Chapter 13

Lucy and Natsu stumbled forward as and explosion erupted from the coast behind them. On instinct Natsu pushed Lucy behind him, hand on his sword. Once he noticed the smoke came from the opposite port if his ship, he took a deep breath. "What was that?!" Lucy asked watching the smoke rise.

"It's most likely Bora's ship." Natsu let out a groan as he stood. Lucy looked at him terrifed. Soft spoken words of denial were said by Lucy hands on her head. "It's perfectly fine. Erza or Gray probaly noticed they were taking women onto the ship and saved them."

Her eyes glassed over brimming with tears when she nodded understanding there was a chance Yukino was okay. Once again slung Natsu's arm around her shoulder in support. "Im sure Yukino will be okay. She seems capable of handling herself." Lucy turned to look at Natsu who had a huge grin on his face. She returned with a faint smile.

The two soon neared the coast watching the sun peak over the water lighting the damaged but flamless town. Bora's men were tied in groups together lined along the burnt walls while others were unconscious. Members of the different crews stood on guard over them. Erza walked through the center of the small town with scared women following her.

MiraJane helped the hiding townpeople back to the ground where they were safe but distraught at the sight of their home. Erza approached Natsu and Lucy standing beside them as the two groups collided, reuniting friends and family. "We got lucky this time around." Erza crossed her arms gaining the attention of the others. "No residents were killed in the attack. Everyone is safe. For Boras men, the same cant be said."

"I need to go look for her. She has to be there." Lucy said looking frantically at the now massive crowd. She unraveled herself from Natsu's hold as she jogged into the cluster of people.

"Ill go with her. She might just kill Sting and Rogue if I dont say otherwise." Erza said watching Lucy call out her friends name.

"Doesnt sound so bad." Natsu began to hobbled himself up the ships lowered dock as he greeted his crew members. A sorrowful dread filled the air. Not one of them were oblivious to who the enemy belonged to and thier actions against them.

"Perk those ears up." Natsu started as he stood above them near the wheel of the ship. "You all are not blind to who we fought today. However we are victorious in more ways than one!" Natsu's eyes began to glass over. "Our previous Captain, our grandfather, our mentor, has now been avenged!" Natsu raised his fist in the air as cheers and tears filled the air. He stepped away from the wheel stubbling backwards falling onto his back.

"You've overworked yourself again." Natsu only laughed deliriously as the pain finally set in.

"Its not the worst I've been, Wendy." The blue dark blue haired girl shook her head, hovering her hands over Natsu's injured body. He let a sigh of relief out as Wendy's small hands glowed above his wounds.

Lucy weaved through the crowd Yukino asking few who paid her mind. Surely enough many pointed that the florist was at the east dock, where as another shipped was anchored. She jogged in the direction examing the tiger logo that flapped in the wind, a blinding tiger with a dark back. Her boots hit the wooden dock as the ship was within reach. Wasting to time she jumped onto the ship frantically searching every inch of the top ship "What are you doing on this ship?"

Lucy snapped in the direction of the authoritve voice and asked too many questions for her to understand. "Alright, calm down and tell me what you need. Im Minerva, so just take a breath." Lucy caught her breath and eventaully spoke in a much calmer manor still looking around

"Im looking for my friend, the poeple said they saw her somewhere here. White-Bluish hair, this tall, brown eyes..." Her voice soon trailed of as her eyes spotted the men who took Yukino. Minerva followed her gaze as she got quiet. She reached for her knife and she moved passed Minerva, "They took her."

"Not so fast, Lucy."

Erza held down Lucy's hand before the blade could be pulled. "Move aside." She said coldly. Erza sighed gaining the attention of the two men behind her. "Whats going on here?" The blonde man said irritating Lucy further. "You idiots were about to be killed, thats what." Lucy began to struggle against Erza's hold.

"Let me explain. These guys were undercover for us. He's Sting and thats Rogue. Captain Sting and Co-Captain Rogue. They made sure all the girls were safe. So dont be too hasty." Lucy's struggling came to an end as she explained.

"Where is she then?" Lucy asked her panic returning.
"At the edge of the dock. Shes perfectly okay just a bit shaken up." Sting pointed the direction of the rising sun. "I'll take you to her." Rogue said leading them down the walk way.

The four walked down the dock mocing when the end came near. In front, a clear small trembling body could be seen on her knees. A wave of relief flowed through Lucy letting her tears finally fall as she approached the figure.

"Yukino." She said quietly, falling to her knees. Yukino turned her head letting the morning sun hit her tears illuminating her face. The two girls embraced eachother letting thier emotions fall onto the others shoulder. "I thought you were gone." Lucy cried.

"Its okay, Sting and Rogue saved me." She pointed to duo that gave a small wave. "I know that now, I almost killed them not to long ago." The two shared a laugh before Yukino looked off into the ocean were a ship could be seen in the distance. "My sister she is on that ship." Lucy watched the ship turn behind a rock and disappear. "It was only a moment but it was clear. I know it was her."

"We gave her the option to join us, as we sail we will keep an eye out for the ship." Sting said as he tucked his hand in his pockets. "An opportunity I agree too." Lucy's eyes filled with worry once again. "I need to find her shes so close. Closer than she had been for the past 9 years." Lucy gave a pained look but nodded for she had no place to stop Yukino. The support shes given would surely be returned.

The two girls bidded a farewell and last embrace. They seperated and waved as she climbed onto the boat only to have Sting come off with a envelop. "Give these to your captain. He requested them." Lucy took the envelop from him with a nod which he returned. He turned to board the ship once again as Lucy apologized. "Im sorry for almost killing you and your friend." He shood her off as the plank was raised to set off. "I would do the same in your situation."

"Please take care of her!" Lucy bowed her head, Sting gave a thumbs up assisted by a smile as the boat finally set off. Yukino waved off the railing tears falling once more. She was leaving her home in order to find her long lost sister who dissapeared when the Heartfillia masion was raided. Resulting in the city being set a flame as well.

Natsu watched from his office window as Lucy stepped away from the dock turning on her heels to her own crew she was warming too. "Modesty is common with her and her aqaintices."

He stepped away from the window and rested on his bed as he relaxed. Eventaully falling asleep.

Another £ate chapter as always. :D
