The Player Trap 06 | Lindy | Coming Down


Coming Down

Lindy brushed two fingers across her swollen lips. Troy had left her ten minutes ago but his gratifying smell still lingered on her dress, and the memory of his lips moving gently with hers kept the exhilaration of their first kiss alive.

The sweetness.

The urgency.

The taste of heaven.

She didn't want to ruin the natural high Troy had instilled in her, so instead of returning to the party where things were bound to be picking up after the fireworks, she trekked back to the villa where she could be alone to relish in her own happiness. Tonight couldn't have been more perfect, and absolutely nothing could spoil it now.


Lindy was dawdling at the end of the jetty, watching the reflection of the moon in the glassy water, when Kaila came bolting up to her.

"I have been looking for you everywhere," she said dramatically, almost running right over the edge.

"Why, what's up?" Lindy asked as Kaila caught her balance. They weren't exactly close, but she could tell when something was wrong. They were twins, after all, so how could she miss the urgency in her sister's voice? The way Kaila looked at her now told her it was something huge.

Kaila took a moment to steady her breathing, or perhaps to contemplate what she was going to say, but one thing was certain, Lindy didn't like the next words to come out of her mouth. "Troy Tompson."

She froze. "Troy Tompson? What about him?"

"You know who he is." Kaila's tone was more accusatory than curious. It sent a knowing chill down Lindy's spine. They were busted!

"Yes. And you obviously do as well."

Kaila nodded. "Yeah, I do. You've been seeing him, haven't you?"

This was it. Lindy could flat out deny what was going on with Troy or she could tell her sister the truth. She obviously knew everything, so maybe she would understand that it needed to stay a secret. "Yes."

Kaila continued nodding. "So have I."

"Excuse me?"

"Lindy, he's been dating both of us. I just found out."

Lindy shook her head and turned to leave. "Yeah, whatever."

"Where are you going?" Kaila demanded, moving into her sister's path so she couldn't walk away. "Have you gone deaf or something? Didn't you hear what I said?"

"I heard you, I just don't believe you." Troy just wasn't like that. He couldn't be.

"I swear it's true. He's been playing us since we got here. Well, he's been leading me on since day one; I don't know how long you two have been going at it."

"Going at it?" Lindy couldn't believe what she was hearing. How could someone be so envious as to pretend she was seeing the same person as her own sister? It wasn't right. "You're just jealous."

"Jealous?! You're kidding me, right?"

"No, you're jealous. You hate the fact that a guy chose me for once, and not you. You don't get to take this one away from me."

"Take this one away from you? What are you talking about? When have I ever taken someone away from you?" Kaila was frowning as if she had no idea, but how could she not? She always got the guy.

Lindy looked out at the water. "Peter Hocking. Year seven. I liked him and we both thought he liked me, but he didn't. He liked you."

Kaila's mouth hung open. "Seriously, Peter Hocking? That was years ago."

"Okay, how about Mickey Jameson?"

"Mick? From school?"

"Yeah, in year nine he told me he liked me, but then he realised I was Melinda, not McKaila. He didn't even apologise, he just went straight to you and told you exactly what he said to me."

"I... um..." Kaila fumbled for words as Lindy walked back down the jetty. Clearly, she could see how bad she looked right now. "Look, Lindy, I swear I'm telling you the truth. Just think about it. Has he told you that he's not supposed to spend his free time with the guests, that he's supposed to be a 'professional'? He only sees me in the mornings. We go kneeboarding, and then he works all day."

Lindy's mind was racing. Kaila was lying. This couldn't be true, it just couldn't be, but as she thought about it some more, the realisation hit her. Troy told her exactly what he said to Kaila. 'Leisure' time with the guests was inappropriate. He only ever saw her during his lunch breaks by the pool, and sometimes later in the afternoon when he could sneak off for a bit, but they always met in private. The gazebo by the pool was their prime location, but sometimes he would take her for walks out of the lodge and up the road. You couldn't get much more out of the way than that.

Then there was her own sister. When Lindy woke up every morning, it was to an empty room. Kaila was never asleep in her bed, and she was never around for breakfast. And the first time she spoke to Troy, he was talking about water skiing, something that Kaila would be interested in. He thought he was talking to Kaila. It all made sense.

Lindy's breathing grew rapid and tears stung her eyes. Five minutes ago, she was basking in the memory of her first kiss with her fantasy guy, and now she was crashing. Her buzz had cracked and she could do nothing to keep her natural high from coming down. How could she not see what was going on?

"No, don't cry," said Kaila, taking hold of Lindy's hands. "He doesn't deserve your tears. Don't waste them on him."

What else could she do but cry? Kaila was the one to say Troy was playing them, but did she truly understand the words that came out of her mouth? "Kaila, I—"

"No. He doesn't deserve this reaction from you, okay. He's not going to get away with this; with hurting you, with hurting us. We're better than him and we're going to prove what an arsehole he is."

Lindy nodded. Kaila was right. Her tears were better left saved for people worth crying over, and Troy Tompson was definitely not one of them.

© K.V. Moore
