6pm - The 3rd Friday night of Year 12

"Hey can I get a large margarita pizza delivered please."

"Sure, that'll be $20 it'll be ready in about 30 minutes."

Around 30 minutes later the door bell rings.
Reece is standing in front of her holding the pizza box.

"Hunter!!!" Reece screams out her name.

She giggles. "Hey Reeeeeecey. You need $5 bad hah!"

"C'mon. I get to see you the $5 is just a bonus."

"So what if I told you I only had $20 on me today?"

His face dropped. Hunter burst out laughing.

"Figured. Only joshing, here's your money."

"So how's my big brainiac going?"

"Ok, math is a pain but I just need to do some revising and I'll be ok."

"Well there's some big cricket game on tonight and the place was so busy. Gotta fly. Have a great week. Catch you next Friday."

"See ya."

Hunter closes the door.
