"Work dont stop for no-one,"

It was the week after the boys had tried to explain to me what happened with the boy 'Gally'. But to be honest, I didn't want them to finish their description. My mind couldn't help going to the creature I saw in my nightmare.

I wasn't able to convince Newt to let me sleep in my hammock, imbetween Thomas's and Minho's, so I was forced to sleep in his room. He said that he was still superstitious about what happened at the bonfire.

Today was the first day of my job rotation. I would spend a day in each job, and then the keepers would decide between themselves what job I would get. People had already started speculating. I would end up getting to try out for a runner from my little show after I saw the boy.

The two jobs that they said I couldn't try out for the while were med-Jack's, the place I was all too familiar with. I guess it would be because of the boy that was there, what's his name. 'Gally'. But, I didn't mind it. That boy had already creeped me out enough.

They also said I would have to wait a while to do building because 'Gally' was the Keeper.

'Already two jobs off the table, yay.' I thought, waking up from my slumber. Yawning, I sat up and opened my eyes only to see a newt lying against the door.

"Morning," he said as casually as a guy that was just standing there whilst you were sleeping could be.

"Mornin gecko." I replied. He had his little nickname for me, so I wanted one for him. Newts and geckos are basically the same thing anyway.

"The names newt. Greenie."

"Oh really, didn't know," the sarcasm oozed out of my words. "What happened to love,"

I put my hand to my chest, looking up at him, acting hurt.

"You're lucky I don't just call you Clumsy,"

"Well, you're lucky I don't just call you Lizard," obvious pride in my comeback.

Newt did a long sigh. "Fine, you win," mumbling. "This time."

"Oh no, geko, you're never winning versus me."

"Oh really." He acted surprised and then rolled his eyes.

"Yea, roll your eyes." I laughed."You might find a brain back there."

"Get ready. You've got a day in the fields ready for you , Clumsy." He had held the last word for a bit longer and raised his eyebrows, egging on for a reaction.

"Careful," I said, putting my shoes on. "Your inner Minho is showing." With my shoes now on, i went to walk past him straight out the door towards the fields.

Suddenly, he grabbed my arm lightly, "By the way, clutz, you remembered your name yet?"

"i'm not sure,"

"How are you not sure?" he laughed

"Well, i didn't remember it, i think that boy did,"

"Which boy, there are many here?"

"Um, I think his name was Gally, the.. veiny one."

"Well, what did he say?"

"Run (Y/n), i think that's my name, (Y/n)."

"Hmm, (Y/n), it sure is pretty, it suits you." i couldn't help but feel strange like there was something flying around in my stomach. Am i sick?


Newts POV:

I couldn't focus on what i was doing, '(Y/n)' '(Y/n)' it was the only thing going around my head, 'she's pretty, no no no, I mean the names pretty, yea, the name, not her. 'Stop it, brain.'

Whilst we were working, zart had put greenie to pulling weeds. It wasn't easy, and I was glad that I wasn't doing it, but she got on with it, not without complaints, though.

"Ugggghhhhhhh, why does pulling weeds have to be so hard," I heard coming from the whiny girl.

"Hard work is the best work," zart replied.

"Don't you guys ever have brakes or anything."

"Sorry girlie, work don't stop for no-one"

"Don't ever call me girlie." She argued, standing up.

"Then get on with the work." Zart ended their conversation.

Looking over to her, I couldn't help but gawk at her current state. She was drenched in sweat, her hair sticking to her face. She huffed.

With my attention being somewhere else. My scissors missed the tomato.

"Ack," I cut my finger. It wasn't that much of a worry since I always kept bandaids in my pockets for things like this.

I immediately looked over to zart. he was looking right at me, shook his head, and got back to cutting tomatoes.

'Newt, you have a job to do, stop gawking.' I thought to myself, taking one last look towards the greenie.

By the halfway mark, she'd already finished plucking weeds and getting fertiliser.

"Well, I don't know what to say greenie, you've finished all the tasks for today in half the time." Zart spoke.

"What about the tomatoes?" She asked.

"I guess you could help -"

"Nope, we don't need help. You can go. you're finished for today." I interrupted. Zart gave me an annoyed look for interrupting him.

"Are you sure, I'm totally fine with helpi -"

Before zart could even say anything, I blurted out "NO" before coughing and re-adjusting my voice. "Ehem, no, we don't need help. Just go for an early lunch."

I offered a friendly smile, which she responded with a confused gaze.

"Okay then." She finally said before walking away.

I watched as she walked away before I heard an irritated cough beside me. I knew exactly who It was.

I turned to him, giving my best 'innocent, sorry' face.

"I thought Keeper was my job." I could hear the obvious annoyance in his tone.

"It is!" I quickly responded.

