Chapter 11: Worry

If there is anything I have learned about Elena is that she is quite stubborn. She needed a week of bed rest before returning to work, and I caught her trying to sneak out early in the morning the day after we came home from the hospital. The only way to keep her home was getting her her favorite T.V. shows on DVD. Her nightmares got worse, but whenever I came in and slept beside her, she would sleep soundlessly. She only needed to stay home for a week, but I would have been happy if she didn't go back. I know she's just with Garcia, but I still worry about her. And Moriarty is out there  and I don't know how to find him, or stop him. Elena tries to make it seem like she isn't scared for my sake, but I can see the fear in her eyes. Hotch let me take the week off too so I could take care of Elena. All of the team members have stopped in to see how she was recovering. I know how good it made her feel. On the day before she could return to work, I had to speak my mind. 

We were sitting down for dinner when I said, " What if you take a little bit more time off of work?"

"And why would I do that?" she asked, surprised at the thought.

"Well, just to make sure you're okay, what happened with Moriarty, nobody would think less of you for taking more time off."

She walks to me and grabs my hands. "Spencer, I'll be okay. I know you're worried about me, I understand. James affects me like nothing else can, but I can work through anything as long as I have you."

I kiss her. "I just don't want you to push yourself. I am worried about you. If anything happens to you, I don't know how I'd ever live with myself."

"If anything happens to me, it's on me. Don't you even think about taking responsibility for that. Besides what's the worst thing that'll happen to me in a room full of computers." She jokes.

"Okay, fine. But if you need to come home or need anything. I'm here for you."

She kisses me this time. "I love you." My heart still flutters every time she says that.

"I love you too."
