
Into the turmoil, I had serious worried about what Potter were up to. After all, he was famous to survived the forbidden death spell, maybe he grew as evil as his attacker.

In a duel fight organised by Snape and Lockhart, he showed his ability to control a snake, so all the school shared my suspicions about him.

On the other hand, he suspected me, of corse. And as a stereotyped Griffindor he tried to influence the gossips towards me.
But since I changed to the 2nd year, I felt everyday more legitimate and gained confidence.
Especially since...

A late day after class : while I was getting to the great hall to do my homeworks, a big boy pushed me viciously with his shoulder. I almost fell and dropped all the books I was holding.
Some students around watched the assault.

"What's wrong, freak ? You need special lessons to learn to walk too ?" He mocked.

"Crabbe ! Leave her alone !" Shout out someone few steps behind.

It was Draco. He came to my side and helped pick up my things.

He dictated to Vincent : "She's our friend".

And everyone dispersed right away.

I was glad to have such a prominent person as friend. Social life became easier from then.

* * * * *

Many classes were very interesting, here. History of Magic was important to discover, transfiguration and herbology were fun, most of the time. And astronomy was such beautiful moments on evenings.
Potion was a sophisticated subject, but when Uncle Snape gave me his own old classbook, full of corrections and notes, I could finally make potions properly.
But on an other hand, muggle-study was a loss of time for me.
I also had difficulties in charm's.
Daphne Greengrass had friendly impose me to fight duel with her, to practice in real conditions.

For this, volunteers were gathered around a long table in the great hall. The duelists faced each other standing on the platform and attacked alternatively.
Two teachers were always monitoring and gaved points to houses.

Daphne and I were ready to confront.

"Petrificus Totalus", she started.

I was instantly paralised.

After a minute, I could move my wand in a 'W' shape and pronounced :

"Tarentallegra !"

I was so happy to succeed this one for the first time.
Her feet were dancing uncontrollably. She had short breath but managed to wave her wand and sent "Depulso !"

Wich pushed me backwards and made me fall on my butt.

I tried to fight back : "Rictus sempra !".

But nothing happened.

"Try again.", she gently said.

I concentrated, waved my wand and articulated another time.

"Sectum semp..."

But Snape got his wand to stopped me. "Expelliarmus !"

I was ejected back on the floor again.

"Not this one." The man said.
He dismissed the witches and wizards and started to close the duelling place.

Daphne interrogated me.

"What charm was it ? Did you mispronounced ?"

"Sectumsempra, it's a variant I think. I read it in a note."
I explaned vaguely.

I did fund this one, written with chinese ink, in my protector's potion book.

"For enemies." Snape joined the conversation.
"I invented it. Some spells have to be created... for real fights."

With this words, we were asked to leave.

* * * * *

One night in the Slytherin common room, I was finishing an essay for D.A.D.A class when I couldn't help but hear Draco's conversation.

He was seated with Crabbe and Goyle in couches on the other side of the room. I listened carefully because they were talking about the heir of Slytherin.
I just learned there, that the chamber of secret had been opened 50 years ago. The worst part was that, at this previous time, a muggle-born girl was murdered.

I was shock to realise that the atrocity was actually happening again. Before, I only imagined that the heir of Slytherin made muggle-borns disappeared, exiled... somehow.
My theory was that Salazar's ghost was dictating someone to get rid of the unworthy, but I didn't dare to believe that the person would actually murder people.
I shivered.
My goal was set ! I had to solve out the remaining questions and help the headmaster save the school !

* * * * *

* Draco Malfoy POV *

I tryed to go as slowly as possible to the muggle-study classroom. What a rubbish subject, this one, I though.
I hoped I could stop attending it next year.
I took a seat in a corner of the classroom, alone, decided to take a nap.

When Isabella Green installed at my table, I didn't bothered. She stayed quiet and I installed my head on my crossed arms on the desk.

