[The Tapes!]

Let's explain it from the beginning of the beginning.

SteamBoat_Willie.mp4: I'm pretty sure everyone's watched this at least once before. However, Let me explain. It was intended as a introduction to the Corruption, visable via the glitches in the video. And I think It's probably the tape that makes the most sense tbh. Easy to understand! And set into motion Lore that I made and was officially deemed canon and now It's a part of my life I can't escape :)

STH2.mp4: This takes place just after the Corruption broke out, and A Corrupted is attempting to convenice the player of the game to let them in, talking about the Moon is beautiful, describing as a Cherry Moon (HOLY SHIT CHERRY REAL-) and promising the person tons of fun. However, This goes south quickly, with the Corruption eventually breaking in, before the video cuts off.

TheOutside.mp4: Fun fact, this is The only TCA tape that was partially filmed IRL meaning that is actually me huffing and puffing and runnin! Anyways, Onto the Plot of this tape. Its fairly barebones. The story is of a guy being chased by Corrupteds, falling in a puddle, and getting caught. Yeah, that's about it..

Timeloop.mp4: This showcases C.AU BF being taken by a mysterious unnamed character to what it calls "Safety" from the Loop. It gives a explanation on the Loop, and is the first time its canonically mentioned in the Tapes, And although this Explanation is no longer correct, it's similar enough that it still somewhat works. the character explains that when Substance-C (The Corruption) first broke out, it was like any world ending virus, however the Gods decided to do something, They turned the Loop into a infinite Loop, with different variations of Characters and Corrupteds, maybe one Loop, there's a corrupted Sonic, the next Loop, there may not be one. It also changed story-wise each Loop, So maybe Xenophanes is killing one Loop, and the next idk, goofy the goober from taco bell has somehow became the next version of Jesus or sum shit, before explaining that many Main Characters came before C.au BF did, like Neo GF, Amy, Blueberri, Cyan, Citrus, etc. but most noteably MMM GF (canon events), after sum mumbo jumbo about MMM GF's backstory and Boni, He explains he only stays in  the place to avoid being caught in the Loop and having their memory erased. And then their inturrepting by the Gods attempting to break down the door and bust their kneecaps, and the character tells Cherry to go fuck herself lmao- before getting deleted, must've pissed cherry off lol.

Confrontion.mp4: the unnamed character wakes up somewhere, potentially the Character Void, aka the Flipside (tca guide gonna reveal some stuff later.) anyways, We meet fuckin MMM GF, aka Monolith (holy shit no way) anyways, its revealed that MMM GF has gained crystals all over her body, and Monolith explains a bit of backstory, before the unnamed character comments on how her left eye has a crystal lodged inside it, alongside her being covered in them, godzilla style and shit. ok, uhh anyways. It's revealed that MMM wants to go back into the Loop, however is denied entry by the server's security on the Character Void. after some pretty much reconned lore, she says she wants to destroy the Loop, and she apparantly asked the character to do something for her. after the Character says TCA is dead, MMM says no it isn', and proceeds to steal that character's kidney- I mean energy, so she can get back into TCA.

The_Message.mp4: Notably, this is the only TCA Tape to be made by a different person, Cherry was the one that made this! as for the lore, Monolith explains that she found a way into TCA, and says it wasn't necessary to sap unnamed Characters energy, but she had to. She says she can finally put the Loop to an end. (bah, like thats ever gonna happen-)  plus, she doesn't know if it'll work in the first place. She then says she needs to find a way into TCA, before saying she needs to keep the recording hidden away, so THEY (the Gods) don't find out about her dastardly plan. btw if anyone watching the discord stream, the reason i pause is to either check discord or watch one of the tapes to refresh my memory. nobody speakin in chat are yall even watching?? ok lmao anyways now where were we- oh yea

[TextBoxes]: The first tape to made with funni undertale text boxes, The unnamed character starts asking Monolith to come back, and gets jumpscared by Monolith who's making a "creepy face" who replies and says the Character got their energy back, which allows her to borrow more of it. she takes the other kidney- I mean, erm, she takes it, and says sometimes she feels like a God (XENOPHANES REAL-) feeling like she is unstoppable, and calls the unnamed character pathetic, before she says she understands that TCA technically doesn't need fixing, but she still wants to go through with her plans, before Report #3 shows up, revealing Monolith being potentially immune to Corruption, which is mostly ignored nowadays ngl-

The_Legend.mp4: God, this one is one of my favorites. Where to begin. It starts by explaining the acient legend passed down, A Story of Corruption, Of Time, And Space. It states that one day, a terrible Virus will ravange and spread throughout the Land. And in order for the Timeline to remain stable without fractures, the World was cast into an infinte Timeloop of events, a;; playing out differently. However, One Loop, Monolith realised this, and was driven to stop the Loop from continuing. She discovered a Crystal that allowed her to pass through different universes (fingers hurting from all this writing) and although her goal is to break the Loop, will the Timeline even remain stable? The stories of old predict an event in which the World becomes unstable, with the world splitting, being deleted, with the Gods abandoning the World. However not all is lost, The Funtain of Stories can restablize the world, should such an event ever play out. However, Five Souls must come together to find it. (yeah this is never brought up lmao-) "A Cat, A Hedgehog, A Cube, A Monolith Being, and A Moon."  it states that only these five can fix it, and banish The World's Clockwork, and it then ends quite abruptly. Still pretty relevant, and If you disagree, then shut. You ain't the writer, I am.

