Chapter Three

*beep beep* the machines activity had dramatically changed within the last ten minutes.

*4hours earlier*

Everyone had gone back home. Eddie had made sure that Wilmer stayed with them, he tried to protest but they told him he was family and they needed him as much as he needed them. He had slept in Demi’s old bed that night. It smelt so much like like her despite her hardly sleeping there anymore. He found comfort somehow by it and managed to get the best amount of sleep since he found out the other day. 

Around 3.30am Dianna comes walking in, she is rushing around the room panicking, she gently tries to wake Wilmer up. She’s trying to be gently but her fear gets the best of her. She falls besides the bed and cannot stop the tears. 

"Dianna?" Wilmer replies groggily. He immanently sits up when he hears her cries. He gets out of the bed sitting beside her trying to get a word out of her mouth. 

"Its Demi…" She panics further. "She got worse" Wilmer gulps loudly before pulling her head onto his shoulder and allowing her to cry it out, he tried so hard to hold back his own tears but he couldn’t. His girl was going downhill and there was nothing he could do. He was helpless. 

"Right, come on" he helps steady Dianna on her feet, he throws back on his t-shirt and sees everyone with red eyes stood downstairs waiting to leave. "We can do this" he holds onto her hand and they all get into the car. They know the journey so well they could close their eyes and get there comfortably.

They made their way up to the room Demi had been allocated. They stood outside as they saw the staff rushing in and out of the door. They stood back against the wall trying to give as much access they could. John spotted them and took them slightly down the corridor to a smaller room. It was the family room and luckily empty so they could all sit down. John stood at the front of the room and made sure they were all comfortable. 

"Theres no easy way to say this but she has gone downhill over night…a few of my colleagues have suggested taking her off the machines and allowing her body to try fight this.." Everyone went completely into protect mode. 

"Wait as in stop her breathing?" Wilmer asked, he was piecing together in his head john had just said. 

John nodded. “We…I believe she might fight harder without it. She’d still be on basic painkillers but her heart is trying too hard and the coma state is beginning to take affect on her major organs” he tried to explain the best way he could. There was complicated words to explain everything but in these situations the relatives just want to understand it clearly so they can take it in. 

"What the chances" Wilmer carried on. John stopped without a second thought.

"Wilmer, I don’t know. But all I do know is if we stop the machines it may prevent further damage which if she was too wake up would be irreversible…" Wilmer nodded. He understood what he was saying. 

"Wilmer, I’m afraid to say you’re written down as her next of kin so it’s your decision…" John pulled the file out and looked down at the small bundle of papers under her name. 

"Wilmer don’t look shocked. she did it a few weeks ago. She told me" Dallas mentioned quickly at his face changing. "She told me you’d always do whats best for her" she smiled at remembering how much faith her sister always had in others. 

"But she never said…" Wilmer was speechless. He loved her and she was right he’d always do right by her. But that was serious responsibility what if he decided something wrong. He couldn’t have that hanging over him. He was sat In between all of her family and the people she loved the most how would they cope without her. It was too much pressure. He quickly stood up and headed towards her room again. Everyone had now gone and it was just them. 

"Demi baby, tell me what to do" his pleads came out of his mouth so sad. He couldn’t even begin to think about it. He looked at her now. She looked peaceful. She always looked peaceful. 

"Demetria, why would you want me to decide?" He sighed pulling her hand up to his face. He missed her skin against his. He loved when she’d cup his face with her hands before she kissed him. He missed her kisses. 

Wilmer had sat with her for the longest he could, he knew what he had to do. He had to think of her. He went back into the room, it was like he never went everyone was still sat in the same position. 

"Where did you go?" Eddie questions him. 

"I went and sat with Demi" he says without even second guessing. 

"John…take the machine away…" Wilmer instantly regretted saying it. He closed his eyes tightly to stop himself seeing everyone’s else reactions. When he finally opened his eyes they were around him supporting him. "I would have done the same son" Eddie tells him. 