After a while, unable to sleep, I noticed that she was neither paying attention to the course about non-magic transportations. She was actually reading a book about famous dark wizards.

I started to chat in low voice.
"You too try to discover the secrets of Salazar ?"

"I'm almost there. But I can't understand what the chamber is used for, technically." She said.

"You don't know ? Professor Binns related us some weeks ago... Ah right, you weren't in the same group."

I saw that she was waiting for me to keep up so I explained her.

"The stories say that the chamber of secret was the home of a monster... Only the heir could control it and make it slaughter who he wants." I crooned.

But the face of the younger turn distraught.

"Monster ?" She repeated aloud.

"Miss Green !" Scolded Mrs Burbage.
"Stop chatting and focus ! 20 points from Slytherin !"

Bella suddenly replied :

"I think I focused enough on the mudblood during all my past life, Ma'am..."

"Out of my sight !" Teacher yelled.

I watched her leave the room with a bright smile on my face.

My heart formed a clear sentence :

"Crap. This girl is great !"

* * * * *

*Isabella POV*

The day after, I was asked to be early at Potion class to meet Snape before the other arrived.

"Uncle Snape" I smiled while entering the laboratory.

When I saw his annoyed face I corrected myself.

"I mean, Hello Professor... You wanted to see me ?"

He looked glum.

"Bella, I'm disappointed. I always defend you when you're in troubles. But being expelled from class because of attitude ?!"

I lowered my head and looked at my feet.

"I asked you to adapt and integrate. Don't copy the disruptive kids. I hope it's the last time I scold you for that... Behave."

Sorry, I walked quietly to a cauldron and installed my stuffs.

The exercise started shortly after.

I was paired working with Padma Patil to realise a potion of sleeping draught. She preferred to do the mixing parts and asked me to just prepare the ingredients.

After I chopped some valerian leaves I was discretely called.


I felt a hand touching mine. I turn my head and saw Draco close to me.

"Your monster..." he whispered in my ear before turning back to his cauldron.

A piece of paper was left in my palm.
I unfolded the ripped bookpage and read...

Of the many fearsome beasts and monsters that roam our land, there is none more curious or more deadly than the Basilisk, known also as the King of Serpents. This snake, which may reach gigantic size, and live many hundreds of years, is born from a chicken's egg, hatched beneath a toad. Its methods of killing are most wondrous, for aside from its deadly and venomous fangs, the Basilisk has a murderous stare, and all who are fixed with the beam of its eye shall suffer instant death...

I gasped. So this is it !
The monster was still alive in the chamber of secret and it was a basilisk.
A giant snake ! I finally understood. That's the sound I heard ! Not a ghost but a slithering beast. Salazar's creature was a reptile, obviously. It made all sense then, and I even felt a bit stupid that I didn't figured it out earlier.

My reflexions was deep while I assisted Padma.
The basilisk can kill with just a stare, if it's released, it could make a lot of damages in the school...
Wait... It made a new question appeared.
I turn back towards Draco again and asked him with very low voice :

"But if it's gigantic... why no one saw it already ?"

He took the paper back from my fingers and dipped his quill into the inkstand.

As Snape was pacing close, I focus back on my potion.

At the end of the period, we left the room with everyone.
I decided to spend my free hour outside the walls so I was slowly heading to the field. I put hands in my robe's pockets when I sensed something there.
I took it off and recognised the ripped page. But this time, a note was added with ink. "Pipes"

Malfoy answered my question with that word. The monster was wandering in the castle, hidden in the plumbing...

* * * * *

Three days later, we were announced that another muggle-born teenager had been attacked and let petrified.
A rumor was circulating that the school would be closed soon. The future turned uncertain and dark.

During a free time outside, I heard Draco calling Hermione a mudblood again, which was not surprising nor new. But it made me suddenly clicked : Hermione was a muggle-born and hang out all the time with Potter. If he was the two-faced evil heir who acted in secret, he could control the basilisk without his friends mistrust and Granger could be an easy target !