PlaneCrazy.mp4: I personally don't like this one, and believe it should kinda just stay irrelevant. But I'll tell about it anyways. It basically repeats that Monolith and Cyan are making a huge mistake, and although it says Timeline Related stuff, its kinda just boring. Not reconned, just boring. Welp. Anyways-

DEFEAT..?: It starts out as a seemingly normal Defeat FNF video, with a weird trippy filter attached to it, but It explains that Monolith may make a push to try and collect Boni from the Loop, not only cause she likes him, but also he's part of the Legend, and either Cyan or Her will make the push. It says Monolith is powerful, and almost too powerful for her own safety. If somebody took the crystals out of her body, she would no longer be at risk, nor a threat to the Loop. (also chat are we cookin-) before, Monolith interrupts, telling the viewer to bring Boni to her instead. It says that if they can convince the Gods to step, the world might survive. survive what? we'll find out in a bit, hopefully. It wonders why Cherry hasn't stepped in, after all the Loop is already in bad enough condition. After that a few glitches occur, before Monolith speaks, telling the viewer once to bring Boni, before Cyan speaks, and Monolith tells Cyan to shut up-

AlternateUniverseEnd.mp4: The Only Tape to take place in an alternate Timeline, where the Loop was fully broken, and the Timeline went completely unstable. Due to this a substance far more deadly and universe breaking then the Corruption appeared, It apparently spread quickly killing plant life, and killing Cyan and Citrus (NOO THE COCO PUFFS MASCOT-), who turned into statues, turning dark as the sky, and having glowing red eyes. Monolith wrote that she is hiding in the Graveyard with Boni. The Dark Substance, (which I am going to Lore Drop the official name for now) aka, DarkGon, took hold of the City, turning any survivors into statues. Monolith laminates that she's lost pretty much everything except for Boni, if he dies, Monolith pretty dies with him, mentally at least. Monolith was later almost shadowed, but Boni woke her up, and they broke a window so Monolith and Boni could escape. About 60% of the World was Shadowed, and the Clouds blocked out the Sun. Monolith has been flying with Boni in arms, not wanting to die. she laminates the Loop kept DarkGon at bay, and calls herself stupid for it. They make to the Last Survivors base, and later Monolith sees the Shadows approaching the base, and attempts to put on a brave face for Boni, so he doesn't see her panic. She hopes its quick and painless. Eventually, Boni gets shadowed while he was asleep, at least he didn't suffer. and worse, Monolith is somehow Immune to DarkGon, so she is stuck. and due to being immortal, she's stuck forever. Eventually, she starts to decay, as she's barely moved much, her flesh slowly being withered away via Time, as its the only thing left. Her right arm fell off, and slowly, her organs formed into a crystal. Here's a Plot Twist. The Crystals on the Monolith we know, they originally came from this version of Monolith, as when that Monolith decayed away, leaving the Crystal behind, the Monolith we know found that Crystal. And that Other Monolith is still technically alive, her soul embedded into the Crystal, and since then, has been attempting to communicate with our Monolith. How does that work, no fucking idea, fnaf lore ass shit, anyways. The Monolith from the AT (Alternate Timeline) says she still misses Boni, and the OG Monolith plans some grand finale ah shit, and thats the end.

GlitchForm_LoopQueen.trigger=True.: what a fuckin title- anyways lore: Xeno had told Monolith and Cyan that there was something special in a cave somewhere, don't ask how he knew about it, cuz I don't either-  Cyan is skeptical, but Monolith is basically like: "what could possibly go wrong-" oh, and Boni is there for some reason. They come across a Glitchy Orb, so what does Monolith decide to do? Touch it duh, and of course, It takes control of Monolith. and Schoolhouse Trouble from Baldi's Basics Classic Remastered starts playing- and the Monolith starts her villian arc- Claiming she'll restore the Loop and become a God or sum shit. ("You became the very thing you swore to destroy!") AFter laughing, Monolith kidnaps Boni in order to learn how Boni managed to teleport via Glitches.

Monolith's Awakening.: It's the actual backstory of Monolith before she became self aware of the Loop's existence, and becoming self aware. It begins with Monolith after accidentally falling into the [Null] Layer of the Character Void, something that is never meant to happen to a character. Monolith claims its dark in there, and wonders how long she's being falling. (Wooo aaa oo story of undertale-) She wonders what she did to deserve this, and honestly I dunno man the fnf lullaby lore isn't helping (its cursed as shit-) she mutters that she might being be going crazy- (crazy? I was crazy once, they locked me in a room-) She realises she's not at "Home" (NO SHIT-) she's in the space between reality and "somewhere else." She questions where she is suddenly getting all this info from, and knows what shes doing now, and she plans to fins her friends, so she'll be free (Like thats ever gonna happen-) She plans on adopting Boni (also never gonna happen-) and then it kinda ends.

OH_GOD-ITS//@LL//£OMING=DOWN.null: Made because of Classic and Gamer being shitheads in the server, it shows TCA basically tweaking out and being deleted, and Monolith basically yells at you for not stopping the Loop by not playing "The Game" and then claims: "Oh my gosh, NO-! IT'S ALL COMING DOWN!" and then the world temporily fucking dies, and it displays that you got "An Ending." You didn't win, nor did you lose. "The World is destroyed, alongside the Loop, after the Gods pulled the Plug.."

HOLY FUCK WE DID IT GAMERS IT FINISHED AFTER LIKE 3 HOURS- If yall put a qoute in the chat now, i'll put in the book below this message

"Welp the friends and chaos did actually get us somewhere" -Fatal_RISING / NJNoob1234

"too bad it had to end so soon." -CherryMoon, probably

"Well, all good things always end." -Virus

"I was here I guess" -dylantdm4_41771, most likely.

"Man I'm dead, and so are my fingers." -Boni, self inserting.

wait lemme do a funni

Hi I'm Baldi, Nice to metcha! FUCK ME IN THE ASS AND CALL ME PATERICA-
