Chapter Eight

 "As I rose from my bed, I felt a rumbling in my stomach and the Lord came to me in a still small voice. 'Jonathan, I have given you the gift of communication with the spiritual world. Many people will be saved on your account.' For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against rulers, principalities, the darkness of this world..." 

 As he spoke, he descended the pulpit and knelt before Lydia's sister, Hannah. 

 "...And against the forces of evil in the heavenly realms."

 He cupped her face into his hands and knelt before Lydia's sister. 

 "Hannah, what you have is not split-personality but an unclean spirit sent to enter your body and destroy your soul. Do you wish to be free?" 

 "Yes." she replied, weakly. "Therefore I say unto you, O servant of hell, enemy of all God's children...come out of her." 

 He began to stroke her cheeks, chanting softly but growing in volume and intensity. His hands shook as he pulled something invisible from her face that scratched and clawed at him. He struggled down the aisle, screaming to the top of his lungs, arms flailing erratically, every neck cord tightly strung. 

 "Get out of here ghost! Get out! Get out! GET OUUUUUUTTTTTTTTT!!!!!" He threw the doors open and cried once more "GET OUUUUUUUUUUUTTTTTT!!!!!!"

 The congregation leapt from their seats. "Amen! Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!" 

 Jonathan turned around, gasping for breath, beads of perspiration dripping from his pale face. 

 "Where is she?" he roared. "Where is my new sister in Christ?"

 "She ran out the back door." said Ryan. It was clear from the tone of his voice he was not convinced.

 Jonathan went through the back door to find Hannah. She was huddled in a corner with her sister Lydia, whimpering. 

 "I hope you're pleased with your doings." said Lydia, angrily. "You've no idea how hard it is for me to get her to go anywhere. She may never come out of the house again."

 "Lydia, I assure you, if your sister believes with all her heart, she will be healed." 

 "I'll believe it when I see it." said Lydia.
