Part 2

I decided that night that I would ask him for his number. 

(The next day) 

My heart was beating so fast, I could barely stand it. I found him in the hallway and said, "Hey. Can I, um. . . gave your number," I asked shakily. He smiled and said, "Yeah, sure." I went through the rest of the day with a big smile on my face. 

When I got home that day, I grabbed my phone and went to messages. I clicked his name. I couldn't think of anything to say, so I just sent, "Hey McCade. It's presley." He instantly texted back. "Oh Hey!" 

M- How is your day?

P- Pretty okay I guess.

M- What's wrong?

P- My parents are fighting and they are being so loud. But at least I'm the only kid here. 

M- Want me to distract you?

P- Omg yes please

Suddenly, my phone rang. His name was on the screen. I answered and said, "Hey, I didn't expect you to call me." "Would you like me to hang up?" he said unsure. "Oh, no. You're fine. I mean. . . ugh. I'm just gonna stop talking." I heard him laugh that hearty laugh on the other end. "It's ok. you're fine too." The butterflies in my stomach were fluttering. "Um, McCade?"

"Yes?" he said. "Why do you keep giving me looks and smiling at me and winking and stuff?" I said trying to stay calm. There was a pause. "Oh, I'm sorry. Was that the wrong question?" "No, but I just don't know how to answer without embarrassing myself." I smiled. "It's ok. Just tell me," I assured. "Ok. Because you're beautiful, smart, funny, and you can sing." My face went red. "Well, thank you.  You're not too bad yourself. Omg. That was so cringy. I'm sorry."  He laughed. "It's ok. I think it's cute when you're cringy. It's funny." I hesitated for a second. "Well, um... so you maybe wanna, I don't know.... hang out sometime? Like go to the movies or something of the sort?" "Like a date?" "Um... I guess. I'm sorry this is my first time. If not, it's ok." He laughed. "No, Presley. I would love to go out with you. Well, would you, maybe wanna... I don't know... be my girlfriend? I like you a lot, and I know you like me too. I can here it in your voice when we talk at school. I see you blushing all the time from me. So, maybe?" "Yes McCade. I would love to be your girlfriend." 

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