Chapter Nine

A few days passed by in a blur. Time goes by so fast when you actually want time to slow down. Since the festival was in two days I decided to call my stylist and have her come over to do my hair for me and get my nails done. It was about 2 in the afternoon so just watched a little bit of tv before she arrived to my place. My hair is a mix of brown and red. Has been that way for awhile so I decided to mix it up a bit and dye it black. My hair also came to about my shoulders and since she was here I asked her if she would sow in 26 inch extensions. Luckily my hair is naturally straight so i don't usually do much damage to it. She showed up around 2:30 and after the dyeing, the sowing, the waxing of the eyebrows, and the nails did we didn't finish up till about 10:45.

I loved the way she would do everything! It saves me a lot of time and she is really good at what she does. Before she left I asked if she could style my hair and do my makeup for the weekend. I'm not too good at doing these things. I usually just throw my hair up or leave it straight. And with my makeup I just use some simple mascara. After we said our good byes I was so tired that I went straight to bed.

When I woke up Thursday morning I found the packages of clothes I ordered online and screamed with excitement. I'm so excited for what this weekend has to offer! Right away I unpacked all the packages I got besides the tent and tried everything on. Luckily they fit me the way Nancy said they would and I even got more excited. With every out fit I tried on I went and found the perfect shoes for each outfit. After I was done modeling around for myself I packed my clothes and shoes in a little duffle bag. I also packed my sweat pants and a t-shirt to sleep in, my makeup bag, deodorant, perfume, tooth brush and tooth paste, a brush, extra hair ties, and my portable speaker. I left out my Friday outfit and my floral crown.

I had my nails and my toes done a light pink so that I had an excuse to wear my floral crown all weekend. I just loved it so much! With this much excitement I knew tomorrow would go perfectly. After awhile of doing nothing I decided I would think about what I could do to repay Austin for what he's done. He did say him and his band mates were all going since they're his closest friends. Maybe with my connections I could get him a spot on-stage to perform live in front of everyone. I wonder how he would feel about that.

Before I ask him I need to get in touch with my parents assistant to see if she would be able to squeeze them in for a 15 or 30 minute set. I really hope so, that would be the greatest gift you could give someone like Austin. Lets just hope things go according to plan.