"The greenie could've helped with the tomatoes." I could tell he was still annoyed."Why'd you send her away,"

"You've seen her she's so Clumsy she'd probably cut off her finger." It wasn't the whole truth. I felt like my heart would just give up and explode if she came any closer. It was already beating like crazy.

"Oh, you mean like you did when you were looking at her, oogling."

My face went bright red. He'd seen that. I had no idea how to respond, but I didn't have to. When I opened my mouth, he immediately shut me up.

"Save your excuses,"

(Y/n)'s POV:

I met up with Minho and Thomas, who'd just come back early from their run. I loved hearing Thomas's story's from their night in the maze. With Minho piping in every once and a while as to not let Thomas get too wrapped up in his ego.

"Found anything?" And I waited for the usual response of 'Nah but we'll find something next time' from Thomas. But it didn't come. I wasn't ready for what did.


"What! What was it? Was it big? Can I see it? Can it help us get out of here?" I was throwing so many questions.

Both of them burst out laughing. I knew exactly what they had done.

"Just joking Bahahaha, you should've seen your face." Minho wheezed in-between the laughs.

"I swear I'm gonna kill you someday," I shouted.

"We won't be going into the maze for a while anyway. Everyone's still a bit shaken up after gally got stung in the middle of the day." Thomas added on.

I nodded as the two ran off towards the runners hut.

Only a few people knew about it, and even fewer went in. I had found it by chance whilst looking for a good tree to climb.

It's so strange. You would think a civilisation of teenagers stuck in a giant maze would be exhausting, but actually, there was more free time than anything else.

I wasn't sure what to do, so i went to go find alby to ask him. There must be a way that the gladers stay so happy all the time.

I had checked everywhere but the homestead, so I assumed that's where he would be.

Walking up to the door, i was about to open it when I heard voices from inside. But they weren't just talking about anything they were talking about me.

"The girl is dangerous, I'm telling you. I saw it, give her to the grievers."

"Gally, you're not even fit to walk, yet you come all the way here just to tell me that." I could tell it was alby.

"I saw it, I saw her. She's with the people that put us here."

"She's just as scared as we are," another unfamiliar voice chipped in.

"She doesn't remember anything. Why would they wipe one of their own memories and stick her in a death trap. It just wouldn't make sense." This was zart.

"Because they didn't. They didn't wipe her memory. She's dangerous, I say we put her in the slammer until we decide what to do with her." There was silence before he continued."What! we can't just have her walking around."

"So... what do you suggest we do with her," Alby piped up.

"Slammer for the next week, then we'll decide if she gets banished." Gally responded.

'What!' Whatever banishment is, it doesn't sound good.

"Then that's settled, I guess."

Gally then whispered, "Find her!" I hid around the side of the building so as not to be seen as soon as they walk out.

Before I could even think about what this 'Banishing' was two boys came rushing out of the door, looking around before immediately heading to the fields where I was previously working.

Soon enough, the whole glade was looking for me. Everyone except Thomas, Minho, Chuck, frypan, and Newt, instead of searching for me, they were bombarding gally.

I had no idea what they were saying, but judging from Minho's face, it couldn't be good.

I quietly made my way towards the deadheads. Having a breather, I wondered where to hide. The gladers would cover every inch of the glade by nightfall.

I heard a voice right behind me. "Come out, come out, YOU LITTLE SHANK." it was gally. I could hear his footsteps coming closer, inching away from where he could see me a stick broke under my weight.

I could hear him coming closer to my hiding spot.

"Everybody, to the homestead, we need to initiate groups. We're never gonna find her in the glade with everyone running around like blinking idiots."

Gally let out an annoyed sigh before complying and rushing back to the homestead.

'But what if I didn't hide in the glade,' I wondered, looking at the open entrances of the maze.

Everyone ran with gally toward the homestead. If I was going to do this, I needed to do it now. The trees ended, leaving about a half mile sprint till the doors, but this was my only choice.

Just barely out of the trees, I locked eyes with newt. I gave him a sad smile before gesturing towards the opening. His eyes flashed with panick. I started running.

Newts POV:

How could Gally say that. Y/n is just as scared as the rest of us and he hadn't even answered the questions we asked him before running off, I presume to find the greenie.

It had been a few minutes and we hadn't got anywhere. Alby called everyone to the homestead to sort groups. Maybe then we'd be a little more effective.

I was one of the last people to get to the homestead, but before I went in, I saw a silhouette in the corner of my vision. It was definitely her she scanned around to see if anyone was looking at her, soon finding my gaze.

But before I had time to think or could say anything, she had started running.

I ran after her screaming, "greenie, don't do this. You'll die out there." Everybody quickly ran outside and started chasing her too.

We weren't gonna catch her. When we finally got to the maze doors, she was already gone. I fell to my knees, I should have helped her, I should have protected her. Now she's gone out there...

into the maze. into the unknown.
