Chapter 3

Hayden's POV

"Hayden get up it's 1 o'clock in the afternoon, get up or I'll poor water on you".

Groaning I get up because I know my mother will poor water on me.

To introduce I'm Hayden. I'm 16 years old 17 in a few weeks. I'm the most popular guy in school as I do sports which all the girls seem to love and I'm rich well my parents are but I have quite a lot of money as well.

I'm friends with everyone cause I'm popular but I have four main friends: Axel Reed I've known all my life so we're the closest. Cayden Dawson a real player but not as much as me. Next is Hugo Thomas who loves playing pranks on all the teachers not matter the consequences. Lastly is Ryan Gibson who is shy but if you mess with him there's trouble.

This is where I live:

The house is huge but I love it because of the basketball court and of course my room.

This is my room. I have a lot of clothes and shoes which I've started a collection with. I have more but they are in the attic. Bed is so comfortable which is exactly why it takes me forever to get out of bed.

This is my parents room which is basic but they love it. They gave me the biggest room since they aren't always here because they have business trips. They have a company together which they started together that's grown very big.

One of my favourite rooms because of the food obviously. It's the room my mother is the most proud of having decorated.

Theatre room is where me and my friends mostly hang out if we are not out looking for girls. I have fallen asleep many times in here cause it's very cosy.

Another room my mother also takes pride in decorating. Really fancy but I'm not complaining. The house was all recently re- decorated so I can't wait for my parents to go out of town so I can throw a party here.

We do have a pool outside but this room is great for in the winter or during the night when I want to swim because it's freezing outside.

Very dark but definitely my style. Got a gym cause sometimes it's too early and all gym's are closed.

My parents got this put in cause they host parties a lot in the house. I have stolen alcohol from here but they have never noticed.

My father's office. When he's home spends almost all his time in there.

My mother loves reading as do I but not as much as her. Nobody in school knows I like reading so I intend to keep it that way.

This is my game room that I spend so much time in here that my mother has switched of the internet so I'd stop playing. Spend time with my friends in here also.

As a side business my father is a music producer so I naturally learned to play as well. I can sing but sports is more my thing.

This is the game room with arcade games my parents used to play when they were younger.

The most boring room in the house but I have to use it to wash my dog. My dogs name is Loki he's a Doberman Pinscher.


After getting up I headed straight for breakfast which thanks to Finn (the chef) is really great.

Summer is over in less than a week so I have gotten back to training more. My mother has already gotten all the necessary stuff you need but when I get to school I have to get my letterman jacket and keys for locker and gym/sports locker.

To start I have my morning run so I head out the door almost forgetting my water.


I'm jogging down the same road I go down all the time when I spot some people moving in to their house. 

I spot this really hot girl. I stop to take a breath and overheard the girls father call her Adriana.

Such an attractive name for an attractive girl. I'm about to go and shoot my shot but she runs into the house giving me a great view of her smoking hot body.

After waiting a few minutes I start running again because it doesn't seem like she's coming back.

Hopefully I see her again.


Adriana's POV

After a much needed nap I wake up and smell some paella and my mouth is already watering.

I quickly change into a comfy outfit before heading downstairs.

"Te ves muy bien ahora come tu paella y ayuda a desempacar el camión" my mother said as soon as I reached the kitchen.

("You look great now eat your paella and help unpack the truck")

"De acuerdo mamá" I replied before sitting between Mateo and Leo and eating the mouth watering paella.

("Okay mom")


After finishing dinner I went outside and started unpacking the boxes. It may be odd that we just had dinner and it's technically morning but like I said we still aren't out of Madrid time.

I was unpacking boxes and saw a guy running but stopped outside the house to take a breath.

He looks like he wants to come and talk to me but thankfully my father called me in because I was not ready to speak to a person especially when I haven't finished my study on the English language properly.

Over the summer I've been taking lessons with a tutor who could teach me how to speak English without messing up.

Me and my brothers have all been taking lessons just not together or else we won't learn.

I'm getting better but I doubt I'll be ready for a good while. Hopefully practicing will help but I don't know anyone who speaks English besides the tutor but still.


After unpacking the truck I headed to the gym as I'm trying to keep shape for me and for sports which I pray I get into.

When I'm done working out I head to the living room to watch tv and hopefully try and pick up some of the language.

AN: I apologise for not updating in a while but I've been studying for exams and doing them so didn't have a free minute. But now I'm on break for the summer so hopefully updates will be more frequent. Thanks for reading and I accept criticism so don't be afraid to tell. 😜( fav emoji by the way)
