Chapter 4

After I graduated high school I never saw Taehyung again. I looked for him but it's hard to find someone who doesn't want to see you and besides we moved to our new house two years ago so it's really hard for me to find him. I think Its good for the both of not to see each other again.

I'm working at a cafe near to my university. I need to work to support myself, since my father don't support me financially he keep saying that Im useless and trash and it's enough that Im living in his house. Sometimes, I want to talk back and argue with them. I need to work hard and find many sidelines as much as possible. I cant even have a rest nor sleep for a whole week because of my busy schedules.

I wanted to leave that place so that I dont need to give them my money but what if my brother came back looking for me? I dont have any pictures of him anymore since my father burned them all saying that hes dead and I shouldnt be waiting for him. Good thing that I manage to save the necklace that he gave but the picture inside it was burned I cant nearly see our face anymore but I didnt throw it away. I still have it and I bring it with me all the time. It serves a lucky charm for me and a motivation whenever Im tired.

I'm studying Law right now. I don't know why I choose this course but maybe because no one is there to protect me anymore so I need to protect myself and other people. Also, I remember my brother who wanted to take this course but since we dont have money and I need money too so I can continue my studies he decided to work first. He keep telling me that my brother will be a honorable Lawyer someday so I should be proud of him and he jokingly said that I should brag how skillful and intelligent he is.

"Have you heard the news? Were going to have new transferee students here."

Yes, I saw one of them at the gate early this morning! And hes so handsome. Hes definitely my ideal guy!

Really?! I want to see him too! Im excited to see the other guys too!

I cant help but to eavesdrop a little to their conversation. I guess there will be a new popular guys this year.

I saw a lot of students blocking the hallway. I think the transferee students that theyre talking about arrived. I saw some handsome unfamiliar faces. Is that the new students?

Well they look nice but waitisn't that... It's Kim Taehyung right? I can't be mistaken I know my best friend very well I mean ex-best friend. I saw Trisha clinging into Taehyung's arm. Wow. They're still together. I hope all relationship last that long anyways lets just ignore them for now I dont have time to reminisce my painful past.

I'm on my first class today. I sat on the back of the class since no one notice my existence as always. And thats all good it is okay for me to be ignored I dont want to trust anyone anymore.

"Okay, class you may take your seat." Mrs. Kang said

"So we have a new student here. He is also studying Law." An unfamiliar boy enter the classroom.

"Hello! I'm Kim Namjoon. I hope we all can get a long." the Namjoon one said smiling revealing his dimples. He's cute.

"Since almost of the seats are taken, you may seat on the back, Ms. Cho-Hee please raise your hand so Mr. Namjoon can seat next to you." I widened my eyes in disbelief. My goodness! I want to have a peaceful life! I can see most of the girls are glaring at me.

Goodbye my peaceful life, I will certainly miss you.

"Hello nice to meet you." He greeted me first with a bright smile on his face. Wait is he talking to me? For the first time after all this year someone is talking to me? No one bother greet or even talk to me even just a second because they always say Im a nerd and a freak, lastly their ultimate favorite insult: a useless trash.

"A-are you talking to me?"

"Of course, Im talking to you. Who else could it be right?" he giggled, I can see the dimples that pops-up in his cheeks whenever he smile. Hes indeed cute but manly.

"That's quite odd for me. Im nobody here.

"Well Ms. Nobody, you better get used to me because Ill be your seatmate here. And I bet we will see each other often.

"Thanks." I said shortly and smile at him and we both listen to our professor as she discuss the things that we need etc.

After many hours of studying, it's our lunch break at last. Now Im on my way to the cafeteria since Im quite hungry I didnt eat yesterday because of my busy schedule. I was taken aback when someone gently tapped my shoulder and I was surprised to see Namjoon with his two friends I think?

"Cho-Hee can we eat lunch together besides we don't know where is the cafeteria so maybe you can help us. Jin-hyung is so hungry he keep nagging at me." he said while catching his breath. Did they ran all the way here?

"Yeah, sure. By the way Im Cho-Hee. I smiled at them.

"Oh! Hello! Im Jung Hoseok. Im your hope, Im your angel Im J-hope." I like this guy, he has many energy stored in his body.

"Youre pretty when you smile like that. Im Kim Seokjin, you can call me Jin. Im the one who keep nagging at Namjoon. Do you know where the cafeteria is?" I blushed secretly at his compliment.

"Sorry about them. I know were ruining your peaceful time but please help me. Namjoon pleaded.

"It's okay let's go to the cafeteria. Jin-oppa must be hungry."

We chatted while walking to the cafeteria. The three of them are quite talkative and Im not used to talk or be a part of a group conversation.

"You mean you're studying Law too? You must be smart and genius like our Namjoon too."

Im just an average student. Im just trying my best to survive and achieve my goals. I answered Jin in a low voice. J-hope stared at me and I gazed him too.

"For me, youre not an average person. As soon I saw you earlier I know that you have a strong personality. Dont doubt yourself."

"Yes J-hope-hyung is right." Namjoon smiled at me. I dont know but my heart feels warm because of them. My day is quite good after all. Im thankful that I had this golden opportunity to have a conversation with them.

"Is it true that people are ignoring you here? How could they ignore a smart and beautiful lady like you?"

Stop it Jin-hyung, youre making Cho-Hee uncomfortable. I awkwardly smile at them. At least they are aware that Im getting uncomfortable.

"So you don't have any friend since way back then?" J-hope asked out of nowhere. How could I answer that? I mean I considered him as a friend before right?

"No, I had one he was my best friend for about ten years. He always taking care of me especially when my father and my step mother beat me or should I say torture me every single da-" I covered my mouth. D-did I just told them my life story and how Im being miserable?

F=forget about-

"I feel bad about you. I can't even imagine a girl being tortured by her parents every day." I cant say anything when Namjoon interrupts me.

"So what happen to this best friend of yours?" I shrugged.

"I dont know, I dont have any news about him. He ended our friendship because of a single misunderstanding."

"Why would he end a ten years of friendship with that reason? Is he dumb?" I bitterly laughed at Namjoon

"Yes. I guess he is dumb after all. J-hope looked at me, I saw how his expression soften as he noticed that Im staring at him too.

"Don't worry Cho-Hee, its his lost not yours so cheer up. I like it when you smile it makes my heart warm." I smiled at him. Hes indeed a angel.

"Hey were here! Look this way! Jin waved his hands. I turned around to see two figures approaching our way.

One of them was my ex-best friend. Kim Taehyung
