in his bedroom. "I got you something." I pull the rope necklace from my purse, a small welded wolf from centuries ago at the end of it holding the spell. I put it over his head before holding the small wolf in my fingers, "Just incase they manage to get some white oak and shove it in your heart. If you don't like it I can make a bracelet or any other..." I begin rambling, nervous he won't like it. He stop me by pressing his lips to mine in a passionate kiss.

Cupping my face he looks down at me, "It's absolutely perfect sweetheart. I will always keep it on." I press another kiss to his lips before getting lost in him.

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I cross my legs under the table as I sip on a glass of wine. I don't know whether to be anxious or excited for this evening. The banter surely will be amusing at least. I watch as the Salvatore brothers and Elijah walk into the room. "Damon. Stefan." Klaus starts, "Elijah tells me, you seek an audience. Very bold. Let's discuss the terms of our agreement like civilized men, shall we?" I clear my throat. Klaus looks at me with a grin, "Like civilized men and women."

"That's better." I say before taking a sip of my wine. "Who invited you?" Damon asks while looking at me with a glare. "Elijah did. I'm the mediator or instigator, we will see how I'm feeling." I say with a shrug before taking a bite of the salad Infront of me. Not caring for manners seeing as I'm the only one that actually needs food to live.

"It's better to indulge him." Elijah says as the Salvatore's look at the table full of food in confusion. Stefan walks toward Klaus while he just smiles at him, "I didn't come here to eat, Klaus. Fact, I didn't want to come here at all. But I was told I had to cause you would hear us out."
"Well, we can sit and eat or I can reach down your throats and pull out your insides." Klaus' accent along with his murderous tone has my stomach clenching. Klaus sits beside me and I look over at Stefan, "Or I can do that little trick I did at the grill. You do remember, right Stef?" I ask with a tilt of the head. Elijah raise an eyebrow and I just send him a mischievous smile. Klaus sits right beside me and squeezes my thigh while looking at Stefan. "The choice is yours."

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As the night has progressed for the most part I've kept my mouth shut. Simply listening to the bickering between the four men and enjoying the meal. Although the story about Klaus and Elijah's past love life with a doppelgänger of Elena made me a little nauseous.

"So, why don't we move this evening along and discuss the terms of this proposal?" Elijah says making me feel relieved.
Damon speaks, "That's very simple. Klaus gets his coffin back, in exchange, he and the Original extended family leave Mystic Falls forever. Me, Stefan, and Elena live happily ever after. No grudges." I roll my eyes, "How about no. Klaus needs Elena's blood. I have a different proposal in mind." I look at both Klaus and Elijah who both nod. I grab my wine glass and stand up from the table.

"Clearly Niklaus enjoys living in this quaint town, as do you Salvatore's."
"Get to the point shortcake." I glare at Damon before popping all the blood vessels in his head. I walk over to his chair while he yells out in pain. I lean over his chair stopping the spell, and putting my lips next to his ear, "Ah Damon. I know it's been a while since we've had an alcohol bender together so I'll refresh your memory. I don't appreciate being interrupted." I say in a threatening tone.  I look across the table at Elijah and Klaus, who are both looking at me amused.

I pat Damon's shoulder before standing up and walking around the room, "Thank you. Now, Klaus needs Elena's blood for his hybrids. Once a week a nurse compelled by Niklaus could go to Elena's house to get a safe amount of her blood. In which said nurse will deliver the blood here. Elena won't even have to leave her house, nor see Niklaus."

"That's not happening." Stefan interrupts me and I grit my teeth. "Motus." I say and watch as his fork goes into his eye ball making him yell.
"Anyways." I continue my train of thought, "In return the original family and the hybrids will leave you lot alone. If the remaining coffin is returned to Niklaus' possession, and he has Elena giving her blood willingly, he will no longer have a reason to torment you or the town he has built a home in."

I sit back in my seat and cross my legs before waving a hand in the air, "Okay boys, now you can chip in." I down the remainder of my wine, going to fill it when Elijah beats me do it. I send him a small smile in thanks when Damon yells. "That deal does absolutely nothing for us Rosetta!" I look at him with a blank look. "It grants you peace. Elena gets to live happily, without any threats to her or those she loves, including the two of you. I'm sure Niklaus would happily assign hybrids to protect her and those she cares about if that's what she wanted."

"The deal sounds fair." Elijah says looking at Klaus. Klaus gets up and begins pacing, "Let's say I do leave her here, under your protection, what then? How long before one of you turns her into a vampire? Or worse, how long before she dies caught between your feuding? You see, each one of you truly believes that you're the one that can protect her, and that is simply a delusion. Gentlemen, the worst thing for Elena Gilbert is...the two of you." Damn I really am as dramatic as him, maybe even more so.

"I'm gonna get some air." Damon says before getting up. "Let me deal with this." Elijah says before getting up and following. I feel my phone buzz in my pocket and my eyes widen as I look up at Klaus, "I have to go. Caroline's dad is dying. Will you be okay here alone?" He grabs my hand and sends me a small smile, "Of course my love, stay safe." I press a kiss to his cheek before running out of the Mansion.

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There definitely isn't smut in the next chapter. Nope, never. 😉
