1.) New Friends

I admit I'm rich, but I don't care about the money. And I never had any friends, never bother to ask one or need one. My parents, their a workaholic. Never bother to be there for their only daughter. I am Jessica Wayward, a soc. Never asked to be one. I looked out the window to only see my reflection, my long wavy straight black hair and my dark chocolate brown eyes with a perfect jaw line and pretty big eyes with long lashes and a pink stained lips. Mostly girls would put on make up but for me, I never did. And last time my mom put make up on me, the guys wouldn't leave me alone more than any day I could've have. Sighing, I took a sip on my milkshake and suddenly felt a presence next to me. I turned to look for who it was and believed it or not, it's Dallas Winston.
"You don't mind if we sit here? All the seats are taken," Ponyboy asked politely before Dallas start causing troubles. I nod, I didn't mind. I didn't care much, all I just know that they wanted a seat.
"Hey sugar tea, why are you so quiet? Can't speak?" Dallas said putting an arm around me and getting close to my personal space. I was irritated but I just ignored him. He seems to noticed that and smirk.
"So you can't speak at all huh, guess I can always do this." He said leaning forward however, my hand covered his lips. He seems surprised by my sudden action. It look like he was expecting a slap or a kiss back, guess he was wrong.
"Would you please stop harassing me, it's annoying." I spoke. I removed my hand from his mouth and took another sip of my milkshake. He smirked. Ponyboy and Johnny looked shocked as if it was their first time seeing a girl stopping Dallas.
"So you do talked, I like you. What's ya name?" He asked me. He's still grinning like a mad man and his other two buddies smiled. I ain't telling names to people who don't introduced themselves first.
"Why not you tell me yours first?" I asked in a smart-ass tone. He chuckled and tell me anyway.
"The names Dallas, 16 year old and wanna date you." He said flirting with me. I looked at his friends and they were nervous. Was it because he asked me out, out of the blue?
"I believe there is an age difference and what about you two?" I asked the other two. Dallas frowned which made me chuckle a bit because I did outsmart him with numbers.
"I'm Ponyboy and this is my buddy Johnny," Ponyboy introduced themselves. I put on a smile and put my hand out.
"Nice to meet you, I'm Jessica." I said and they shook it. Even to Dallas. He was surprised since he thought I hated him or something.
"I know, your kinda famous around here." Ponyboy said. I was confused at first then I forgot that my parents are famous.
"Oh, I guess I don't have to tell you much about me." I told them.
"Oh no, we didn't mean that. Just that, your a soc and we're a greasers." Johnny spoke for the first time. Again with socs and greasers, we're all the same, no big difference.
"So, doesn't mean we can still talk to each other. Besides, I don't believe in that craps, we're all the same human being just as you and me. Our society maybe different but we aren't different." I told them. They look shocked at those words coming from a socs mouth.
"Wanna take a walk with me?" I asked.
"Sure," they all said. We all stood up and left the restaurant. We went out on the street walking together. It was silent, mostly I would've thought they were gonna make a lot of noise but it still seems they are still shocked.
"Tell me, why are ya'll shock?" I asked curiously. They didn't seem bad, they were fun to talk to. At least I'll have a little company before I go home.
"Just that, never a soc had said any of that. And you even stop Dallas from making out with you." Johnny said. I was smile knowing they thought different of me.
"Ya know, sure I'm a soc but doesn't mean I'm the same as them. Besides, I never lik'em anyway. You and your friends are fun to hang out with, your a greaser and I'm a soc, let's be friend." I said. They smile. Looks like they already taken a liking to me. Hope they don't mind if I interact with their lives.
"Why don't you hang out with us sometimes?" Dallas asked and I nod.
"You know, being rich isn't fun if you tell me. No freedom no life. Parents always gone to work almost everyday and never come back, hating their own child because they born a girl instead of a boy. Tch, how disgraceful those two are if you tell me. They should appreciate what they have, they don't need selfish desires." I said telling them all about me. Dallas and Johnny seems to agreed with me and Ponyboy just give me that pity look. It's alright, even though I hate someone pitying me, it's okay coming from a company I enjoyed.
"Are you the only child?" Ponyboy asked. I nodded, I hate being lonely and would like some company like Ponyboy, Johnny and Dallas. Mostly, I wish I had an older brother. Maybe like Dallas and a bit kind like Ponyboy and Johnny.
"Oh, we thought you'd be a doll princess some kind or sort but you don't seem that way." Johnny said.
"Thanks, but I ain't no princess. You could say I'm merely one hell of a girl your kind." I told them off, we walked straight through an alley where a bunch of socs are. I didn't really care for a big much of them, if I want to walk somewhere, I do it my way.
"What are ya greasers doing here? Look'in for a fight? And this soc is ours!" A guy said aiming a punch at Dallas. I stopped him, and he looked hell as mad. I let go of his fist and he stare at me angrily.
"Is that anyway to treat my guest? They are with me and their cool, there here to introduce me themselves. Ain't that right guys?" I asked mostly lying. They rose a brow but nodded and follow my lead. The socs were mad but didn't want me mad. I can be one hell of a Satan if I wanted to. As soon as we're far away from the socs, they all look at me dumbfounded.
"Ya welcome geez, after all those troubsome moment. If you thought it was a trap, it ain't no trap. Your lucky to have me other wise ya'll get hurt." I said sighing.
"Why did ya helped us?" Ponyboy asked curiously. Why did I helped them? Was it because I'm getting close to them? That can't be right?
"I'm not just a doll with a cold heart ya know," I said. They smile and came near me than before. Dallas just look at the ground be quiet and all. Wonder what's wrong with him?
"Why so quiet all of a sudden now?" I asked raising a brow. He finally look at me in the eye with a glare.
"I could've taken care of the punch, after all we are a greasers and their the socs." He said. I stopped walking and came near him. Almost close enough to his personal space.
"I only stopped it because I care about you guys. I was just making an excuses because I didn't want to be close to you. Beside, you'll just end up like the rest of'em anyway." I told him glaring him back.
"Your lucky that I care because if you were with a socs they wouldn't care. Even though I just met you, I'd still care for you even if you don't care for me." I said. He looked shocked and surprised, nevertheless happy. Somewhere in his eyes told me he's happy that someone care about him but would never admit it.
"Thank you for the time, I'll be going now. I'll see you guys tomorrow." I said taking my leave, even though I know there won't be a tomorrow cuz they'll end up leaving me too.
