The perfect morning

The clock strikes nine,
I open my eyes to the sun that shined.
It blinded me for a bit,
Then i got up and fried some beef strips.

I chugged a cup of coffee
To soothe my brain,
And here i am sitting here with adrenaline
Rushing through my veins.

Didn't want to laze around like a hog,
So i put my headphones on and went for a jog.
It was a cozy winter day,
Miles and miles stretched the fog.

The sound of birds chirping,
And the smell of freshly baked cookies
Added to the perfect morning i was having.

Got home and put my coat on,
Headed to my workplace with a smile on
Greeted a bunch of people,
It left them in awe.

My anxious self,
Was nonchalant now.
My smile was no more upside down now.

Yes this morning was as perfect as it could ever be.
It overwhelmed me,
But accepting it made me feel free.

Every morning is a new beginning so bright,
But i chose this one to start a new chapter of my life.

PS: I have written a positive and cheerful poem after quite a while. This poem does not really have a really deep meaning. It is just my interpretation of what a perfect morning would be like. I hope you like it< let me know if i should write more cheerful poems!
