Chapter 2

Chapter Two

"Katie? Can you please slow down?" Aunt Martha complained, as I sped forward. We've been together for a week now, Nathan making flirty comments, Fort killing zombies with me, the twins protecting Martha and Tori. In the mornings, Nathan and I would take watch, killing large animals for food, and for something to do when cannibals aren't trying to eat us.

"Nathan, he just keeps getting better and better," I shake my head at that thought, i'm actually starting to trust him, i can't even trust my own family, yet i have no problem trusting him, it creeps me out.

"Katie, please?!" Martha sounds desperate. I stop in my tracks, She and Fort have been calling me "Katie" since the first day we met.

"My name is Kaitlyn, only William can call me Katie." I say coldly and I continue forward. They think just because they are family that i'm going to magically trust them. The screams of zombies came closer and closer as we walked on, everyone drawing their weapons, even Martha. Tori up in Martha's arms covered her ears and shut her eyes tightly blocking out the world. I wish that I could do the same, but from a young age I was forced to fight.

"You alright?" Nathan asked nudging my shoulder with his.


"Wanna talk about it?" He asked getting a bit closer.


"Too bad cause i do."


"You're such a girl!" He teased.

"I am a girl, what's your excuse?" I snap back.

"Ohhhh the kitten has fangs!" He rubs his hands together, "does she want to play with some zombies?" Nathan smirks, and raises his chin to point at the hoard about 10 yards in front of us.

"No, she wants to play with your head on a stick," I growl annoyed.

Some of the zombies heads snap up and they screech loud enough to call even more zombies from the forest around us. There had to be at least 50 of them, seven of us. I don't know if all of us will survive.

We group up like always. Nathan and me standing in the front alongside Fort. Fort had his gun at the ready, Nathan had ahold of his sword, holding it the way I taught him, and I had my machetes for this fight. The twin, holding identical dueling pistols, standing in front of a quivering Tori and a stoney face Martha. Martha had a gun at the ready just in case.

The zombies lunch forward, and i meet them halfway, slicing off head after head but soon i'm surrounded. They all close in on me, hiding the moon from my sight.

"Katelyn!!!" I hear Nathan shout over multiple gun shots, falling heads, and enraged zombie screams. A dead man's head falls on to my stomache and i toss it at the zombies closing in on me from the other side. A hand grabs my arm pulling me away from the monsters. A warmths spreads through me, heating up my insides, making me feel safe. I shake my head refocusing on the literal walking dead in front of me. I stab a once female zombie in the head and cut it off with my other machete. I lets the head slip off my blade and roll over to in front of Fort. He kicks it at one of the three in front of him, to distract them, and shoots them all straight in the forehead. I look around, we've barely only killed half and by all the noise, coming from around us, there is more coming.

"Nathan, gun time," I yell to him and he puts away his sword. Next thing i see is his machinegun come out before i run to get behind him with the others.

"Say hello to my little friend!" He says cheesly and starts shooting rows and rows of zombies.

"Dumba**!" I yell as he laughs at his own quote. He seems to start thinning them out.

"WATCH OUT, MARTHA-" Fort starts to shout, but it's too late.

A zombie has already taken a bite out of her. Shaw shoots it in the head and kicks it to the side taking Tori from Martha.

"I'm so sorry," Martha said backing away. She covered her mouth as she brought the gun to her head, her hand shaked and her eyes spilled tears.She didn't cover the bleeding bite mark on her shoulder, we all knew what would come. Shaw turned Tori away from the horror. Nathan still shooting away not know what's going on, Fort rushing over to Martha, They weren't that far apart but he was trying not to startle her anymore. The twins and Tori crying hard, their sobs, slowly breaking my heart. Then there's me, standing there watching this happen in what seemed like slow motion, although i wasn't close to her, her death still affects me.

Martha pulled the trigger, and nothing was in slow motion anymore. As her body fell to the ground, i could hear Tori's scream. Martha..My aunt Martha....she's-she's dead. Nathan stopped, having killed the zombies left in front of us, and turned around smiling. That smile soon fell after he saw what had happened when he was going trigger crazy. Tears slipped down his face as he raced forward. Fort had Martha cradled in his arms, his face, buried in her shoulder, hidden from us, but you could tell he was crying by the shaking of his back and the light, heartbroken sobs coming involuntarily from his mouth.

Tori, unable to turn around because of Shaw's strong arms around her, was crying out in muffled yet loud bursts of tears. Shaw himself, making no noise, had tears streaming down his face. I could tell that if he could he would be as loud as Tori is. I look over to Nenia and i see the she is looking down at the ground, fist clenched, and shaking. I think she was taking this as hard as Fort. They formed a strong, almost mother/daughter, bond. Being the caretakers of the group, they always spent time together, cooking, cleaning, fighting, everything. Nathan looked absolutely broken. Eyes swirling with so many unnamed emotions, i'm sure he doesn't even know what he's feeling. Tears have stopped pouring from his eyes, but that's most likely because the average human can only cry 34 tears per a cry session.

He stood up and started walking away. No one stopped him.

"Does he do this a lot? " I think to myself and start walking after him.

"Nathan?" I ask after we are about 40 feet away from the rest of them.

"Do you even care?!" He yelled. He looked pissed, he shook his head and a cruel smile came to his lips. "Wait, nevermind i forgot, you're little miss lone-wolf. You don't care about anyone or anything." Nathan said bitterly. I took a step back, feeling the blow of his words as if it were a punch to the face.

"You don't care that she died. You don't care if any of us die. You just want to save William!" Nathan said looking as if he was going to murder me.

"How do you know about Will-?" I start to ask but he cuts me off by gritting his teeth letting me know i was annoying him.

"You talk in your sleep," Nathan growled. "All you want is to go save your precious William!"

"Of course i want to save him!" I yell back at him. "He's my fucking brother!"

Nathan looked confused for a moment, and opened his mouth to talk but then i cut him off.

"Martha and Fort are my aunt and uncle," I whisper, "And i do care. Too much actually. I care what's going to happen to Tori, to Fort. Hell i even care about the twins!" I shake my head and bite my lip.

"All the more reason you should care! All the more reason you should cry!" He screamed. His pissed look falling away, i can see the fragile boy he actually is. My heart breaks even more.

"I can't cry," I breath out, barely above a whisper. "I haven't cried since my parents died."

Nathan came rushing towards me, i raise my arms to in front of me to block whatever blow he was going to throw but then i realized that it wasn't a blow i needed to defend against. It was a hug. His strong arms wrapped around me, pulling me in close, and i wrap my own arms around his waist. The warmth coming off his body, and heating me to my core. I smile a little as he hugs me tighter. Nathan growled softly at whatever was behind us.

"Nathan?" I ask quietly in his ear.

"It's just the rest of the group..... well what's left of us," he said and i pull back a bit to raise an eyebrow at him.

"Then why'd you growl?"

"Because i don't want to stop holding you," Nathan said, and my heart melted.


*Wipes tears* Martha aweeeeee i'm regretting killing her.


A bit shorter than the first but oh well! i hoped you liked it!
