Chapter 8: The Bets!

Rebecca's P.O.V
The Next Day

"Remember! Always stay focused during a battle!" Silver said. I nodded and got into a battle stance. He was wearing shorts. He had no shirt so everyone could see his muscular figure. To top it all off, he wasn't wearing shoes either. I had my orange hair in a ponytail. I'm wearing a red tank top, shorts, and wasn't wearing shoes as well. Today was the start of my combat training and I was really excited. My opponent was Silver. When I asked if I could fight Chris, they said sure and I got schooled. Christopher was really good.

Alex, Erica, and Chris were sitting on the grass watching our battle. Then Erica yelled "WAIT!" I looked at her and said "What now?" The next thing I knew, Erica had grabbed my arm and making us run behind a tree. "Why are we here?" I asked. "Let's make a bet." she said, knowing I lose any understanding of what was being said. "Well?" I asked with a smile. "If Silver wins, you got to confess to Chris! If you win, I confess to Alex." Erica said. "Deal!" I shouted. Erica grinned.

Christopher's P.O.V

"Let's make a bet shall we." Silver said to Alex and I. "What?" I asked. "If she wins, you don't have to do it, but if I win, you both need to confess." Silver said. Alex and I looked at each other. Well?, I asked, blocking the other two from the mental link. I don't know. Rebecca can be sort of a wild card., Alex said. I nodded. So the answer is..., I said. Yes., Alex said. "Fine." We said out loud. Silver grinned. Then we saw the two girls returning. Though Rebecca looked out of it, like she doesn't know what's happening. "Erica, what's happening with her?" I asked her. Erica grinned and said "My victory!"

Erica sat beside us and we looked at the field. Silver and Rebecca got into fighting stances. Rebecca looked a bit back to normal. "Begin!" Silver shouted. Rebecca ran at Silver and started throwing kicks and punches. Silver was blocking each one. That was until Rebecca sweeped her legs under him and made him fall. "Go Rebecca!" I shouted. "Come on Silver!" Erica shouted. "Not for your best friend?" Alex asked. Erica shook her head no. Silver jumped back up and threw a punch at Rebecca. She dodged and tried to counter but missed. Silver kicked her gut and sent her flying.

She landed on the ground and got back up. She ran right at him and tackled him. They fell to the ground and Rebecca got back up. That was until Silver got up without a scratch and punched her gut. She fell to her knees and said "I give up..." Alex and I groaned and Erica yelled "YES!" Silver chuckled and smirked at us. "We know..." Alex and I said. We got up and walked to our chrushes. Alex walked to a jumping Erica, while I walked to Becca. "Hey Erica." I heard. "Yes?" she replied. It was quiet for a few seconds. I looked behind me and saw Alex kissing Erica. Erica was blushing. I chuckled and I turned my attention back to Rebecca.

"You okay?" I asked, kneeling down beside her. "I lost. I was so close." she said. Rebecca looked at me and we said at the same time "I have to tell you something." We both blushed and I said "Ladies first." She smiled and said "I love you. Ever since I first met you." My eyes widened. I leaned in and gave her a passionate kiss. She kissed back immediately. We pulled away and Rebecca said "That was my first kiss." I smiled at her and asked "Will you go out with me?" She nodded and I helped her up. We turned our attention back to our friends and saw a shocked Erica and Alex walking away. I looked at Silver and asked "What happened?" Silver looked at me and said "She didn't respond to Alex kissing her. Alex grew depressed and is walking off."

"Erica, you idiot!" Becca yelled. She stormed over to Erica and started whispering to her.

Rebecca's P.O.V

"What are you doing!?" I whispered. Erica looked at me. "He is your crush and you just let him walk off!? He kissed you! Not the other way around. He's depressed now! He thinks you don't love him and he just ruined your friendship with him." I whispered. Erica then shook her head and said "He's what?" "Go!" I yelled, pointing at the retreating figure of Alex. She nodded and chased after him. I went back to my boyfriend and said "There. That should do it." "What did you do?" Chris asked. "Told her to chase after her chrush and tell him your feelings." I said with a shrug. "She what!?" Silver said.

I nodded. "For as long as I remember, she said that she was in love with him from when they first met." I said. Chris laughed. "He was the same way!" he said. Silver jist shook his head and said "Those idiots." "Ya." I agreed. I looked at Chris, who looked at me. "We're going for a walk. See you tomorrow." Chris said. Silver nodded and we walked off. Chris held my hand and we walked to my apartment. Once we got there, he kissed my cheek and said "See you tomorrow." I nodded and went inside. I leaned back against my door and said "Finally."

Christopher's P.O.V

When I got home, my mom yelled "What took you so long!?" I smiled at her and said "Training." She blinked at me and said "Why are you so happy?" I grinned at her. "I just got the girl I love." I said. My mom smiled and gave me a hug. "That forgives you for being late. You probably-" I interrupted her saying "Walked her home? Yes I did." She smiled and said "Go eat." I nodded and sat down. My dead grandparents walked in with their spirit forms and said "Welcome home!" I smiled and said "Thanks!" I said before digging in to the pasta my mom made.

After finishing, I washed my plate and put it away. "I'll be in my room!" I yelled to my mom, who went into the basement. "Okay!" she replied. I went upstairs. The minute I got in my room, my cell went off. I answered it and said "Hello?" "She said I'll be your girlfriend!" Alex said excitedly. I laughed and said "Same." I could hear the smirk from the other line and he said "Seems like Silver's plan back fired." "Big time." I said. "Tomorrow is gonna be hell for the girls." I frowned and said "We'll protect them." "Ya." he said. Let's see how tomorrow goes.
