Chapter Sixteen: Morius Jamerion


"Anemim, coniecte colla corpim."

Those were the words that rose Jackson Calventus from his grave in a dream I had that night, and they were the words that rose my ancestor from his.

At least his aura, anyway.

Esther, Cameron, and I had teleported to some cave in a mountain. The former Maiden had me facing the wall at the end of a tunnel while Cameron lit up the place with a ball of light in his hand. "Now that you have uttered the chant," Esther briefed, "I shall call upon my mother to ask for her blessing."

I gestured at the wall in front of me. "Yeah, but are you sure anything is here? All I see is the end of a tunnel. Where's the coffin?"

The Guardian ignored my question and began chanting, "Galia, Recinia Atmisarin, denemeu, tenum Ponsun Elisantum Esther, domiruto afi reviteo auren Moriuserin ava sullum matirevu caeliur."

After she said this, absolutely nothing happened, so I gave her a look of confusion.

"Play the song with the lyre," she instructed.

Taking out the instrument, I frowned. "Wait, I can't play this thing. I've never played an instrument in my life."

"Do not worry. It will come naturally to you."

"How do you know?"

"Just trust me."

I heaved a sigh, "Whatever you say...." Then, recalling the song, "Lament of the Wind," I held the strings of the lyre with my fingers and began to play. Just as Esther had predicted, producing all the notes felt natural.

Once I was finished, a strong gust of wind blew through the cave and passed right into my body. Then, right out of my body appeared the ghostly silhouette of a boy who looked almost exactly like me. The only differences were his hair was shorter, his arms were more toned, he was a couple inches taller, and looked about two or three years older. In addition, he wore what looked like an older version of the Brotherhood uniform.

My ancestor stood in front of me with a stupid grin on his face. "What is uuuuup, bro?" he inquired, holding up his hand for a high-five. "This is your generation's manner of greeting, correct?"

I glared at Esther. "Is this guy really going to be sticking with me for the next few years? Because if so, I demand a weekly salary."

"What's the matter?" Cameron teased. He's like your twin or something. You should get along just fine."

I looked back at Morius Jamerion, who was still grinning with his hand raised. Then, heaving a sigh, I gave him a high-five. Surprisingly, my hand did not pass through his. Rather, the sheer awesomeness of our physical gesture produced an echo so loud that it shook the cave itself.

I flashed my ancestor a smile. "What's up, bro?"

Morius' grin spread even further. "I shall literally have your back when you need me!" And so, with that, he stored himself in my bow.

My two friends looked at each other and let out a groan simultaneously.

"What is it?" I asked.

Cameron sighed with despair, "I just realized... now I have to deal with two of you."

Meanwhile, Esther concurred, "I love you as you are, Humm, but in excess..."

I rolled my eyes at her. "Oh, please. Wait until your merator wakes Tario Setali."

Cameron laughed menacingly.

"I often wonder how the world will be able to handle their combined egos," Esther mumbled, staring at him with concern.

"All right," Cameron pronounced. "gather 'round! We are getting out of here!"

Glancing at the bow over my shoulder, I sighed with relief.



Anemim, coniecte colla corpim.
[Lustrian] Soul, bind with the body. 

Galia, Recinia Atmisarin, denemeu, tenum Ponsun Elisantum Esther, domiruto afi ruveteo auren Moriuserin ava sullum matirevu caeliur.
[Galian] Galia, Queen of the Sky, give me, your Chosen Guardian Esther, the power to restore the aura of Morius with this sacred object.

Jamerion (Jame+Erion)
[Galian] James' Son; Jameson
