Chapter 8

"Your dimples! You have dimples!" She giggled uncontrollably. "You're so adorable Moa-chan."
Before I was temped to find the nearest cliff to jump off, I forced a laugh before telling her I had to leave. She hugged me goodbye and I left, leaving her with a smile. Before, of course, I got about 10ft from the room and instantly buried my head in my hands. Why didn't I just tell her? Now I have days before I get another opportunity.
The days went by surprisingly fast; Most of my time was taken up with homework and messages between Yui, Su and I. But I was still excited to see Yui and her silly brain.
This one time, I was laying awake thinking about nothing in particular, when Yui messaged me.
Yui: I can't sleep...
Me: Me either...
Yui: I miss you, Moa-chan.
Me: I miss you too, Yui-chan. But I'll be with you soon, I promise.
Yui: Please hurry.
Me: I'll do my best, just for you. Now try to sleep?
Yui: I'll try. Goodnight, Moa-chan.
Me: Goodnight, Yui-chan.

I put my phone down and closed my eyes, feeling warm at the fact that Yui was missing me. I wondered if she thought about me often, if she wanted to be next to me. My phone buzzed again. I tried to ignore it, but I wanted to read it so bad. I picked my phone up and read the message.
Yui: I love you.
This made my stomach do flips. It could mean so many things. Yui loves me? After calming myself, I replied.
Me: I love you too. A lot.
Yui: How much?
Me: More than anyone.
Yui: Can you come to my house right now and say that?
Me: Ha. I wish I could. And anyway, I'd be to busy burying myself in your arms.
Yui: That's all I want. I want to be with you and relive all the memories I've forgotten.
Me: We'll do that. 3 days.
Yui: 3 days.
Me: 3 days.
Yui: Goodnight, Moa Kikuchi.
Me: Goodnight, Yui Mizuno.


And so the day came. My father waved goodbye and drove down the road, leaving me at Yui's doorstep. I took a step forward and rang the doorbell, slipping my backpack off before the door opened and all I could feel was the warmth of Yui's body against mine. Never have I cherished a hug so much before. She smelled so good. Her wavy hair was in my face and I loved every moment of it. Her heartbeat was singing a rhythm throughout my body. Her warm breath travelled down my neck. We parted and I held her face in my hands. Her left eye was still completely closed but the other had never looked so happy to see me.
"I've missed you." She sighed, happily. I hugged her again in response.
Yui almost had to drag me inside. "My family will be back soon." She said.
"But I wanted to burst in right now and say hello..."
"I don't think I missed your humour." I giggled.
Yui flopped onto the sofa and I joined her so that we were both laying together. "The girls from SG are thinking about you all the time." I whispered. "If only I couldy remember the dances." She copied my whispering tone. I took her hand and played with her fingers. "We all miss you. But I think I miss you the most." I said as I held her cold hand to my warm face.
"There's always one, isn't there?" Yui moved her hand, tucking hair behind my ear.
"Yeah, you're always the one."
"In what way?" I continued questioning her.
"You're the one who's missing me. You're the one who's saying silly things. You're the one who does bad anime impressions. You're the one who-" I cut her off by placing my hand over her mouth. She tried to fight me off until she pushed me off the sofa, landing me on the wooden floor. "And you're definitely the one who's falling." She giggled.
"Literally." I groaned as she stood and picked me up.
I heard the front door open and in came Yui's family. I greeted them all as they walked past. "Why don't you two get out of the house for a while. We have a lot of jobs to do and I don't think you'd appreciate us rushing about the place." Yui's mother suggested. We both agreed and went outside.
It was beautiful here, it was sakura season so it was impossible to escape the pink petals. Yui's hand was in mine, I noticed she limped a little but it didn't bother us.
"Moa-chan?" Yui asked.
"Yes, Yui-chan?"
"Why do I feel different around you than anyone else? Do you feel it too?"
I thought about my answer. "I feel it too. It's because we're closer than most friends I suppose." I said, trying my hardest to give her subtle hints. Although I doubted she would pick up on it.
We stopped at the park. It was so beautiful. The sakura trees hung over the pathways and green grass. The sky was blue and the place was lit up with colour. "It's so pretty." Yui sighed happily.
We both sat at one of the benches, admiring the beauty around us. I took deep breaths and surprised myself by crying. Never had I cried in such an unexpected situation before. Yui saw and shuffled closer to me. She looked though my eyes and into my heart, wiping away the tears from my eyes along with every bad feeling in the world. She glued every broken piece together and made me feel loved. The last sight I saw were the tears buried within her eyes before I felt her lips. They were the same lips i felt at the beginning. They were so soft and danced with mine. With my hands around her waist, I felt her shaking and her lips tremble ever so slightly. I closed my eyes tight as we pulled away. She leaned forward and whispered into my ear. "Tick tock."

