The next morning I texted Nick. "Hey. I'm free today, if you are."
He replied straight away.
So now we were walking down the foot path, alongside the park. "So how is school going?"
"Ah it sucks. I hate not seeing you everyday and there is so many people spreading rumours about you and I'm kinda suspended."

"SUSPENDED... what the hell dude... why?"
"Toby Black... said you got pregnant and had to leave... though he said he wasn't quite sure how."
"So...? What did you do?"
"I kinda punched him in the face and broke his nose."
"Why would you do that. I'm not there anymore. There rumours don't affect me."
" Well I don't like the idea of anyone insulting you. I hate the idea."

" awe. I've got news."

"What is it."

"Carson... he asked me out again."
" and what did you say...?"

"I said no. Well I didn't say no... I said ask me again in two weeks, I don't want to say yes. When I still have slight feelings for you."

" oh... really." I simply nodded.

As we were walking I spotted Nancy Carter. "Eww what are you doing with this... this freak. Nick leave her and hang out with me before you catch something." She rolled her eyes.

"I haven't got anything wrong with me that is contagious."

"Uh yes you have. You're... You're so weird and I don't want my Nicky catching whatever that thing has." says Nancy.

"Hey don't you ever talk about her that way. Don't talk about anyone that way."

"Nick stop. She's right." I look at her "you're right...I am weird. "

"No you're not-" says nick

"No I am. Am I'm completely happy being weird, it's who I am. I'm unique And I love who I am, I don't need to pretend to be someone I'm not to get people to like me. I love myself and I'm happy to be me. I love all of myself. And I'd rather be unique than a follower and be natural then be ugly covered with makeup and ugly inside."


"No I am. Am I'm completely happy being weird, it's who I am. I'm unique And I love who I am, I don't need to pretend to be someone I'm not to get people to like me. I love myself and I'm happy to be me. I love all of myself. And I'd rather be unique than a follower and be natural then be ugly covered with makeup and ugly inside."

Wow. I thought she's grown so much. I love how she isn't afraid to speak her mind. She's so confident.

As Nancy ran away in disgust. I smiled at my best friend... wow. Maybe I do like her. My friends always said I do. Maybe. Just maybe. Shell says yes. When I ask her out.