I had to warn her !

The next days, I followed her whenever she was alone. But she only went to stupid places I couldn't joined : Griffindor' table in the great hall, too visible, Griffindor's department, locked, 2nd floor's bathroom, yuck...

It took me a long time to reach her discretely.
Of corse, I finally had the opportunity to see her alone at the library.

"Hey ! Hermione..." I whispered.

She looked at me with a dark glance.

"I don't want to even slightly interfere with you. Go away." She fended me off.

"I know you try to elude the chamber's plot. It's important...".

She stayed distrusting.

I handed her the folded bookpage about the basilisk.

"You ripped a page from a book ?!" Raged her in low voice.

The librarian woman was walking in our direction.

"Just take it !" I insisted.
I gave her the paper and left the room quickly.

The same night, we learned that she has been fund petrified.
I felt so moved about it and guilty that I didnt warn her earlier.
Now, it seemed that my worries were well-founded.
My sleep was full of nightmare after that.
Every night I had the same one again and again. I dreamed that I was walking in Hogwarts floors, then I was standing in front of mirrors and a massive round door was appearing, decorated with seven snakes ; I was hearing always the same voice and was hissing in return, then the metallic reptiles were moving and the gate was opening itself, but a blaze emerged and I woke up. Every time at this same moment.

It was clear that it was my imagination about the chamber of secret and I was frustrated to never go further. Maybe I could understand more if I could.

The next week, another message had been written with blood on a wall.

"Her skeleton will lie in the Chamber forever."

Later on night, the headmaster, Mrs McGonagall and Snape reunied in emergency in front of the dungeon door and made me join them.

Pr. McGonagall resumed the situation for me.

"Ginny Weasley has been taken by the creature. We don't know if she's still alive at this time. Gilderoy Lockhart went to rescue her as he was the only one knowing the entrance of the chamber. But he has now vanished. Even more worrying, Harry and Ron have disappeared too.
We have to find the hidden room now faster than ever !"

Dumbledor asked me in a serious tone : "Do you hear the voice around here ?"

I denied and was sorry.

"...But since days I dreamed of a gate that I think could be a symbolic clue." I added.
Eventhough a nightmare was just childish.

"A gate ?" Severus repeated.

"Yes, I always see the same scene but I don't know if it's somewhere in the castle".

The director exchange an eye contact with Snape.

"Isabella, this could be very helpful to see what you saw. I know a way to glimpse into your memories. It's called legilimensy." explaned my guardian.

He warned that is was not harmful but just uncomfortable so I agreed that he made the spell.
As he was looking into my souvenirs, I also could sight some images from his own mind. First two silhouettes in shadows, then a crying baby with them and all caught on wildfire !

I was wondering what it was all about. The fire, was always the same blaze that I myself see each time i'm upset...

"You had this dream and didn't come to any of your teachers to talked about it ?" Snape railed against me.
"This is it. She knows the way to the chamber of secret ! At the 2nd floor's bathroom."

The toilettes of the 2nd floor ? The one said to be haunted ? I thought.

As he said, we all walked quickly to that place.
There, I knew I couldn't recognise the place in my dreams, because  I never dared to go there.

I was standing in front of the mirrors of my nightmares. And watched my multiple reflections.
As simply as it was, I was living the same scene, but all in the cold reality.
Except... Now, there was no voice.

The adults were waiting for me to do anything. I looked at them, watched around in doubts. Then I dicided to do just as in my bad dreams and pronounced some words in parseltongue.

"I present myself here as an alter ago. Lead the way."

We all took a step back when the washbasins were all moving. They all got down into the ground, making space for a big bottomless pit.

After the headmaster threw a light in it, we safely floated down into that pit by an organized spell.

Landed there, we ran through the bones and skeletons that were covering the ground and easily fund Ron and Lockhart by following their noises.

"Professors !" Weasley whined. "Thanks god you're here ! Harry went to save my sister but the ceiling got broken and now the way is obstructed by this stones. I can't push them away!"

"Hellow there !" Chanted the weird Mr Lockhart seated on the ground.

Dumbledore threw an efficient spell.

"Bombarda !"

Mrs McGonagall decided to stay with the two rescued while Dumbledore, Snape and I were going further into the tunnel.
The long galerie had low ceiling, the wall where covered with mud and the atmosphere was very humid. I was stepping while watching my feet because there was still a lot of bones on the ground. The men stopped after a while so I rose by head and suddenly faced the gate. The round metalic gate I saw in nightmares. Here it is.

The both of them looked at me.
I stepped closer to the door, touched one of the frozen snake figures, closed my eyes...

"Let me through" I hissed.

The seven snakes moved, slithered in circle and the dark portal opened itself.

On the other side were an injured Harry, holding the arm of Ginny.

"Professors ! ...Isabella ?" Cried out Ginny.

"The portal was locked ! I couldn't open it !" Lamented Harry.

"Where's the monster ?" I interrogated quickly, ready to face it.

"Dead." The survivors said in a single voice.

We all together got quickly back to the three other at the end of the tunnel.

"What a relive, you're all safe !" Sighted Minerva when she saw us back.

"It's over." Harry explained us.
"I killed the basilisk, thanks to this sword. It was Lord Voldemort who made everything happened. Through his old journal, he reappeard and forced Ginny to unleashed the snakes just as fifty years ago."

"I swear I didn't want to. I tried to resist and to destroy the diary but he was controlling me" The girl added.

"Imperium" mumbled Snape for himself.

"Let's get out of here !" The older witch ordered.

* * * * *

A great appeasement healed the entire school during the next days.
Luckily, Harry could have saved Ginny and didnt mean to kill. This time the horror was not required to be made by an evil parselmouth heir, it was Ginny who was force to act. It was a more complicated scheme than 50 years before.
The Griffindor boys really showed bravery to go find the monster by themselves. Everyone was respectful, even myself.

The last day of the year arrived. Students were mostly relieved to take a break from this tumultuous place and getting back home.
We all reunited in the great hall for the last dinner.
I was seated with all my friends around.
Poppy, Daphne, Moranna, Draco and even Pansy were near.

"Bella, where will you stay during summer ?" Daphne asked concerned.

"Oh don't worry for me. I'm a fulltime resident, I'll stick around here." I answered.

"I didn't know anyone could live here." Draco said.

"A few people reside all year. But for a student, they actually made an exception for me. After Tom Riddle's case, they prefer to keep an eye on me, I think." I joked.

They smiled but it was quite true.

The headmaster started a wrapping up speech.

"This year, we all together faced a great danger. I'm sorry that you had to live in fear while under my responsibility. You can be guaranteed that it won't happen again, as long as I'll be there...

I want us all to warmly congratulate Professor Sprout and Mrs Pomfrey for they healed up with talent all thise who has been petrified."

Everyone clapped.

Dumbledore continued : "I wanted to cancelled the house's cup because you are not separated group in this castle, we all live united to make this place a home. But the award also make you cheerful so...
Yet, on the first place are the Ravenclaw..."

The blue team screamed and clapped.

"...But I have last minute points to award some of your peers." he added.

"To miss Isabella Green, for proving that being a parselmouth can be a gift and be used to do good. Twenty points."

The Slytherins table clapped and shouted louder than the other houses.
I felt half embarrassed, half thankful.

"To Ron Weasley and of corse our dear Harry Potter, for their great courage to save their younger sibling and friend. Fifty points, each of them."

The cheering went on again. Automatically, the hall decorations changed into the Griffindor color's on the pennants and flags.

"Sorry I'm late..."

Hagrid interrupted by his entrance and explaned what happened to him.

Acclamations went on, more loudly and happier than ever !
